Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Discover 100 Creative Ways to Express Gratitude for All That's Good in Your Life with This Powerful Little Book from National Geographic Kids (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

This time of year, although crazy and hectic, is also a great reminder to people to slow down and truly enjoy what is important in life -- time with family and friends.  We are always so busy rushing around to buy and wrap gifts, cook up a fancy dinner, and attend the different Christmas activities, but when it all comes down to it, it is time spent with those you hold near and dear that is what's really important.  After, being diagnosed and treated for cancer 12 years ago, I found myself re-evaluating my life, and doing away with things that were adding stress to my life.  While it is hard to let go of things (including people), in the end you will be blessed ten fold with better health and more cherished memories you make.

As we get ready to gather around the table to give thanks this Thanksgiving, I wanted to share a book I was recently sent, and that I share with my girls, titled, 100 Ways to Be Thankful .  This National Geographic Kids Book is geared towards kids ages 8--12, but younger kids can enjoy with a parents help of reading.  If you always find yourself stumbling when it comes to your turn around the table to say what you are thankful for, this book will help, as it features eye-opening, eye-catching creative ways to express gratitude this time of year, and throughout the year.  Yes, it is nice to take time during Thanksgiving and Christmas to share what we are thankful and grateful for, but we should be doing this all year round. And, hopefully with the release of 100 Ways to Be Thankful, this book will be a reminder to kids and adults to cherish what we have and make sure we let people we love know just how special they are, and how loved they are.

I will definitely be having this book out on our coffee table this holiday season, and can't wait for family and friends who come to visit, to pick up and read through the pages of this book from National Geographic Kids, to learn about 100 different creative ways they can identify and express gratitude for all that is good in our lives -- even on those not so good days when all you want to do is throw in the towel, or want the day to be over.  This book really does put things into perspective and will have you finding gratitude in even the smallest of things.  I really enjoyed sharing this book with my girls, and know you and your family will love it, too!

More about this book:

Discover 100 creative ways to express gratitude for all that's good in your life with this powerful little book, packed with positive thoughts, practical ideas, and take-action prompts.

"Adopting an attitude of gratitude is like developing a super power! Are you grateful for snow days? Do you treasure friends who just get you? Are you thankful for the beautiful mountains, fields, lakes or beaches near your home?  

In today's hectic, fast-paced, overscheduled world, so many of us -- including kids -- try to do it all. This book is packed with positive thoughts, practical ideas, take-action prompts and motivation on how to be appreciative and pass along kindness. 

Interviews with National Geographic explorers offer examples of ways to give back. 

Uplifting quotes and ideas are sure to motivate readers to do more and be more mindful every day, so we all come away with a renewed sense that life is not only pretty great, but something to be truly thankful for."  

Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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