Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Amwell via Momtrends. The opinions
expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions
of Amwell or Momtrends.
I still can't believe that next Thursday is Thanksgiving. Boy, did the year really fly by. It seems like once the girls headed back to school, that the weeks flew by in a blink of an eye. Hopefully, in the coming weeks, though, we will be able to slow down a bit and enjoy the holidays with family and friends, before saying goodbye to 2019 and hello to 2020. I, for one, love looking at the pictures on my phone of girls of memories we have made so far in 2019, and want to add many below fun memories (without illness) before we ring in the new year.
This year both of my girls were tall enough to ride the "big kid" rides at the amusement park :-)
Nothing better than having the heated hotel pool all to yourself
Surprise day trip to Boston to see a show and dinner afterwards
Family movie nights are always best! :-)
Now that the tree is up, we wait for Santa
All these wonderful memories I just shared couldn't have happened if my girls weren't feeling well. I am glad that this summer for a few minor urgent care calls to Amwell, we were able to enjoy ourselves and make so many great memories. As we prep for the upcoming holidays I wanted you to share an amazing deal that the folks at Amwell offered me, that I wanted to pass along to my readers, as you never know when you will need to be seen by a doctor for an urgent care matter. And, the sooner you get your urgent care matter taken care of, the sooner you will be back to making lasting memories with your family and friends.
Before I share the 50% off your urgent care visit with an Amwell doctor, I wanted to share briefly what Amwell is, and why you should bookmark their website and/or download the Amwell app to your phone, so you have it handy and ready when you need urgent care for yourself, or a loved one.
About Amwell:
Doctor consultations have never been more convenient. Now you can have live, on‑demand video visits with a physician of your choice. Install the Amwell app today for doctors, therapists and specialists just a click away. Amwell is here as a 24/7 resource for you and your family. When you need urgent care, you need it immediately and what better way to access it then from your own home?
What types of urgent care matters can Amwell doctors help you with?
So, what types of health concerns or conditions can Amwell's doctor treat or diagnose? Amwell doctors see patients with minor illness and injuries, general health and wellness concerns those needing a prescription refill and even patients needing chronic condition management.
Have a question to ask a doctor? Get the care you need quickly, and without ever having to step into a doctor's office, walk-in clinic, etc. You can talk to an Amwell doctor from your couch. :-)
Here are just some of the cases that they see on a regular basis:
Cold & flu
Sinus infections
Stomach bugs
When logging into the Amwell app, just choose the type of visit you are looking for and select a provider. Depending on the issue at hand, the doctor can diagnose, suggest follow up, and prescribe, when appropriate. Amwell takes your privacy very seriously. Your visit with the doctor is secure and HIPAA compliant. Urgent care is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in all 50 states. All other services and provider availability vary state to state. For the most up to date information, create a free profile to review the doctors, specialists and therapists in your area. *Remember
that Amwell complements in-person care. It is not a replacement in emergency
situations. It’s great for 24/7 urgent care from the comfort of home or on the
I first stumbled across Amwell a few years back when my youngest had a reaction to immunization shots she got at the pediatrician's office. She was given the shots on a Friday afternoon, and by Friday evening, her poor leg had swollen and was with red blotchy patches due to an allergic reaction to one of the shots. Being a relatively new mom and not having my mom close by to show or ask for advice, I called the pediatrician's office. It was after hours and I was only able to speak to a nurse on the phone. She said I could bring my daughter in the next morning to be looked out, or if I thought it was serious, i could take her to ER. My daughter wasn't having any breathing difficulties, or issues beyond the red, hot rash and swelling on her leg. The nurse suggested a cold compress and benadryl, which I did. But, as the night went on, she grew more uncomfortable and I found myself doing what no parent should do in the middle of the night...google what could be wrong. I started to worry myself more, and wondered who else I could call or seek advice from. That is when Amwell popped up on my computer. I looked at their website and saw the list of urgent care cases they see, and thought this was the better option than heading to the ER and paying a large bill for what could be a minor issue, or waiting until the AM and hoping that she could be seen at the pediatrician's office. I wanted peace of mind and for my daughter to get some relief so we both could sleep.
Within a few moments, I had the Amwell app downloaded on my phone and had created an account. I also uploaded photos of the rash and described the symptoms she was having, so that they could connect me to a Amwell doctor who could help. Moments later I was talking face to face through my phone with a Amwell doctor. She was able to see my daughter's rash and talk to her, and under 10 minutes she brought relief to my urgent care matter.

