Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
(Also available in hardcover)
Have you ever found yourself surfing the web for a good book, and stumble upon one that will move you or change your life after you have read it? Well, that is what happened when I was looking for new Christmas-themed books to not only share with my readers for the holidays, but also add to my family's book advent pile. After only reading the description of the book on Amazon, I knew I had to get my hands on a copy of the book, not just to read for myself, but also share with my girls. I will say that the description of the book, while in depth truly doesn't do this book justice, as once you sit down to read it, that is when the true magic of the story comes to life, as you flip through and read each page. I am not ashamed to admit it, but I found myself tearing up and getting those warm and fuzzy feelings inside when I read this book. I never expected it to be such a heartwarming and moving story as it was, and found myself in awe of the author, who put pen to paper and wrote this amazing holiday story, which I know he shares with his children, grandchildren and great grand children...and, now everyone all around the world can enjoy "Letter from Santa Claus," too!
About this book:"Where does Santa Claus find his helpers to work in the North Pole with him? How do they get there? These are age old questions that are answered in a thoughtful and fun loving way by the Author Robin Jones as he reveals what happened to him when he was five years old in 1949 and very sick with pneumonia. His family takes him to the children's hospital in Toronto where he receives good care from the nurses and doctors. Though his father works hard during the day, he is always sure to visit Robin and read him stories. One night, dad wakes Robin to share a special letter he received.

It's from Santa Claus, and it tells the little boy about the exciting things happening at the North Pole in preparation for Christmas."---
As a child, I found myself getting sick a lot, and eventually developed a handful of autoimmune disorders, asthma, etc. It seemed like when the holidays rolled around, I would pick up a cold or the flu and it would turn into pneumonia. But, it wasn't until I was older that my pneumonia bouts would land me in the hospital, usually around the holidays, for a week at a time. A few years ago, I found myself in the hospital with pneumonia, while my oldest daughter was home on bed rest fighting her own bout of pneumonia. It seems like she has the same type of immune system as me, and that when we get sick with a common cold or head cold, it turns into a respiratory infection or pneumonia that needs further medical care.
When I was in the hospital a few years back, I found myself wondering what children were thinking about that were also sick in the hospital. Were they still writing letters to Santa in hopes that he would know where they were if they were still stuck at the hospital come Christmas. Or, would they request that he drop the gifts off at their home so they could fight to get strong and return home to open them with their families. As I read "Letter from Santa Clause" a couple weeks ago, I found myself thinking back to my hospital stay and so many emotions came flooding back. I was so worried about my daughter at home sick with pneumonia, while on oxygen trying to breath. I didn't want my daughter to have to deal with all this illness like I did as a child, and I definitely didn't want her to wind up in the hospital so close to Christmas and wonder if Santa would make a stop at home and leave her gifts even though she wasn't there. Thankfully, I was only in the hospital for 5 days, and was able to return home to see my girls run down and open gifts Santa had left them. And, just like Robin in this book, my daughter, Savannah, somehow woke Christmas Eve feeling better and with energy to help with last preparations -- cookie and milk and carrots, along with reindeer dust sprinkled on the desk, before heading to bed. Before she fell asleep that night, she asked if I ever wondered where elves come from, and if they were human? I really didn't have a good explanation for her, except that they were magical and a big help to Santa. If only I had this book to share with her then, it would have answered her question so much better, even though the sentiment would be felt and maybe trigger sadness knowing that a child like her was up in heaven and chose to be an elf and help Santa Claus.
I could go on and on raving about this heartwarming Christmas story, but instead, you really need to pick up a copy and read it for yourself, before sharing it with your kids. It will pull at your heartstrings, but it will also make you smile as you read the last page, and find yourself thinking about the true beauty and magic of Christmas. It isn't about the gifts that Santa leaves under the tree, but time spent with family. And, you do have to pause and pay thanks for those lucky children up in heaven who requested to be one of Santa's magical elves, as they help to keep kids (and adults) believing in the spirit of Christmas at the holidays and all year round. And, if we are lucky enough to get a white Christmas, I will give thanks to Mrs. Claus for the goose feathers that she dropped from the sky that magically turned to snow. :-) Once you read this story, you'll know what I am talking about. :-)
If you only choose one new holiday book to add to your family's book collection this year, let it be "Letter from Santa Claus," by Robin Jones. It will truly warm your heart this holiday season, and more many years to come!
About the Author:
With six children, seven grand kids and a great grand child Robin is more than qualified to be writing a children's book. He was raised in a bi-racial family with oral traditions and books galore being read around the table by his Father. Robin has written over three hundred poems from silly to the sublime. One of his main objectives to fuel his energy is to try and meet a new person every day. He belongs to the Victoria Story Tellers Guild in British Columbia and first told his story there. One of his author friends suggested that he publish the tale so that others might enjoy it as well. He has been promoting the book around North America since its publication and does readings at libraries and schools.
Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the author in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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