Spring is finally here. After what seemed to be a long and cold winter, it is nice to finally hear the birds chirping and have the snow finally melting. Please Mother Nature no more snow. We are all snowed out here in the Northeast, especially with the recent back to back to back snow storms, all of which many of us without power for a few days at a time. No fun, especially when there is still a chill in the air. But, with spring, brings beautiful things including flowers in bloom, warmer weather and Easter, to name a few.
We have a handful of First Communion and Confirmation celebrations this spring, so I have been on the hunt for cute spring dresses for the girls to wear to these parties, as well as to Easter morning church service and brunch in the church hall thereafter. I don't have to worry about a gifts to give for our friends' children celebrating First Communion and their Confirmation, as I have picked up the perfect gift to give them, that I know they will love and that they will cherish for years to come.
This “Be Ye As Little Children” figurine is a wonderful gift that will encourage loved ones to remember that "child-like devotion to our Heavenly Father is the path to an eternity in Heaven, and at the same time, their children will be inspired by the timeless message about God’s eternal and abiding love for them."
Isn't the “Be Ye As Little Children”, Limited Edition Bisque Porcelain Sculpture stunning? I was sent a sample from the folks at Precious Moments, and fell in love with it the first time I saw it. My youngest daughter, Bella, saw it and asked if she could have it to start a collection like I have in my bedroom. While I wished I could have kept the “Be Ye As Little Children" figurine for myself, I knew that it was a meant for a child, who still holds the purity and innocence of youth.
Before bringing this website exclusive (limited to 1,000 pieces worldwide) figurine up to her bedtime to put on her dresser to admire, I snapped a couple photos of her holding it.
I loved seeing her stare down at the “Be Ye As Little Children”, Limited Edition Bisque Porcelain Sculpture and speak about how stunning it was, and how it reminded her God loves her and all the children of the world. Even though she is looking forward to the Easter Bunny's arrival, she is old enough to know the real reason we celebrate Easter, and this Precious Moments piece will be a wonderful keepsake for her to cherish and be reminded about how she has grown into her faith and has learned about the real meaning of the holidays we celebrate in and outside the church, and how we are blessed for all that we have and thank God for these bountiful blessings every day.
"This stunning sculpture captures the sentiment that Jesus expressed about the blessed innocence of children when He said to His disciples, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” –Mark 10:13."
Did you know that Precious Moments is celebrating their 40th anniversary this year? I couldn't believe it was 40 years when I heard about their "Celebrating 40 Years of Love" theme to commemorate this amazing milestone. My mom knew it was 40 years, as she has been buying my brothers and I Precious Moments figurines since our birth -- some of which she has stored for us, so that we could pass down to our children -- and others I have on display in my bedroom in a glass corner unit, so that I can admire them whenever I go in and out of my bedroom. And, my girls love to stop in and look at their personal favorites.
I never had to wonder what my mother would gift me for my birthdays growing up, as I knew it would be a Precious Moments figurine. Based on my loves and hobbies at that moment in time, she would choose just the right Precious Moments figurine. She continues to buy my two brothers and I Precious Moments figurines for our birthday even to this day. And, at the holidays she makes sure there is a Precious Moments on the tree for the girls to find, so that they can take home and to their growing Precious Moments ornament collection. She started this tradition for their first Christmas, and has continued. Once they get older and leave the nest, they will have enough ornaments to decorate their first Christmas tree. And, just like I do, they can look at each individual Precious Moments piece and remember back to special moments in their life when they enjoyed a hobby or celebrated a special milestones, thanks to the beautiful Precious Moments piece which is dated on the bottom.
Just like I used to love looking forward to my birthday to see which Precious Moments figurine my mother would gift me, my girls look forward to Christmas day when they visit my parents' house. They rush into the house and head right for the tree in the living room to look for their special Precious Moments ornament.
This year will be extra special as there are so many wonderful Precious Moments figurines and gifts to give that special person in your life. No matter the occasion -- heck, you could even surprise a loved one or friend with a Precious Moments gift just because, and make their day, - why not given giving a Precious Moments figurine or gift. You could start a new tradition like my mom does and gift a Precious Moments ornaments at the holiday to your children or grandchildren, or give a figurine as a birthday gift. I love displaying and admiring all my Precious Moments pieces my mother has given me over all these years. And, one day I will pass these down to my girls to enjoy with their family. These Precious Moments are wonderful keepsakes that are cherished for years and fill your heart with love, as you know someone special thought of you personally when ordering one of the many breathtaking and lovely Precious Moments pieces.
So, as we welcome in spring and all the beauty it brings, let's also celebrate all the love we have for those near and dear to our hearts. Join me and so many of fans of Precious Moments by celebrating their 40 years of love, by gifting the limited edition “Be Ye As Little Children”, Limited Edition Bisque Porcelain Sculpture (only available online at Precious Moments), or one of their many other wonderful Precious Moments figurines or gifts available over at https://www.preciousmoments. com. I can't wait to share the “Be Ye As Little Children” with my god-daughter and our friends' children who are celebrating First Holy Communions and confirmations. Each and every time they see the “Be Ye As Little Children," they will be reminded of this special religious achievement, and how much we were and are proud of the person they are becoming.
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from Precious Moments in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
We collet Precious Moments and sure need to add this one to our collection.
ReplyDeleteheather [email protected]