Just like what the nurse from the pediatrician's office had said, it was just a reaction to the shots, and to give benadryl, a cold compress and pain medicine. She also had me use a pen and draw a circle around the rash so that I could see if it grew any bigger, at which time I was told to go straight to the ER. But, after talking with the Amwell daughter, my mind was put at ease, and my daughter was drifting off to sleep in my arms. And, when I looked down at her rash, it wasn't as red anymore, and the swelling was going done. That night I not only saved myself an unnecessary ER bill and my sanity as a mom stressing over my daughter's health, but I also found a great online doctor service that I continue to use to this day.
This summer I used the Amwell app again for a spider bite rash my oldest daughter had on her arm, and then just the other day, I found myself calling an Amwell doctor to ask about a rash I noticed on my arm that seemed to appear out of nowhere, while I was out at a homeschool class with my girls, that was four hours long. I ended up going back to my car to call an Amwell doctor and found it was just a contact dermatitis rash that I either got from my husband switching up the laundry detergent from a free and clear one to a fragrant one, or while trying on clothes at the store earlier int the day. However I got the rash, I was able to get it diagnosed in a matter of minutes, without having to step foot in a doctor's office. Many of my friends and family have been sharing online about how their kids are sick with stomach bugs, the flu or a head cold, and how the doctor's offices are overbooked or filled with sick patients. That doesn't sound like fun, or the place I want to be myself or with my family, especially with the holidays fast approaching. We have so many fun day trips planned like ice skating and snow tubing up north, staying in hotel to swim in the heated pool, while it snows outside, and doing a few day trips to Boston and NYC to see the holiday window displays and lights. The last thing we want is to be sick, or waiting in a busy doctor's office to be seen. If we do end up needing an urgent care matter addressed, I know that an Amwell doctor will be ready and able to help, without costing me a fortune.
As a parent to two young children, I am so happy that there is an online doctor service like Amwell available to me, 24 hours a day. I now have the option to either take them to their pediatrician or stay home and meet with a board certified Amwell doctor who will provide a thorough exam and review of symptoms of our urgent care matters, while easing both my daughter and my concerns, in the comfort of our own home. If you find yourself or a family member not feeling well, and it is the weekend and you don't have urgent care centers in your area, or you simply don't want to pay the crazy co-pays for non-emergency medical concerns, why not give Amwell a try? Want to save 50% off on your urgent care visit with an online Amwell doctor? Keep reading to get your special promo code to use with your first Amwell visit.Here are some of the reasons why people continue to use Amwell, instead of going to see a doctor in person...
- "Lower cost. Consumers expect online visits to be cost-savers; with in-office visits costing, on average, $82 for first-time patients according to the Healthcare Blue Book, Amwell offers a $49 physician visit – a savings of $33. Great option for students in college looking for cost-effective healthcare or those between jobs and without insurance.
- Accessibility. After hours, on weekends and in the middle of the night (24/7/365) availability. Great for those who do have transportation or when you don’t feel well enough to drive and those who are newly relocated and don’t have providers yet.
- Convenience. Consumers are looking for a faster appointment. Now they don’t need to schedule an appointment nor do they need to wait to be seen, especially if on vacation or business travel. The doctor can be seen from the comfort and convenience of their own home.
- Quick prescriptions. Consumers would rather have an online video visit than an in-office visit to obtain common primary care prescriptions.
- Peace of mind. Rather than self-diagnosing or visiting a social forum for medical advice, users can obtain second opinions directly from board certified, licensed doctors."
I, for one, am all for these virtual doctors' visit as they work great especially if you have more than one child at home and don't want to deal with bringing everyone to sick in a crowded doctor's office. And, with cold and flu season in full worse, a doctor's office is the last place I want to be, as we always seem to pick up germs and bring home more colds and bugs after visiting with the doctor.
Now, like I mentioned in the beginning, I have a special discount code just for Inspired by Savannah readers. Right now you can save 50% off a $69 urgent care visit with and Amwell doctor. Simply follow this link to start your discounted doctor and enter in coupon code Amwell50 to get your urgent care visit for only $34.50! And, be sure to pass this savings offer along to family and friends so that they can experience Amwell for themselves, and get immediate urgent care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in all 50 states. I am so happy I stumbled upon Amwell a few years back, and can't stop recommending it to family, friends and my readers. And, I am so happy I am able to pass along a special discount offer to you, especially with cold and flu season in full swing, and many families planning road trips or holiday vacations. Amwell is there for all your urgent care needs wherever you are, day or night. The first step is to download the Amwell app to your phone, and then note my coupon code above to save 50% off your urgent care visit. It is that easy! I recommend Amwell 100%, and know once you try it, you will be, too!
Disclaimer: Compensation was provided by Amwell via Momtrends. The opinions
expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions
of Amwell or Momtrends.
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