I am excited to share a special offer from The Whittle Shortline Railroad. The Whittle Shortline Railroad is a family owned, 20 year old, wooden toy train company. They hand craft realistic toy trains that are compatible with Thomas, Brio and Chuggington. Their toy trains are modeled after real trains you would see in your neighborhood. As a part of their 20th anniversary they released over 20 new trains in August of 2016.

In December 2016, they will begin a program of releasing a new train each month and expanding our offering to trains around the world! Visit their website right now to watch video's and learn more!
I am excited to offer and exclusive savings for my readers for train sets and toy trains available at The Whittle Shortline Railroad. Right now my readers can SAVE 20% Off of High Quality MIXED 5 Car Diesel Engine Toy Train Sets when they use promo code: WeLoveWhittle! at checkout.

A new train set would really excite my grandson!