Globe Pequot Press / Muddy Boots
Pages: 32 • Trim: 10 1/2 x 9
978-1-63076-306-0 • Hardback • October 2017 • $15.95 • (£10.95)
978-1-63076-307-7 • eBook • October 2017 • $9.99 • (£6.95)
"This zany Wild Zoo Train is off on a mysterious adventure! Choo-choo-choo goes the WildZoo Train. Ding-ding-ding goes the bell on the roof. Clickerty-clack go the wheels on the track. A zoo train full of children takes a mysterious turn into the wilds. As each train trip becomes more and more wild, curious children observe the whimsical world around them. Wild Zoo Train takes readers on a wild, animal-filled adventure through canyons, jungles, the arctic poles, and more!"
My Thoughts:
We received this book the other day and the girls knew this would be a silly read based on the cover art. They saw the children sharing train cars with some really weird looking wild animals including an elephant and coyote, with a vulture and jaguar sitting on the title letters. The girls couldn't wait to snuggle up on the couch and read it with me. The story does have some repetitive words like choo-choo-choo goes the Wild Zoo Train, Clickerty Clack and tooot-tooot, so whenever the girls saw these on the pages they would shout them out excitedly.
This is a unique train that is traveling through the zoo, makes stops in places like the jungle, canyon and savanna and Antarctica -- all places the kids can't find on the zoo map. I asked the girls as we read this book if they would get on a wild zoo train if it took them to these zany places and they were quick to say, "Yes, it would be fun!" They had so much fun listening to the story and couldn't wait for to turn the page to see where the wild zoo train was going next and what animals they would meet.
The story was easy to follow along and short enough that it would keep young children's attention. The illustrations are nicely done and will have you and your child lingering on the pages taking in all the detail of the scenery including the kids, the train and animals they come upon. Overall this is a really cute book for kids that will take them on a fun train ride meeting some unexpected animals along the way. We have read this book half a dozen times since receiving, and the girls continue to pull it from the shelf to flip through and look at the pictures. My youngest has also enjoyed trying to draw the different animals freehand, when she isn't having Savannah read the book to her, or asking me to snuggle on the couch to read together.
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About the Author:
Carmela LaVigna Coyle is the author of the bestselling Princesses series as well as three other books. She lives in Denver, Colorado.
About the Illustrator:
Steve Gray is an award winning children's picture book illustrator. He has illustrated a number of children's books including Farmer McPeepers and his Missing Milk Cows by Katy Duffield, which was chosen two years in a row by the California Teachers Association to promote Read Across America and was an Arkansas Diamond Honor book winner.
Disclosure: I was sent a review copy from the vendor in exchange for an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
I love the elephants at the zoo.