The kind folks at DBW Jewelry let me create a charm bracelet using their interactive bracelet builder, which is done through their online store. When I first visited their website and learned about the "Create Your Own" bracelet builder, I was excited, and couldn't wait to try it out for myself. I loved playing around with the different bars, beads and charms, to make the perfect charm bracelet. You could spend hours designing and re-designing pieces, as DBW Jewelry offers so many options when it comes to their interchangeable chains, bars beads and charms.
In the end, I ended up requesting the following, after seeing how it looked with the interactive bracelet builder:
- Lucky Elephant Bead -- I chose this bead as I have always loved collecting elephants for good luck
- Dog Bone Charm -- Being a dog lover and having rescue pups all my life, it was only fitting to show my love for my beloved four-legged family members with this cute charm
- Mother's Love Charm -- The reason I wanted a charm bracelet was to capture my love for my family and two daughters, so when I saw this charm, I knew it was just what I was looking for
- Sparkling Charm/Bead Stopper Pair -- Come on, who can resist a little sparkle and bling. :-)
- Love Knot Bangle Ball Pair -- I chose this to symbolize the love I have for my husband, who I met in college, as well as my family as a whole.
- Polished Bangle Bracelet -- This was the hardest part of the whole bracelet making process, as I couldn't decide on the bangle bracelet. They all looked beautiful, and paired well with the different beads and charms I had picked out. But, in the end, I found myself always going back to this bracelet when trying to decide on the final piece...and, I have to say after seeing it up close finally, I made the right call, as it is simply stunning!
And, can you believe this only cost $144 to make (7 pieces total).
The beads and charms were only $18 each; the polished bangle bracelet was only $30, and the Love Knot Bangle Ball Pair was $36; and only $12 for the Sparkling Charm/Bead Stopper Pair. I still can't get over the cost!
My husband gave me a charm bracelet a couple years ago and added my two girl's birthstones charms to it. It ended up costing him over $300 for the bracelet and two small charms. I haven't added to it since as I didn't see spending all that money on a bracelet, I was afraid to wear out and about and chance losing. But, I also hated not being able to wear it without worry, or have the option to add more charms to switch up, as it was pricey. Thanks to DBW Jewelry I don't have to worry about any of this anymore, as the charm bracelet I created and was sent, is not only fashionable and beautiful, but I can now add more charms or have my husband gift them to me, without worrying about having to spend a fortune for a small charm or bead. And, the bracelet is affordable enough that I can wear it without fear of damaging it, which was always a concern with the other one he bought me.
I have only had the charm bracelet from DBW Jewelry for about a week now, and I have lost count of how many people have stopped to compliment me on the bracelet or asked to see the charms. There are so many women -- moms, grandma's, etc. out there that love the idea of a charm bracelet that they can customize with charms, beads, etc. that hold a special meaning to them. And, now thanks to DBW Jewelry they can buy and wear their own personally designed by you charm bracelet, and not worry about breaking the bank in doing so.

Mother's Day is fast approaching. If you are still looking for just the right gift for mom, why not consider creating a charm bracelet for her, with the help of the interactive bracelet builder online from DBW Jewelry?

The hard part will be deciding which beads and charms to go with . But, once you see the final piece up close, you will be excited to share it with mom and explain why you chose each interchangeable piece, making this a truly unique gift that mom will cherish for years to come, and will love to wear and show off, just like I have been doing! :-)
To learn more about these fashionable yet affordable charm bracelets, or to try your hand at designing your very own bracelet complete with bars, beads, charms, etc., using the online interactive bracelet builder, head on over to the DBW Jewelry website today. You will not be disappointed with the piece you create for mom, or even yourself. Like I said, I am loving my DBW Jewelry charm bracelet, and can't wait to add more charms and beads to it. And, now when my husband asks me what I want for our anniversary or my birthday, I can ask for more charms and beads for my DBW Jewelry charm bracelet. :-)
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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