In support of the home entertainment release of the heartwarming animated family adventure, Leap!, Lionsgate has partnered with the non-profit organization, FOOTLOOSE, to gather donations of new and gently used dance shoes to help aspiring dancers in need. On November 16th, from 6p-8p PST, Lionsgate will be hosting an event in which they will be presenting FOOTLOOSE with the shoe donations. I wanted to help support this social good project, by encouraging donations from my readers. If you have new or gently used dance shoes you are willing to donate, you'll find the address to send them to below. You can also follow along the donation event on social media via #LeapMovie and #LeapForFootloose
Savannah and Bella went through their old dance shoes this past weekend and we boxes them up to send off to this worthwhile cause. My girls have loved ballet ever since they were little, thanks in part to the animated series, Angelina Ballerina.
And, now that they are older, they have been really enjoy ballet classes they have been doing as part of a homeschool co-op we are apart of. They love their teacher and love working on their ballet skills weekly.
We will definitely sharing the #LeapForFootloose gently used/new ballet shoes collection drive with the girls' ballet teacher and their fellow ballet dancers. I can't wait to see how many dance shoes the folks at Lionsgate will be providing the FOOTLOOSE organization on November 16th. And, my daughters can't wait for the Leap! movie to arrive on DVD, as they love this movie. We saw it three times in the theater, and as soon as the girls heard it was releasing on DVD and digital, they added a note on the calendar so I would remember to bring them to the store so that they can pick it up and be able to watch it whenever they want. The last time we saw it in the theater, the girls were reciting the dialogue word for word. And, then when they got home, they pretended to be Félicie and were practicing her ballet moves. :-) If you have a prima ballerina in your life who had gently used/new ballet shoes, why not consider donating them to FOOTLOOSE. And, be sure you pick up the Leap! movie when it arrives on DVD, Blu-ray and Digital soon. *Leap! will be available on Digital November 7 and on Blu-ray, DVD and On Demand November 21.
Donations to FOOTLOOSE can be sent prior to November 16 to the address below:
Address For Donations:
Leap Donations c/o Lionsgate
5055 Wilshire Blvd
Suite 840
Los Angeles, CA 90036
About Leap!

Get Social with Leap!
Leap! on Facebook- facebook.com/LeapMovieOfficial/Leap! on Twitter - https://twitter.com/leapthemovie?lang=en

FOOTLOOSE is a non-profit charitable organization that collects new and gently used dance shoes to donate to less fortunate aspiring dancers. FOOTLOOSE donates shoes to a variety of organizations. For more information to donate or receive shoes, visit http://www.footloosemission.com/, FOOTLOOSE was founded by Becca Duberman, a dancer and philanthropist, in 2010. Becca’s passion for dance and her compassion for children led to the creation of FOOTLOOSE. Like its movie namesake, FOOTLOOSE, the story of overcoming restrictions to dance, connects donors to needy recipients.
Get Social with FOOTLOOSE
Facebook- facebook.com/FootlooseMssn/Twitter- twitter.com/FootlooseMssn
Instagram- instagram.com/footloosemssn/
Donate soon, so the shoes arrive in time for the event & and don't forget to check out Leap! on Digital November 7 and on Blu-ray, DVD and On Demand November 21.
Disclosure: I've partnered with Bloggin' Mamas for this social good campaign. I may receive movie-related promotional items or experiences; but all opinions expressed are my own and no monetary compensation was received.
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