The girls are reporting for baby duty. Not what you thinking...we didn't have a new baby or are babysitting. Instead, the girls are enjoying their new Giggle Fun Baby and fold up stroller, along with magic sippy set from Perfectly Cute line from JAKKS Pacific. Now that my girls are getting older they are exploring and trying new things, and pretending and playing different roles. They were given a "big girls" doll house a few years ago for Christmas but didn't show interest until this year to have it made. Now it is in our living room, and played with by the girls every day. They have even taken to my old barbie dolls, which I love seeing them play with and enjoy just like I did when I was little. So happy that my mom saved some of my toys so that I could share with my girls. Too bad she didn't save my old pretend dolls. I was telling the girls the other day about ones that used to pee when you fed them, and they giggled.
Yesterday, the girls were surprised with a big box at the door and when they opened the box and saw the doll and stroller inside, they were all smiles and they had been asking about a doll to pretend being a mom with.
"A favorite doll is often a child’s first best friend. Moreover, playing with baby dolls reveals many developmental benefits, encouraging qualities like compassion, responsibility, imagination, socialization, and motor skills among little ones. With JAKKS Pacific’s contemporary and adorable baby and accessory line, Perfectly Cute, kids can use their imaginations while pretending to do everything that mom and dad do at home. Perfectly Cute’s realistic and adorable designs make for perfect open-ended play. "
My girls couldn't wait to get the stroller and doll out of their packages and play with them. I made them wait until this AM to play with them as we had to travel for classes yesterday and wouldn't be home until late. The girls didn't forget and were up at the crack of dawn waiting with the Perfectly Cute toys in hand, for me to take them out of the package, so that they could play with them.
Once they had the Giggle Fun Baby and her magic sippy set in hand, they sat together on the couch to feed her. They realized she didn't come with a diaper, so found a stash I saved in the closet from when they were little, and put one on the doll. Once feeding time was over, they strolled her around the house in her fun fold up stroller.
The girls have pretended with stuffed animals and their old strollers in the driveway in the past, but they didn't like the clunky oversized strollers as they were hard to steer, and their stuffed animals would always slide out. So, they were happy that the fold up stroller was just their size and held their new baby doll in place just right.
The baby even makes a sucking noise when you put the pacifier and bottle in her mouth. The girls thought this feature was so cool.
My girls have been having a blast playing with their new Perfectly Cute doll and stroller, and I love seeing them really get into the role of being a mom, and caring for the doll. It really is nice to see little ones pretending and having fun. And, want to know the best part of all, next to making the girls' day with these toys to review...that the Perfectly Cute toy line is affordable. I was amazed at how well the toys were made when I first took the out of the box, knowing their prices. It is nice when a brand offers wonderfully made toys for little ones at a great price.
With the summer fast approaching, the Perfectly Cute toy line would be perfectly for little girls who love dolls. They will have a blast feeding and taking their Giggle Fun Baby for walks. And, the stroller is easy to fold up and store in the trunk for day trips and vacations you may go on. Once your little one holds their new Giggle Fun Baby, they will not want to put it down. My girls have only been playing with their Perfectly Cute toys for a few hours, and are having so much fun. They don't want to put the doll down, and love reporting for baby duty. :-)
To learn more about the Perfectly Cute doll and accessory line, head on over to https://www.jakks.com/products/perfectly-cute/index.php today.
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Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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