Today is October 25th, which means there are exactly two months left until Christmas Day. Have you started your holiday shopping yet? It is hard not to think about Christmas and the upcoming holidays if you have been to stores later, as they started putting Christmas stuff out right after they packed away the back to school stuff. It is crazy how fast the holidays approach, especially when you are seeing Christmas lights and decorations in October. And, don't get me started on all the television commercials on television highlighting the must have toys for the season. My girls have already written and re-written and added to their wish lists a handful of times so far. And, each day they have something new to add. Seeing that we are the midst of the holiday season, I wanted to get you all ready for the season with my holiday gift guide, which will feature wonderful gifts for every member of the family including your furry friends.
But, before I share a handful of posts tonight with wonderful gift ideas, I wanted to give readers a chance to win a $20 Butterball check to help with their upcoming Thanksgiving dinner. I am all about Thanksgiving as turkey and all the fixings are my favorite things to eat. So, I always look forward to sharing about Butterball and what they have in store for turkey season to help make every cook's life out there a little easier, and to help rescue a kitchen snafu so that your holiday meal with go well, and family and friends will be praising the great job done by the chef. :-)
Did you hear?...
"Butterball conducted its first-ever consumer survey this year. The study took a pulse on Thanksgiving preppers’ expectations – and realities – when it comes to the tradition, and found it’s all about the turkey! While most preparers don’t expect perfection from their Thanksgiving, 60 percent want the turkey to be picture perfect. Additional survey findings include:

"Butterball conducted its first-ever consumer survey this year. The study took a pulse on Thanksgiving preppers’ expectations – and realities – when it comes to the tradition, and found it’s all about the turkey! While most preparers don’t expect perfection from their Thanksgiving, 60 percent want the turkey to be picture perfect. Additional survey findings include:
· Two-thirds of Americans like to incorporate new traditions into their celebrations…many of which include cooking up new and different recipes for loved ones to enjoy.
· Out of all things Thanksgiving preparers cook up, they’re most proud of the turkey. And 88 percent prep it the old-school way: in an oven.
- Only 40 percent of experienced cooks worry about cooking the turkey correctly and only 52 percent worry about getting everything just right, among first-time preppers, those numbers jump up to 80 percent and 67 percent, respectively.
· Two-thirds of Americans rank Thanksgiving as one of their top-two favorite holidays."
· 74 percent of Americans don’t expect Thanksgiving to be perfect, and 84 percent feel excited about preparing the meal regardless.
You all know about the 800 Butterball Turkey Talk-Line, right? If not, here is a little history on this lifesaving turkey talk-line...

"One of the first national, toll-free consumer help lines, the Turkey Talk-Line has helped almost 50 million consumers since its first season in November 1981. Each November and December, professionally trained turkey experts assist more than 4 million cooks through the Turkey Talk-Line, Butterball.com, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Live Chats and emails in the United States and Canada. With more than 50 staff members, the Turkey Talk-Line has the resources to answer questions from either English- or Spanish-speaking callers, as well as respond to questions via email."
Make sure you note these two numbers, as they are active beginning November 1st through Dec. 24th:

· Text Help (844-877-3456): Send the Turkey Talk-Line a text! Holiday cooking text help will be available starting Nov. 1, with extended hours starting the week of Thanksgiving.
· 1-800-BUTTERBALL (1-800-288-8372): Turkey Talk-Line experts will be available this season starting November 1, 2017, through December 24, 2017, to answer questions and assist all Thanksgiving cooks.
Want to try a new side dish or turkey recipe? I, for one, are excited about trying out a brining recipe I found online, as well as a couple new side dishes I found the recipes for over at Butterball. This year, I will be serving up Bacon-Roasted Brussels Sprouts and a Baked Cranberry Conserve, as well taking my sweet potatoes to the next level with another easy recipe from Butterball, Orange Candied Sweet Potatoes.

I am getting hungry just looking at the mouthwatering side dishes above. Sorry, if your belly starts growling, too. Well, now that I got you thinking about Thanksgiving, make sure you visit the recipes section over at Butterball for some suggestions for tasty and oh so easy recipes to incorporate into your annual Thanksgiving dinner. The hard part will be narrowing down your recipe list. If I could, I would add a handful of other delectable sides. But, I know I will have limited space at the table for side dishes. So, I have noted the few other side dishes and will be serving them up instead at Christmas with our other turkey dinner.
Are you all about emojis when chatting? Did you know they don't have a turkey emoji out there? Here, I will give you a minute for you to go check. See, I told you so. Well, the folks at Butterball want to change that and they are asking for your help. Right now they have a petition on Change.com and are hoping everyone will take a moment and sign it so that we can have an official Thanksgiving turkey emoji before the big turkey day. Wouldn't it be great to let your friends and family know to head into the dining room because the turkey is ready by sending along a quick message with the turkey emoji...or, letting others know that you are flat out exhausted from cooking and eating the tasty turkey.

"Every year, Butterball’s Turkey Talk-Line experts answer countless urgent questions about turkey trials and tribulations. And when Butterball launched its 24/7 texting help line last Thanksgiving, experts texted the words and phrases including “turkey” and “frozen turkey” more than 5,000 times! With the public’s support, the Turkey Talk-Line experts hope to make their texting even more seamless this Thanksgiving, and for Thanksgivings to come!
Emoji fans can visit Change.org to sign the petition and do their part to make the Thanksgiving emoji a reality. To help spread the word, the Turkey Talk-Line experts banded together to create a heartfelt appeal for signatures which can be found on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter."
Emojis are a fun way to add life to your texts, and without your help in signing the petition, we may not have a turkey emoji to share. So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to and sign the petition at Change.com and get ready to put the Thanksgiving turkey emoji to good use this holiday season. Gobble, gobble! :-)

As I mentioned above, the kind folks at Butterball have offered to give 2 lucky Inspired by Savannah readers the chance to win a $20 Butterball check to help them offset their upcoming turkey and fixings purchase at the market. To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I was sent promotional product from the vendor in exchange for honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
My fave side dish is the Mashed potatoes
ReplyDeleteOur favorite side dish is Sweet Potato Casserole
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is sweet potato casserole.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Thanksgiving side dish is the stuffing!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite Thanksgiving dinner side dish has got to be green bean casserole!
ReplyDeleteellen beck
ARG I put tweet in comment box and colkdnt correct it on 11/5
ellen beck
my favorite thanksgiving dish is green bean casserole.