Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Support the Povi Kickstarter Campaign and Receive Your Very Own Povi for only $49 (a 40% Discount) #ad

Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsored campaign for Povi. I received compensation for my participation, but my opinions are my own.

I love learning about new products that would be great for my girls, especially ones I stumble across on Kickstarter.  Have you visited Kickstarter lately and browsed the many campaigns from entrepreneurs looking for funding to get their products or businesses off the ground?  Well, today I have a great new product that I see being a must-have for young children between the ages of 3-8 years old.  It is called Povi, and is a cute huggable storytelling buddy.  Just look how cute Povi is...

"According to multiple studies, preschoolers who participate in social-emotional skills programs exhibit less aggression and anxiety and become better social problem solvers. Pro-ocial behavior in early childhood is closely tied to future academic performance and mental health. Thousands of schools now use programs with this goal in mind. Povi enables parents to implement social-emotional development at home."

While there are other storytelling buddies on the market, Povi really is unique in what it offers.  I can really see my two girls falling in love with their very on Povi storytelling buddy, as it helps to 

What is really unique about the Povi is that is a great tool to help parents open up lines of communication with their children about different emotions and feelings they may experience, by relating them to real-life stories Povi shares with you and your child.  

Povi was developed with busy families in mind.  With our crazy schedules with work and even the kids' sports and extra curricula activities, our one-on-one time with our kids is limited, which in turn hinders our ability to really have thoughtful and meaningful discussions, which our children can learn from.  With the help of this storytelling buddy, parents and children can enjoy quality time together listening to one of the 10 pre-downloaded stories that come with your Povi (or, one of 20 additional stories available for purchase).  Each and every story is written and curated by experts including psychologists, teachers and parents.  And, with the ability for parents to choose among three levels -- for ages 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8, you will find age appropriate content that will lead to thoughtful conversation together afterwards, on such topics as caring, resilience, confidence, motivation, thankfulness and other valuable life skills.

I, for one, have found it difficult at times to find stories that tackle such social-emotional skills that I may find my girls struggling with.  Either the stories I find are way over their head content wise for them to really grasp the subject matter, or the stories are too babyish, and it makes talking about these topics more difficult as they feel embarrassed with struggling with their emotions.

Here is a little more about Povi and how this unique storytelling buddy can help your child develop crucial social-emotional skills, through stories and open communication with you. And, read on and learn how you can show your support for the Povi Kickstarter campaign and receive a 40% discount on this connected storytelling buddy.

Highlights of the Povi Storytelling Buddy...

> Loaded with real-life stories children can relate to and endless conversation starters, Povi helps parent and child establish a daily habit of thoughtful conversation that in turn helps children develop crucial social-emotional skills

> Povi shares short stories based on children's everyday situations then engages young listeners and their parents in a discussion on emotions and feelings. 

> Povi is not designed to be played with alone, but rather always with a parent on hand to discuss the challenges presented and come up with possible solutions with their child.

> Povi comes with 10 pre-downloaded stories and a free app (available for Android or iOS) featuring additional questions parents can ask related to the stories and 20 additional stories that are age appropriate for each individual child. Parents can choose from among three levels, for ages 3-4, 5-6 and 7-8. The stories are written and curated by experts including psychologists, teachers and parents.  

To learn more about Povi and its many features and benefits visit www.povi.me.

Support the Povi Kickstarter Campaign and Receive Your Own Povi for only $49...

"The concept for this conversation-starting innovation came from Povi founder Seow Lim’s own experience with her son. “I always felt that I paid lots of attention to my child’s development and was very surprised when a school counselor said, ‘Your child is really smart, but he is not happy.’ It was so painful to me that I didn’t know this about my own son! In the process of transforming my parenting style from Tiger Mom to getting more connected to my child’s emotions, I created Povi.”"

Today marks the launch of the Povi campaign over at Kickstarter.  The first 2,000 customers who sign up and show their support for this cute and cute and oh so huggable storytelling buddy for only $49 -- a 40% off discount from the future off-the-shelf Povi Price!  What an amazing deal, and one that will not last for for long.  So what are you waiting for?  Head on over to the Povi Kickstarter campaign page -- https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/povibuddy/povi-the-connected-storytelling-buddy -- and show your support, and be one of the first 2,000 to score a discounted Povi for that special child in your life.   And, don't forget to tell your family and friends about the Povi Kickstarter campaign and discounted offer. 

Stay up-to-date on all things related to Povi, the connected storytelling buddy by following the official website and the Povi social media channels below...

Povi Official Website:  http://www.povi.me/
Povi on Twitter: https://twitter.com/povi_me
Povi on  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/povi_me/

Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsored campaign for Povi. I received compensation for my participation, but my opinions are my own.


  1. The kids would just love to have this I also think it would make a great gift.
    heather hgtempaddy@hotmail.com
