Make Everyday EARTH DAY in
Your Home!
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While I look forward to the warmer weather, one thing I don't like about spring is the cleaning. Are you are fan of spring cleaning? I, for one, could skip right over this and just enjoy sitting out on the deck watching the girls play in the backyard...with no snow in sight. But, we are adults and it is our job to keep our homes clean, especially for the health and well being of our family. And, with this past crazy winter, which brought the flu, pneumonia, stomach bugs and a handful of head colds and sinus infections, I was ready to push up my sleeves and really give my house a good spring cleaning from top to bottom. But, when it comes to cleaning products, which ones are best?
Have you heard about Grab Green? If you haven't, don't feel bad as I hadn't heard about them either, that was until I was recently sent a box filled of their Eco-friendly cleaning products to try throughout my house -- including laundry and kitchen products. And, I have to say after having the opportunity to try out these products firsthand, I am now a repeat customer of Grab Green and look for it whenever I need to restock on cleaning products for my home.
Here is more about Grab Green in case you weren't familiar with this amazing natural cleaning products line...
"Grab Green ( is boldly shaking up your cleaning routine thanks to recent scientific tests that found its laundry and dishwashing pods superior to conventional brands in removing many of today’s toughest stains and soils. These green home cleaning products are environmentally safe, non-toxic and outperform the chemical-laden “big” guys like Tide and Cascade!
Laying to rest once and for all the outdated notion that non-toxic, all-natural cleaning products —Laundry and Dishwashing Pods, Cookware & Bakeware Cleaner, are somehow inherently inferior to their traditional counterparts in power or effectiveness, a fast-growing brand called Grab Green ( is boldly shaking up the category thanks to recent scientific tests that found its laundry and dishwashing pods superior to conventional brands in removing many of today’s toughest stains and soils.
Grab Green PRODUCTS:

• 3 in 1 Laundry Detergent Pods – (24 loads per bag) – 1. Superior Detergent 2. Remarkable Stain Remover 3. Beautiful Brightener. 3 in 1 comes in four fresh fragrances (lavender with vanilla, gardenia, vetiver, fragrance free)

• NEW Stoneworks Laundry Detergent Pods (50 loads per bag) – Especially (though by no means solely) for millennials, recyclers and outdoor enthusiasts, this cost-effective and eco-responsible line features a collection of earthy fragrance profiles. Choose from 5 fragrances: Birch, Oak Tree, Rose Petal, Olive Leaf, and Rain Fragrance Free.

• Cookware & Bakeware Cleaner. No more scrubbing pots and pans! Offering ease, convenience, natural purity and robust cleaning power to home and professional chefs, cooks and bakers alike, Grab Green’s plant and mineral-based cookware and bakeware cleaners are naturally-derived and feature a non-toxic formula that’s safe and completely effective.

• Automatic Dishwashing Detergent Pods. (24 loads per bag) – Grab Green’s Pods are a powerful grease remover and will leave your dishes sparkling clean. Comes in four fragrances: Thyme with Fig Leaf, Red Pear with Magnolia, Grapefruit with Cranberry, Tangerine with Lemongrass, and Fragrance Free.
Like I said, I was sent a box of Grab Green cleaning products to try and used this as an opportunity to really put these products to the test during a recent spring cleaning I did last weekend, while my husband took the girls to the movies. I had the whole house to myself and was ready to get the house in tip top shape for spring and get rid of any lingering germs from the winter months once and for all.
Included in my box of Grab Green products were the following:

• 3 in 1 Laundry Detergent Pods – lavender with vanilla

• NEW Stoneworks Laundry Detergent Pods -- Rose Petal

• Cookware & Bakeware Cleaner

• Automatic Dishwashing Detergent Pods. Red Pear with Magnolia
I don't know about you, but one cleaning task I like to do is the laundry, as I find it not only relaxing, but it gives me time alone in the laundry room folding the clothes, before I walk throughout the house putting them all away. :-) I love the scent of lavender and having it paired with vanilla made it only smell that much better. With 4 loads of laundry waiting for me in the laundry room, I couldn't wait to drop one of these 3 in 1 Laundry Detergent Pods and wait until the wash was done to smell just how fresh and clean the clothes smelled. Oh, how I was I was able to include a scratch and sniff here or have access to a smellovision television so that you can experience the amazing scent of lavender with vanilla.

It was so pleasing to the nose and I felt relaxed as I went through the different loads, washing and drying my family's clothes with the help of Grab Green's 3 in 1 Laundry Detergent Pods.
I did save one load to try out their new Stoneworks Laundry Detergent Pods, which I was sent Rose Petal scent.

