Thursday, November 2, 2017

Holiday Gift Guide 2017: Make Bath Time More Fun with the Foam Cone Factory from Tomy Toomies (Review)

Disclosure:  I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

You are never too old to play with bath toys, right?  :-)  My girls had so much fun recently helping me review the new Tomy Toomies Foam Cone Factory bath toy.  

Even though it says this toy is for kids 18 months+, my two girls ages 6 and 7 couldn't wait to hop in the tub and try it out.  Just looking at the package, they thought this bath toy was the coolest thing, and couldn't wait to start making their own foam cones.

This bath toy couldn't have come at a better time as it arrived during a heat wave in October, which we never see here in New England.  While it is was only in the mid 70's it was still hot enough to have the girls asking to go swimming. And, with no swimming pool up in the yard, I had to resort to fun in the tub.  :-)  The girls rushed to get their bathing suits on and helped me fill the tub with water.  As the tub was filling, we read the instructions on how to set up the Foam Cone Factory, and within minutes we were all ready to have fun with foam in the tub with this easy to use and set up foaming bath toy.

"This clever toy pops onto any bathroom wall or the sides of your tub with its suction pads and only needs a little bubble bath and water to operate. Kids can concoct their own pretend ice creams simply by dripping a few drops of bubble bath into the cornet at the top… adding water… and pulling the lever. 

They’ll love watching as the “ice cream” fluffs and bubbles up in the cone before their eyes! It’s magic! 

Three flat-bottomed cones are designed to sit steadily on the sides of the bath, ready to add pretend sprinkles from the shaker that comes as part of the set. So simple, yet so effective, parents and children will love the look of these. Ideal for distracting children as they get more confident in the water, the Foam Cone Factory will promote collaborative role play and help refine motor skills. Age: 18 months and up. 

·         Pull up to the Foam Cone Factory and make your own pretend ice creams with soap and water!

·         Pour in a few drops of bubble bath, add water, and pull on the handle for amazing results every time
·         Includes 3 cones and sprinkle shake. Mounts easily to bath tiles and tubs"


What I loved best about this bath toy is that a few drops of bubble bath goes a long way.  Another great feature of this Tomy toy is that all the accessory can attach to the base of the foam cone factory, so you don't have to worry about the cones or sprinkler going missing.  

My girls had so much fun playing in the tub with the Foam Cone Factory and could have spent all afternoon in there. The only reason they got out was because it was nearing dinner time and they noticed their skin was getting all wrinkly. :-)

Each night at bath time, the girls make sure they have their foam cone factory from Tomy loaded with a few drop of bubble bath and water, so they are ready to play while washing up.  I have found that this bath toy has become so popular with the girls that they no longer have to dump a full basket of miscellaneous toys into the tub, as they are content just with the foam cone factory.

With the holidays fast approaching, the Toomies Foam Cone Factory from Tomy would make for a great gift idea for young children.  It will be one toy the kid will be excited to try out and want to use again and again. This bath toy will get even the fussiest of kids to get into the bath and splash around while you give them a bath.  They will have so much fun pretending to make foam cones and adding magic sprinkles.  My girls had competitions with each other to see who could make the tallest cone when they weren't pretending to run an ice cream shop from the tub. :-)  

Both of my girls can't stop raving about this bath toy and have even told their friends about it, and how they love having tub time just to play with their foam cone factory.   My girls have never been cleaner. :-)

Disclosure:  I was sent a sample from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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