Thursday, November 9, 2023

Fill Your Tree with Hand-Crafted Ornaments from Old World Christmas This Season - Also Makes Great Gifts! (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

Halloween is over which means now you can put up your Christmas tree and start playing holiday music if you so desire. :-)  Yes, I am giving you permission, if you feel you need it.  Heck, my tree is already up, and I am almost done holiday shopping.  Ever since Covid hit, days just seem to whiz by.  I wanted to make sure I was able to get my tree up early in the holidays, so that we could enjoy it a little longer.  

Putting up the Christmas tree is one of my favorite things to do once Fall rolls around and the cold temperatures set in, as there is nothing better than cozying up under a warm blanket on the coach watching holiday movies, with a lit up tree in the background.  Each year that goes by, I make a point to pick up a few new ornaments to gift my girls, each with special meaning to them.  Usually I will pick up a playful ornament to highlight something that they really like food or a cartoon character. And, then I will get them a few more to celebrate how old they are, or that reminds me of a quality of them.  My plan is that when they are both older and move out on their own, they will have a box of ornaments to adorn their first Christmas tree with. And, as they hang each ornament, they will hopefully be reminded of special Christmas memories or times during their childhood that each ornament I have selected for them represents.  

Now that my girls are getting older and almost ready to head to head off to college and start their own lives, they are appreciating the little things like an ornament box I am doing.  When we put up the tree this year, each of my girls sat down with their ornament box and looked at all the different ornaments they have accumulated over the years. They laughed, smiled and enjoyed talking about each, and why they are special.  I loved seeing this and hearing them talk about all these memories of years past -- which to them seemed like a lifetime ago, but to see seem like just the other day.  I have to admit, I did shed a tear as I was reminded that we can't stop time or slow it down.  But, we can enjoy each and every day and enjoy this time while they are still home with us.  

This year I added a few more ornaments to their collections thanks to Old World Christmas.  I have been buying their ornaments ever since I was living on my own after college, and started to collect ornaments.  Then, when my husband and I got married, we bought a bunch of ornaments from Old World Christmas to celebrate our new life together, as well as our first home.  I loved their ornaments them (and still have them), and continue to enjoy buying new annual ornament releases to decorate our family tree with.  One of the ornaments that I just had to get from their 2023 releases was the Norman Rockwell Signature Dog Ornament. I am a huge dog lover, and have always loved Norman Rockwell artwork.  

Buy now from Amazon for only $22.99

Growing up, I would look forward to visiting my Nana's at the holiday as she would have old Saturday Evening Post holiday issues out on the coffee table in the living room. I used to love flipping through the magazines and admiring the Norman Rockwell art on the cover and within the pages.  When I saw the Norman Rockwell Signature Dog Ornament, it brought me back to when I was a kid and enjoying Christmas at my Nana's. Even though she is no longer with us, little things like seeing a Norman Rockwell ornament or piece will remind me of her and the fond memories I have of her.


In addition to the Norman Rockwell Signature Dog Ornament from Old World Christmas, I also picked out the Littlest Pet Shop Roxie Ornament for my oldest, as she has loved Littlest Pet Shop toys and the animated series ever since she was little. 

Buy now from Amazon for only $19.79

I had no idea they had ornaments available for this brand, and had to get the Roxie one for her and surprise her.  Her eyes lit up when I handed her the ornament, and she was quick to find the perfect spot on the tree, front and center to hang her new Littlest Pet Shop Roxie Ornament, so that she could admire from her favorite spot on the couch.

I picked up a couple other ornaments from Old World Christmas, but will hold off on sharing as they will be gifts for the girls and my parents this holiday season. But, I have no doubt they will love then, and will know why I chose each particular ornament for them, as it holds a special meaning for us.  If you are looking to gift family and friends with a special gift they can enjoy this holiday season and beyond, why not consider browsing the different hand painted ornaments available from Old World Christmas. With so many to choose from, the hard part will be not filling your shopping cart with each and ever one. :-)  Head on over to the Old World Christmas website today and get your orders in, so you have in time for the holidays, either to gift or to add to your Christmas tree.  Many of the new releases sell out, so you'll want to act fast!

Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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