I love when I stumble upon small businesses to promote, especially when their product offering is great. So, when I was contacted a few weeks ago from Miss Myrtle's, an online chocolate chip cookie company, I jumped at the opportunity to review their cookies -- not just because I love supporting small mom and pop shops, but, come on, who can resists chocolate chip cookies?! :-)
About Miss Myrtle:
"Myrtle Joseph's life and love began in her birthplace of Fredricksted, St. Croix, in the
U.S. Virgin Islands. In a household of several siblings, she learned to cook and bake at an early age. As she got older, so did her reputation in the neighborhood in making delicious cakes, pies and cookies. As much as she loved to make people smile with her culinary skills, her ambition to pursue her education in nursing was her calling. The need to help and nurture those in need continued throughout her life.
I grew up learning everything I know about cooking and baking at my mother's side and thanks to her, I've been more aware that people who yearn for natural, wholesome snacks, don't need to look any further. My mother's recipe is made to put a smile on your face."
I was sent a sampling of Miss Myrtle's chocolate chip cookies, which included regular and dark chocolate chip cookies with and without walnuts, as well as regular chocolate chip cookies with macadamia nuts. My mouth is watering just thinking about these cookies, and how good they tasted.
Since finishing my cancer treatment back in 2008, I started to have to hot chocolate every night, and have continued this ever since. I had read that chocolate is good for keeping your mind sharp, and I was dealing with chemo brain after treatment, so I was up for trying anything, and come on, if you tell a chocolate lover like me that eating chocolate or drinking hot chocolate will help keep your mind sharp, why would I say, "No." :-) And, you can't have hot chocolate without cookies...with more chocolate. :-) So, as I get my girls ready for bed, I am filling up on chocolate, to help keep my mind sharp, and also to help me relax after a long day. I also find the extra sugar kick gives me energy to work into the night on my blog, as I do my best writing when everyone is in bed, and the house is quiet.
Miss Myrtle's chocolate chip cookies arrived a few days after I requested them, as the company is based out of the Bronx in NY, and I am in CT, so mail between the two places is relatively quick. And, the cookies arrived at a great time, too, as my girls had surprised me with gourmet hot chocolate to celebrate my cancerversary back on May 1st, so these chocolate chip cookies paired well with the rich and creamy hot chocolate my husband made for me that night.
Even though the cookies are small in size, they are packed full of flavor. I found with each and every bite, I was getting piece of chocolate chips, which I loved. While I am usually a fan of soft cookies, I found that these were crispy and had a bite to them. My husband and girls loved this about the cookies, as they like a harder cookie. I made them a little softer for me to bite by dipping them in my hot chocolate. Mmm. :-)
We had so much fun sampling the different flavors of Miss Myrtle's chocolate chip cookies. My husband really liked the walnut and macadamia nut cookies, while my girls were fans of the regular cookie without nuts. I found myself gravitating towards the dark chocolate chip cookies, as they had a nice rich chocolatey taste.
The next morning when I woke with my girls, I found that my husband had taken a package of the cookies to work with him to enjoy with his afternoon coffee. My girls asked if they could skip their usual pancakes or cereal and have Miss Myrtle's chocolate chip cookies with a tall glass of cold milk for dipping. How could I say "No," as I found myself waking and craving these tasty cookies, too. You could say that it was love at first bite with Miss Myrtle's chocolate chip cookies. The cookies had just the amount of spice and sweetness to it, that it made you want to take little nibbles to savory the flavor. And, you found yourself preferring this cookie recipe over other chocolate chip cookies I have made or bought for the girls.
It didn't take long for the samples that were sent to be gone, and my girls asking if we could buy more. Thankfully ordering Miss Myrtle's cookies is easy, as you can place an order through their online store and have it shipped right to your door. This is great if you like sending care packages to your kids away at school, want to surprise someone who is not feeling well with a sweet treat pick me up, or even gift cookies to mom for Mother's Day. I used to look forward to coming home from school as a kid and having a fresh plate of chocolate chip cookies on the cookie for my brothers and I to enjoy. After all those years of mom baking cookies for you, why not change things up and send her a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies for her to enjoy. And, we all know how busy we are...so let Miss Myrtle's
make their irresistible homemade, organic based cookies and have them sent right to your mom's doorstep. You can buy assorted cookies packages, in regular and dark flavors, with or without nuts, or go all out and send mom a gift basket filled with these tasty cookies.

Once you try Miss Myrtle's chocolate chip cookies, you will see why my family now has a new favorite chocolate chip cookie recipe. Miss Myrtle created a winning cookie recipe that your whole family will love, and want time and again.

So, as Mother's Day draws near, why not consider sending some chocolate chip cookies to your mom to enjoy from Miss Myrtle's? Just imagine how your mom will feel when she opens the package to find fresh baked cookies...it will be just like when you came home from school to find that your mom made you cookies....a great feeling of love, and a tasty treat to satisfy your sweet tooth. :-)
To learn more about Miss Myrtle's cookies and to place your online order, head on over to https://www.missmyrtlesccc.biz.
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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