Ever since I stumbled upon Button Books, UK-based Children's publisher a few years back, I have made a point to continually check their website to see which new books will be releasing in the USA, so that I can review them with my girls, and them with all you. Two recent/upcoming releases which caught my eye recently while browsing their books for kids of all ages were "Discovering Energy" and "Be Your Best Self". Both books come in hardcover format, and are geared towards kids ages 8+. I was excited when the folks at Button Books sent along review copies, as I knew my girls would enjoy reading them with me as part of our homeschooling, especially the "Discovering Energy". This particular book is part of a book series that also includes "Discover Our Solar System" and "Discovering Architecture. My girls loved these previous releases, so I knew they would love the new book all about energy.
Here is more about these two new children's book releases from Button Books which are worth checking out and adding to your child's book collection.
About this Book:
"Creating and harnessing energy is a fundamental part of enabling life to exist and thrive on earth. Energy comes in a vast array of different forms – using our muscles and those of other creatures, enabling us to move, lift etc, creating heat and steam through fire, capturing the power of the wind in a ship’s sails or to turn the blades of a wind turbine, harnessing the power of moving water to generate electricity in a hydroelectric power station, applying the forces of magnetism to turn an electric motor, using solar panels to transfer the sun’s energy into electricity for our homes – all of these and more are explained in Discovering Energy.
This exciting new book from award-winning illustrator Eduard Altarriba introduces children aged 8 to 12 to this fascinating world in a fun and absorbing way. The book explains many of the different principals of energy production with the use of beautiful, dynamic illustrations."
- Pub month: November 2019
- ISBN-13: 9781787080485
- Author: Johannes Hirn & Veronica Sanz, illustrated by Eduard Altarriba
- Price: £12.99
- Binding: HB arlin
- No. of pages: 48 pages
- Dimensions: 248 x 248 mm
- Colour: Full colour throughout
My Thoughts:
As you can see with the illustrations I shared about, this really is a well thought out and put together book all about energy for kids. It is written in such a way that it will keep your child's attention, and have them wanting to read on to learn all about energy. Both of my girls didn't want me to put the book down the first time we started to read it. We even took time to linger on each page to take in all the illustrations and fun facts about energy that were shared. And, by the time we got to the end of the book, both of my girls agreed that learning about energy was truly fascinating and fun.
I really liked how this book is set up, and how it starts out explaining what energy is, before diving into other topics like nuclear power, climate change, as well as new developments in clean, sustainable energy. I found myself learning so may new things about energy, and really loved the beautifully illustrations that filled the pages of this book, and really helped to explain and show the energy topics mentioned in a way that kids of all ages can understand and learn about. If your kids love science or are just fascinated with learning about the world around them, then I highly recommend Discovering Energy, which is available now in hardcover from Button Books.
About this Book:
"What are your BIG dreams? Maybe you’d like to be a scientist, an award-winning journalist, play in a rock band, swim in the Olympic Games, groom dogs, own a bakery or even help to run your country? We all have different dreams, that’s what makes us unique. But whatever it is that you want to do, the skills you’ll need to achieve your goals are the same. This exciting new book helps children and young people to practice these core skills and provides a survival kit for them to dip into when they need extra help or motivation. Some of the themes explored are: goal setting, growth mindset, perseverance, getting organised and learning to fail well.
No need to worry if you don’t yet know what it is that you are passionate about or what ‘success’ means for you. Perhaps you just need some help with boosting your confidence, staying positive or some extra help with getting through the twists and turns of everyday life."
- ISBN-13: 9781787080386
- Author: Danielle Brown and Nathan Kai
- Price: £12.99
- Binding: HB arlin
- No. of pages: 120 pages
- Dimensions: 225 x 168 mm
- Colour: Full colour throughout
- Age Range: 5-11
My Thoughts:
I have to say that I have not seen a book like this for kids in a very long time. And, with the way the world is nowadays it is nice to finally have a book to pick up and share with my girls that will help them navigate the tween/teen years, and beyond. This book is filled with tools, life hacks, tips and more that will help kids achieve success, happiness, as well as build their self esteem as they grow into young adults. Yes, it is nice to have dreams and aspirations and goals you hope to achieve, but you also have to have the tools to tackle life head on and "be your best self." This book is just what kids need to learn about goal setting, perseverance, getting organized, learning to fail well and not giving up, and also growth mindset, to name a few.
Through colorful illustrations and language that kids ages 8+ will understand, they will be well on their way to being their best selves after reading this book all about life skills for unstoppable kids. I read this book together with my girls, and then ended up picking up another copy so they would each one for reference, and so that they could pull from their bookcase whenever they wanted to hone a particular skill or need some direction or inspiration. Both of my girls really enjoyed this book, and found some great tools and skills that they have been applying to their personal lives, as well as in their schooling, so that they can turn their dreams into reality, one step and goal at a time.
I highly recommend this book for parents and teachers to share with tweens/teens, as way to help them navigate through life, help them answer questions they may have, as well just provide a well-written inspirational guide for young people, to help them on the path of success now and in the future.
You can learn more about these two books, as well as check out all the other recent and upcoming releases from Button Books by visiting https://www.buttonbooks.co.uk/.
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