
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Just Right: Searching for the Goldilocks Planet by Curtis Manley is a Great Introduction to the Universe, for Kids of All Ages! (Review)

Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

For the past few weeks we have been covering the Solar System as part of our homeschooling. I kicked off our schooling by sharing "Just Right: Searching for the Goldilocks Planet" children's picture book by Curtis Manley, with my girls, as a way to not only introduce them to the planets, but also get them thinking about life out in the solar system.

This book really is a gem and must have families with children intrigued by science and the solar system. If you homeschool like I do, you will find this to be chock full of fun facts about the different plants and a great introduction to the solar system for kids of all ages.  Both of my girls loved the book, and were amazed by the illustrations done by Jessica Lanan.  We found ourselves lingering on the pages, taking in all the detail.

There is even a nice timeline of "Discovering Our Place in the Universe" at the beginning of the book which details everything that is covered in the book, and makes for a great reference to look back at after reading this story, as a way to piece together the history of the Universe.

I highly recommend this book, and will definitely be sharing this book time and again with the girls, for years to come.


More about this book:

"Do you wonder 
if humans
are the only beings who wonder
if they are alone 
in the universe?

Our sun is a star.
In the night sky are all kinds of stars,
and orbiting those stars
are planets like the ones in our own solar system.
Could those planets have life
like we do on Earth?
Planet Earth is not too big,
not too small, not too hot,
and not too cold. It’s just right.
Our very own Goldilocks planet . . . .

Follow a young girl
as she explores these questions
in this gorgeous book about the wondrous search
for another Goldilocks planet."
Roaring Brook Press
ISBN: 9781250155337
48 Pages, Ages 5-9

About the Author:

Curtis Manley grew up in Pennsylvania, where there were bears in the woods (and perhaps a few dinosaurs at school). But he never had to outrun sharks during recess—though he’s absolutely certain he could have. He is the author of Shawn Loves Sharks and Just Right. Curtis now lives near Seattle, Washington.

Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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