Summertime is a time to explore, learn and try new things. It is also a great time to create a bucket list if you don't already have one, or add to your current list, and then work towards crossing things off your list. Everyone in my family has their own bucket list, and we are always adding things, changing things and working towards checking things off. Just last week the girls were able to cross off riding a roller coaster, as well as riding amusement rides on their own, without a parent, when we visited Six Flags New England. The girls are finally tall enough to ride more rides, as well as some alone. It was great to see them get excited when they measured up and saw that they had gotten taller since last year, and how now they could do more things and experience a roller coaster for the first time. And, when we got home that night, the girls were all smiles as they crossed off these things, which were on their bucket lists, knowing that they accomplished something, were able to try new things, and even faced fears like heights and fast rides.
In addition to riding a roller coaster for the first time, the girls also joined my husband and I this past month in working towards crossing another thing from all of our bucket lists -- learning to play the piano. The whole notion of having a bucket list and working to crossing things off the list started when I was diagnosed with cancer, and found myself coming up with a long list of things I still wanted to do and experience, as well as places I wanted to visit and travel to. Faced with the uncertainty that cancer brings, I found myself using this list to stay positive and fight on days that I wanted to give up. I saw the list and saw how there were so many things I still wanted to do, including having children, that I wasn't going to go without a fight. And, thankfully 11 years later (this past May), I am here, and now have two beautiful girls, and over a dozen things crossed off my bucket list. :-)
Back to the piano. :-) When I was undergoing chemo treatment in the hospital one day, I sat and watched as a man played the piano and a woman strummed the strings on a harp. They were making such beautiful music, and I found myself wishing I knew how to play an instrument. Growing up, I never took up playing an instrument partly because my family couldn't afford the cost of an instrument and lessons. We were a one-income family, with three children in the house. So, this wasn't a top priority back then. It wasn't until I sat and listened to these two people filling the atrium of the hospital with the most amazing sounds, that I found myself wishing I knew how to play. So, to my bucket list, I added "learn how to play the piano." Skip ahead 11 years, and now I can finally say that I am on my way to learning how to play the piano thanks to Playground Sessions.
I stumbled across Playground Sessions a couple months ago and was planning to feature their keyboard and online video music curriculum in my Mother's Day Gift Guide. But, as I started to practice with the keyboard I was sent, I found that my husband and girls wanted to get in on the fun -- yes, learning how to play the piano can be fun! :-) And, that was seen with each and every tutorial video we watched and practiced through the Playground Sessions online music curriculum library (which you can use with your iMac, iOS and PC.
If you have ever wanted to learn to play the piano, or your kids have asked, but you thought it would be an expensive investment, not just with weekly lessons, but also with buying and finding a spot in your house to put a piano, I am here to tell you that Playground Sessions makes it possible to learn to play the piano, at an affordable price, right in your home, and at your own pace! Pricing depends on the keyboard and music curriculum packages you go with . Keyboards vary in size, and there is a subscription you sign up for to access the online video tutorials.
Save now on family bundle plans -- learn more here: https://www.playgroundsessions.com/store/family-plans
Also, you have to pay based on the number of people you add to your account. But, when you factor in all this, it is still an amazing price, and not what you would expect when you think about the costs that go into learning to play the piano.
What is Playground Sessions?:
Playground Sessions Mission is to Make Learning How to Play Piano Fun and Easy for Everyone

"If you love listening to music, then you already know more music theory than you think you do. This is why Playground takes popular songs you're familiar with and uses their melodies and rhythms to demonstrate musical principles as you play them.

- Hours of video tutorials, hundreds of lessons
- Uses popular music and classic hits to teach music theory
- Rookie, Intermediate, Advanced lessons
- Co-developed by music legend Quincy Jones
Play songs you know and love.
Playground Sessions' innovative piano software teaches you how to play the piano with interactive lessons featuring your favorite songs. When you love the tune and know the rhythm, the learning comes more naturally and quickly.

Playground breaks down the music for you, step-by-step, and
guides you with tips throughout.
Pick from Pop, Rock, Classic Hits, R&B, Traditional, and Classical genres, arranged at Rookie, Intermediate and Advanced levels."
Instant feedback – play a note right it turns green, play it wrong, it turns red.

