While Bella, my youngest, has always been my girly girl, Savannah is now getting in on it, too. They both like to wear nail polish and try their hand at makeup -- or as Bella calls it face painting. :-) And, even their style sense is changing as they grow. Instead of me picking out their clothes each morning, the girls are quick to put their own outfits together -- sometimes creating their own unique trends with mismatched socks and patterns. But, they rock it as if it is their own and pull it off -- something I could never do. :-)
In addition to experimenting with nail polish and makeup, the girls are also getting into wanting to wear jewelry. I have opted to wait on getting their ears pierced until they get older, as I want to make they will stick with wearing earrings, and really want it. I got my ears pierced really young because my mom thought it was cute. But, I ended up with infections or small cuts from too heavy earrings or my catching the earrings on things, that I stopped wearing them. So, I want to make sure my girls are old enough to understand the responsibility and proper care when you get your ears pierced.
Even though they don't have their ears pierced, doesn't mean their jewelry boxes are empty. Last I looked, they have more jewelry than I do. :-) Just the other day my girls were sent a trendy new line of bracelets called Honua Bracelets.
Have you heard of them, or own some?
Here is more about them...
Honua™ Bracelets combine the strength and serenity of the four elements- Fire, Water, Land and Sky. Honua™ Bracelets symbolize the critical energy forces that sustain life on our planet, and the power they each possess.
With four elements and 24 different styles to wear, there’s always a Honua™ Bracelet to ground you, lift you up or give you that extra courage you need. No matter what personality, or mood you’re in- there’s a Honua™ Bracelet for everyone!
Fire: Lava, Embers, Flame, Ash, Sparks, Lightning
Water: Surf, Glacier, Waterfall, Ocean, Tsunami, Coral
Land: Garden, Canyon, Forest, Oasis, Meadow, Rainforest
Sky: Rainbow, Aurora, Cloud, Sunset, Raindrops, Northern Lights
As a mom of young girls, I especially love how these are soft and made of a rubbery material. I don't have to worry about the girls dropping them and breaking a bead, or pulling a string and watching all the beads go every which way.
The bracelets are easy to put on and get off, without the need to clasp them, which is also another plus. The bracelets are also water-proof and very durable, so you don't have to worry about your child getting the wet and them getting ruined.
But, the real show stealer are the beautiful colors and the meaning behind each bracelet. Growing up I was a fan of mood rings and necklaces and these remind me of them. Instead of changing color for your mind like my jewelry way back when, my girls can choose a bracelet based on their mood or how they are feeling for the day. Or, they can simply pick one based on their style preferences. No matter the reason for choosing a particular Honua bracelet, you will be part of a hot new trend and styling, while you pay homage to nature and our planet Earth.
From Rainforests to oceans and even the Northern lights, you can choose a Honua bracelet that appeals to your and your unique characteristics.
My girls are loving these new Honua bracelets from Imperial Toy, and I have to say that I am a fan, too. As a busy mom on the go, I am not usually one to put on jewelry when running errands, but seeing how stylish my girls are, I had to pick up a handful of these bracelets to stack and wear, to fit in with my cool girls. :-)
We love Honua bracelets and know you and that special girl in your life will, too. So, why not pick up a handful of these trendy bracelets to add to stockings or tie to gifts you will be giving this holiday season?

They will be on bracelet that will be cherished for its symbolized energy force, as well as for its beauty. And, get ready for the compliments from everyone who sees you wearing these bracelets. We can't go anywhere without someone stopping to ask about them or complimenting their girls on them. :-)
Disclosure: I was sent sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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