Monday, October 24, 2022

Everything You Should Know About LASIK Eye Surgery

If you’re considering getting LASIK surgery, you might know about the potential benefits, but you may be nervous about the procedure. The prospect of getting lasers shot into your eyes is enough to make anyone a little unsettled. 


You should know that this procedure has been around for decades, and those who perform it have it down to a science. Let’s talk about what you can expect during and after this surgery. 

How Can You Tell that You’re a Suitable Candidate for LASIK Surgery? 

If you have less-than-perfect vision and go see an eye doctor, you might ask them if you’re a candidate for a LASIK procedure. Generally, you can get LASIK and it can be beneficial if you have some degree of refractory error. You can sometimes be eligible if you’re nearsighted, farsighted, or if you have astigmatism. 


However, you’ll need to speak to your eye doctor about whether this is the best move for you. 


How Much Does the Surgery Cost? 

There’s a little bad news, which is that your health insurance likely won’t cover any of this surgery’s cost. You will have to pay for it out of pocket. On average, you should expect to pay anywhere from $3K to $5K for it. 


What Happens Before the Surgery? 

Before the LASIK surgery, you will need to put drops in your eyes for several days. That gets them ready for the procedure. When you go to the clinic that will do the surgery, they can tell you what kind of drops to get. 


What Happens the Day of the Procedure? 

When you go to the clinic or doctor’s office that does the surgery, you’ll need to bring a family member or friend to drive you home. You will be in no condition to drive afterwards. 


The procedure itself might feel a little strange or uncomfortable, but it’s not painful. You’ll be given some eye drops, and there are restraints that will gently hold your eyes open while the lasers do their work. 


The procedure itself takes no more than 15-20 minutes. You might find that the doctor’s office does it assembly line style. They can easily go through a dozen of these surgeries in a single morning or afternoon. 


What About Afterwards? 

When your driver gets you home, the surgeon will want you to lie down and rest in a dark room for a few hours. You should start to feel better later that day. 


During the first few nights, you’ll need to wear goggles when you sleep to make sure you don’t rub your eyes. Not rubbing your eyes is crucial, especially right after the procedure. 


It will take you about a month to fully recover from the surgery. You’ll need to put drops in your eyes for several days afterward to keep them moist and help with the healing process. 


Once you’re fully healed, you’ll likely find you can read and operate motor vehicles without glasses or contacts. 





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