Instant feedback – play a note right it turns green, play it wrong, it turns red.
Earn scores, rewards and level up."
Bella was so happy when the keyboard from Playground Sessions finally arrived.
It was almost as tall as her! :-)
She couldn't wait for me to set it up so that she could start learning how to play the piano. :-)
Music legends Harry Connick Jr. and Quincy Jones teach some of the lessons...yes, you read that right...who knew these piano geniuses would be teaching my family and I how to play the piano, and it isn't costing us a fortune.
That alone makes our experience so far with Playground Sessions priceless and memorable. Now, I get to say that I am learning to play the piano, and my teachers are Harry Connick Jr. and Quincy Jones. :-)

Yep..that is one of my piano teachers...Don't be jealous! :-)
We have been using the Playground Sessions music curriculum for about a month and a half now, and I can't believe how we are all progressing. While I wish I had more time to sit and do a lesson or two each day, I am loving watching my husband and girls hone their piano playing skills. I love how they can watch the videos/lessons over and over again, and practice a particular skill until they feel more confident to move on.
Also, as they progress in their learning, more videos are unlocked. There are even more new songs and challenged uploaded to the Playground Sessions website each week, and you are notified about these through weekly emails, making this a wonderful website that stays current and keeps you engaged and wanting to sit down and practice so that you get better, and can learn new things.
Also, as they progress in their learning, more videos are unlocked. There are even more new songs and challenged uploaded to the Playground Sessions website each week, and you are notified about these through weekly emails, making this a wonderful website that stays current and keeps you engaged and wanting to sit down and practice so that you get better, and can learn new things.
Both of my girls last year asked about learning to play an instrument as part of their homeschooling. At the time, I wasn't sure it was in the budget, as I knew friends who have their kids in private piano lessons, and they have all said it was pricey, with individual and group lessons, as well as either buying the piano, or finding somewhere their kids can go and practice on a piano between lessons. It sounded like a lot of time commitment and money just to see if my girls would stick with the piano. But, thanks to Playground Sessions, my girls were able to have the opportunity to try out the piano, find that they love learning to play, and are determined to master the different skills that are presented to them with the music curriculum set forth by Playground Sessions. By incorporating Playground Sessions into our homeschooling, the girls block off time throughout the week to sit at the table with the keyboard and practice.
When they have had enough practicing for the day, or want to take a break, they can simply get up and walk away. I don't have to worry about forcing them to sit and practice or coordinate class time and lessons with a piano teacher in our house or at a studio. Everything can be done in our own house, and on our schedule. I really love the flexibility that is offered by Playground Sessions, in learning to play the piano.
My girls are learning at their own pace and this makes learning to play the piano an enjoyable experience...and not feel like work.
When they have had enough practicing for the day, or want to take a break, they can simply get up and walk away. I don't have to worry about forcing them to sit and practice or coordinate class time and lessons with a piano teacher in our house or at a studio. Everything can be done in our own house, and on our schedule. I really love the flexibility that is offered by Playground Sessions, in learning to play the piano.
My girls are learning at their own pace and this makes learning to play the piano an enjoyable experience...and not feel like work.
Like I said, my husband is also learning to play, too. He has found it to be a relaxing experience and great way to decompress after a busy week at work sitting in front of a computer screen all day. Who knew that learning to play the piano could be so relaxing, as well as enjoyable?!
Playground Sessions makes it that way, and that is why everyone in my family is loving the experience. We have all learned so much about the piano in such a short period of time, and it truly is amazing when we stop and think about it. Hopefully, by the end of the year, we will all be able to cross off "learn to play the piano" from our bucket lists, and show off our new piano skills to family and friends who come to visit for the holidays. Instead of just listening to CD's of holiday music, we will get to surprise everyone by taking turns playing songs on our keyboard. :-)
Playground Sessions makes it that way, and that is why everyone in my family is loving the experience. We have all learned so much about the piano in such a short period of time, and it truly is amazing when we stop and think about it. Hopefully, by the end of the year, we will all be able to cross off "learn to play the piano" from our bucket lists, and show off our new piano skills to family and friends who come to visit for the holidays. Instead of just listening to CD's of holiday music, we will get to surprise everyone by taking turns playing songs on our keyboard. :-)
We would have never taken ourselves for a musical family, but thanks tot Playground Sessions, we are proud to say we are learning to play the piano as a family, and are loving the experience, as we learn and grow musically, together. Such wonderful memories are being made, some great "firsts" are being recorded on video to remember, and we love supporting each other on our self-paced musical journeys, while offering up help and encouragement along the way. So, I thank the folks at Playground Sessions for making it possible, both money-wise and through their exceptional video instruction and programming, for our family to learn to play the piano, and work towards crossing off a bucket list item.
If you have always wanted to learn to play the piano, or your kids have asked, but you couldn't afford it, I am here to tell you, now this dream be possible, with the help of Playground Sessions. The first step in learning to play the piano is to visit their website at https://www.playgroundsessions.com/ to learn more, browse their selection of keyboard kits, accessories and plans available. The real fun...and magic begins when you sit down in front of the keyboard and take your first lesson. You will learn that there are really only 12 keys you need to know about on a piano, and find yourself getting excited about learning how to play the piano right from the start. We are all loving our experience/journey with Playground Sessions, and I know your family will, too!
So, what are you waiting for? Why not make this the summer your whole family learns how to play the piano? It is possible...and Playground Sessions will guide you through the learning process, step by step, at your own pace, and in the comfort of your own home. What more could you for ask for?! Visit Playground Sessions to get started now - https://www.playgroundsessions.com/.
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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