Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Watch the New AFFIRM Originals Series, "A Thousand Tomorrows" from Author Karen Kingsbury Only on Pure Flix -- New Episodes Releasing Every Friday! (Review) #AThousandTomorrowsMIN #MomentumInfluencerNetwork

Disclosure: Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

The latest AFFIRM Originals show, “Karen Kingsbury’s A Thousand Tomorrows,” 

is a testament to love, devotion and making the most of every day.

Allie was born to ride. Even if it means putting her health in danger and even dying, she is willing to take that chance with her CF diagnosis if it means she can get back on her horse, Ace and compete in barrel racing on the Circuit. But, will her husband Cody support and back her desire to return to the circuit?  Episode six of this 6-episode series has Cody having doubts about her ability to ride again, as he just wants Allie to be reasonable and choose their love over the dangers of riding.  He knows she has riding in her blood, but hopes that their love is strong.  

"“Karen Kingsbury’s A Thousand Tomorrows” is a love story for the ages 

and shows real sacrifice and loyalty in the face of in-surmountable odds."

One day in the barn, Allie's dad tells Cody, "God has the length of our days; calling on our lives and once you believe that your faith grows roots; deep roots that will last."  Whenever the dad thinks about Allie, he reads Proverbs 3. He recommends that Cody look it up, as he tries to navigate the situation with Allie and her wanting to get back out there on the Circuit.  Later on, Cody picks up the Bible and reads this Proverb.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. – Proverbs 3 (NIV)"

Shortly thereafter, Allie gets back on Ace and races, soon after Dr. Cleary calls Cody to tell her that her lungs are starting to show signs of the disease. Her 3 year life expectancy with her lung transplant is shortened by half if she doesn't get off the circuit and get inside taking in filter air. Dr. Cleary wants to see her soon -- but, can Cody get Allie to take her health issues seriously, or will her love of riding and need to fly with Ace jeopardize her health and her and Cody's time together?

"From #1 New York Times best-selling author Karen Kingsbury, only God knows how many tomorrows we have left. In the dangerous and competitive rodeo world, how will Cody and Ali make the most of their time together?"

Episode 6, just like the previous 5 will pull at your heartstrings, and have you glued to the screen to see what happens next.  I have been pulling for Allie since the first episode, and now more than ever I am praying that she gets healthy and stays healthy. But only time will tell, and only God knows how long Allie is meant to walk this Earth.  It is so hard to watch Cody dealing with the news, knowing just how much he loves Allie. His whole life is Allie, and without her, I don't know how he will go on.  As I watched this episode I found myself thinking back to when I was diagnosed with cancer and had to watch my husband and parents watch me go through treatments.  They prayed night and day for me to get healthy, and times when they didn't see me looking, I watched as they broke down just like Cody did, praying for a miracle and hoping that God was watching over me and would cure me, so that they would have more time with me.

Allie told Cody she wanted to really live and not let CF control her life.  I found myself not wanting my cancer diagnosis to rule my life and choose my length of life.  I knew if I put my faith in God, he would help me through this difficult time, which included radiation and chemotherapy.  There were a handful of times I was hospitalized and times when my doctors had to do more scans as they though the cancer had spread to my lungs and heart.I had to take each day and treatment, day by day, while still trying to live my life on my terms.  But, like Allie's dad told Cody, only God knows the length of our days. He knew even when I was in my darkest of days that there was more life to live.  And, now 15 years later I am here and thankful every day that God was watching over me and hearing not only my prayers for healing, but also the prayers of my husband and parents. Life is precious and I am so blessed I get more time with my those that I love.  As I watched this final episode of Karen Kingsbury's A Thousand Tomorrows which streams exclusively on Pure Flix, I was reminded of Proverb 3 and its message to trust in God with all your heart and know he will make your paths straight. I never gave up on God and kept his commandments in my heart each day I went in for treatment, and in the end, I am here today living my best life, with my husband and two beautiful girls by my side. Did Allie get the same chance at life?  You'll have to watch this and the previous episodes to find. 

"Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. – Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV)"

Karen Kingsbury's A Thousands Tomorrows is a wonderful series to watch on Pure Flix, and will have your pulling out the Bible to read from it, to remind you that your trust in God will lend itself to deeper roots in your faith that will only grow if you just believe and have faith that God will lead you on the path of peace and prosperity for many years.  If you are looking for a great faith-based series to enjoy and haven't checked out Karen Kingsbury's A Thousands Tomorrows streaming exclusively on Pure Flix, I highly recommend you check it out. You can sign up for a free 7 day trial to give Pure Flix a try. But, I know that once you start watching this series and browsing all the great faith-based content this streaming channel provides, you will be quick to sign up so you don't miss another episode of Karen Kingsbury's A Thousands Tomorrow and all the other great family-friendly shows and movies.

To learn more about Pure Flix and Karen Kingsbury's A Thousands Tomorrows, head on over to  . And, be sure to enter my giveaway below, as I am offering one lucky Inspired by Savannah reader the chance to win a FREE 3-month subscription to Pure Flix to enjoy Karen Kingsbury's A Thousands Tomorrow,  and so much more!


More about this AFFIRM Originals Series:

"The six-episode series from AFFIRM Originals premieres the first two episodes on Friday, February 24, with new episodes following every Friday. The series is about Cody Gunnar, a nationally-renowned bull rider who is cocky, brash and a legend among his peers. On track to the top, Cody has rejected everything about his past – his famous father, hurting mother and every woman who ever came along. His heart only has room for his younger brother, Carl Joseph. That’s when barrel racer Ali Daniels enters his life. Only God knows how many tomorrows they will have together. Can Cody and Ali make the most of their time in the dangerous and competitive rodeo world?

The series stars Colin Ford (Daybreak, Upcoming THE HILL, CAPTAIN MARVEL), Rose Reid (SWEET, SWEET SUMMERTIME, A WELCOME HOME CHRISTMAS), Cole Sibus (Stumptown, SPARE ROOM), Anne Leighton (NCIS, GOD’S NOT DEAD: A LIGHT IN DARKNESS), Kate Easton (FAITH UNDER FIRE), KC Clyde (Yellowstone, YES DAY) and CK Bolado. The show was directed by Kohl Glass and Cassidy Lunnen.

The series features themes of trust, forgiveness, love, redemption and transformation. The novel, A Thousand Tomorrows, is the first in a series about bull rider Cody Gunnar. Karen Kingsbury, who has penned over 60 works of fiction and nonfiction and with some 25 million copies sold, co-wrote the scripts for the series with her son, Tyler Russell."


Thanks to the kind folks at Pure Flix, I am excited to offer one lucky Inspired by Savannah reader the chance to win a FREE 3-month subscription to Pure Flix, to enjoy this and so many other great faith-based shows and  movies.  To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

*Note: This giveaway is limited to those who have NOT won a subscription in the last 6 months.*



Pure Flix is your home for faith and family-friendly movies and shows where you can confidently

stream with the entire family. With new premium and exclusive original entertainment choices

every week, you can strengthen your faith and family with Pure Flix – a streaming service that

inspires, uplifts and entertains.

You’ll get access to the largest variety of high-quality wholesome movies, series and kids' content

at one low price. Experience the difference that positive, encouraging entertainment can have in

your home.Pure Flix is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment.


AFFIRM Films, launched in 2007, is an industry leader in faith-based/inspirational films with

worldwide box office of over $660 million including such hits as SOUL SURFER, WAR ROOM,


DAY IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD in partnership with TriStar Pictures, and most recently The

Kendrick Brothers’ SHOW ME THE FATHER. AFFIRM produces, acquires and markets content

that inspires, uplifts and entertains audiences around the world focusing on family and faith through

its three divisions, AFFIRM Films, AFFIRM Television and AFFIRM Originals. Sony Pictures

Entertainment is a subsidiary of Tokyo-based Sony Corporation. Register to get all the latest

news from AFFIRM Films at www.affirmfilmsupdates.com and follow AFFIRM Films on social

media at @AFFIRMFilms.

Disclosure: Many thanks to Pure Flix for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are 100% my own.

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