Even though lavender is my favorite scent, the rose petal is a close second. I found myself lingering in the laundry room, just to take in the wonderful scent of the rose petal. Laundry for me is relaxing, but when I used these two laundry products from Grab Green, it made the experience that much more enjoyable. Try saying that about about your other cleaning products.
After I was done with the laundry, I headed to the kitchen where there was a dishwasher full of dishes from dinner the night before and sink full of dishes from breakfast and lunch. Times like this I wish I had a housekeeper to help me with the dishes, as they are not my favorite thing to do. But, with samples of Grab Green's automatic dishwashing detergent pods and their Cookware & Bakeware Cleaner in hand, I was ready to say goodbye to all these dirty dishes and hello to a sink and dishwasher empty -- until dinner that night.
"Grab Green’s plant and mineral-based Cookware & Bakeware Cleaning Pods are formulated to take on the toughest cleaning challenges possible - with no scrubbing required!

Offering ease, convenience, natural purity and robust cleaning power, Grab Green’s cookware and bakeware pods feature a non-toxic formula that’s both safe and completely effective. So effective, in fact, that it not only removes burnt-on food, grease, grit and grime in minutes, but makes soaking dirty pots and pans overnight a thing of the past.
The magic occurs immediately when Grab Green’s unique blend of naturally-derived ingredients mixes with water to penetrate burnt, stuck-on foods along with other cooking and baking residue. After that, simply rinse (you don't even have to repeat) and celebrate the clean!"
I don't know what I would if I didn't have a dishwasher to help cut down on my time standing at the sink scrubbing and cleaning the dishes and pots and pans. Oh yeah, I would buy disposal dishes. Just kidding. I love how I just have to drop in a Red Pear with Magnolia automatic dishwashing detergent pod and turn the dishwasher on, and it works it magic.

When I opened the dishwasher door after the wash and dry cycle I couldn't get over just how clean my dishes and drinking glasses were. Imagine those commercials you see on television of people pulling out just cleaned dishes from the dishwasher...this it what I was experiencing after using the automatic dishwashing detergent pods from Grab Green. Never have I seen my dishes and glasses sparkle like this. And, the scent of the Red Pear with Magnolia was subtle yet pleasing to the nose.
"A separate recent study found that Grab Green Automatic Dishwashing Detergent Pods outperform Cascade Pacs, Cascade Complete and Cascade Platinum in removing such common soils as tea with milk, red wine, and coffee.

Grab Green Automatic Dishwashing Detergent is a superior cleaner and powerful grease remover that always leaves a brilliant shine. While some dishwasher detergent has phosphates and harsh chemicals, Grab Green’s naturally-derived, spot-free pods are free of dyes, chlorine and phosphates, and are equally effective in hard or soft water."
As I tackled the laundry and the kitchen area using Grab Green, I found myself getting excited about spring cleaning. Thanks to these amazing Eco-friendly cleaning products, I was able to turn a dreaded annual cleaning ritual into a fun and enjoyable one. I felt like a kid on Christmas morning trying out my new toys...well, in this case new cleaning products from Grab Green. I loved trying each and every one of the products sent. And, by the time my husband and girls arrived home, I couldn't wait to show off the clean house. The first thing my husband noticed was that there was no overpowering chemical smell like in years past after a day of cleaning with household cleaning products. I didn't have to open all the windows and doors in the house to air it out. Instead, I found myself relaxed and feeling excited...not only was my spring cleaning done, but it wasn't a painful task like in years past, thanks to the wonderful cleaning products from Grab Green.
If you still have to start your spring cleaning and don't want to deal with exposing yourself or your family to harsh cleaning products with strong chemical smells that linger, why not make a point to pick up Grab Green products the next time you do your shopping. Once you try Grab Green's line of non-toxic cleaners you will see why and I so many other people reach for this trusted brand.
You will not believe how well these products work in your kitchen, in the laundry room and around your home. And, the selection of scents available for the different cleaning products are all wonderful smelling and not overpowering like others brands on the market. I highly recommend Grab Green and can't wait to try some of their other cleaning products.
You can find Grab Green cleaning products at the following major retailers -- Ralphs, Whole Foods, and etailers (i.e. Amazon, vitacost, iherb), as well as shop online at
Having trouble finding Grab Green at your favorite retailer, then head on over to to use their easy store locator to find a retailer near you who carries Grab Green products.
I am excited to share a special coupon code to that have you saving 25% on your next Grab Green purchase. To take advantage of this savings, simply enter in discount code Earth25 at checkout over at at www.grabgreenhome. com, and you will save 25% off all purchased products. It is that easy! But, act fast, as this special offer is only valid until May 7th!
Thanks to the folks at Grab Green, two (2) lucky Inspired by Savannah reader will have a chance to win a Grab Green prize pack, which will include the same four products I was sent to review. :-)
• 3in1 Laundry Detergent Pods – lavender with vanilla
• NEW Stoneworks Laundry Detergent Pods -- Rose Petal
• Cookware & Bakeware Cleaner.
• Automatic Dishwashing Detergent Pods. Red Pear with Magnolia
To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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