
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Carole P. Roman’s "If You Were Me and Live In … Italy" Blog Tour -- Author Q&A and #Giveaway

If You Were Me and Lived in Italy Blog Tour Header

The Day in the Life of Award-Winning Author Carole P. Roman

Being a homeschooling parent, I have the opportunity to come up with my own curriculum and theme weeks to teach my girls.  A couple of weeks ago, after being sent Carole P. Roman's book, "If You Were Me and Lived in...Italy," I couldn't help but put together a fun Italian-themed week to share with the girls.  Being Italian and having family, including my grandmother come from Italy to the USA, I felt it was important to share my background with my girls, as I have and continue to share about their Latin roots from my husband's side. It is one thing to bake and share Italian treat with them, but they didn't know anything else about Italy besides foods that I and family cook for them.

I used Carole's book as the kick off for our week long journey through Italy.  Not only was the text in this kids' book, which is geared towards children ages 4-8 years old, but the illustrations were fun and kept them engaged. 

I loved the questions the girls had about Italy and seeing them get excited about their heritage and the country many of their ancestors came from.

If you want to introduce Italy in a fun way to your child, or are homeschooling parent and doing a passport around the world like many homeschooling families do, then you will definitely want to check out this new book, which will fit right in and be enjoyed time and again by all.  I can't stop raving about this book and showing it off to friends, and love hearing the girls talk about Italy, as if they have traveled there themselves. :-)  I am hoping one day to get the chance to visit Italy and bring my girls so that they can experience the beauty and culture of Italy firsthand.  But, in the meantime, we will enjoy Italy thanks to Carole P. Roman's new book.

In addition to being sent a copy of her book to share with my girls, I was also given the opportunity the do an author Q&A with Carole P. Roman.  I hope you enjoy it, and be sure you head on over to website,, to learn more about this and her other releases, and find out where you can pick up her books. And, now for my interview with Carole - enjoy!

Author Interview with Carole P. Roman

Tell me about your book. How did you come up with that (story, angle, idea)?   

We had an office pool. I asked my co-workers to pick a country for me to write about and Italy won by a landslide. I was delighted. 

How did you get interested in writing this particular genre? 

I was in Vegas with my grandkids. Alexander, my grandson, asked me to explain what the Eiffel Tower was. I thought about it and tried to explain what culture and customs were to him. He was four years old. I went home and wrote the first two book: If You Were Me and Lived In ... Mexico, and followed with France. I wanted them to see what life was like in other countries through the eyes of a child their own age. I chose things I felt they would be interested in: food, names, a few words, sports, vacation spots, and a holiday. Something they could find a connection with. I am a former social studies teacher (Are they stilled called that?). I stopped teaching over thirty-five years ago. 

Do you have any favorite authors or favorite books?   

I love historical fiction. Tracey Chevalier, James Clavell, Bernard Cornwell, Phillippa Gregory are my top picks. I do enjoy Jojo Moynes, Carla Kelly, and Liane Moriarty are some of my favorites, too. Gone with the Wind, The Girl with the Pearl Earring, and Sho-Gun are my absolute favorite books.   

What's a typical working day like for you? When and where do you write? Do you set a daily writing goal?   

No goals, no pressure. This is a labor of love. I work running a family business. I get to work at 630 A.M. for a breakfast meeting with my husband, kids, and staff. I do my regular job, which is just making sure everybody is doing his or her job. I have to spend an hour with the CFO everyday. We are in three cities, so usually I speak with management in each city.   Then I have a meeting with my assistant. We outline what she must do for the books for the day. Usually we tackle emails and make sure all contest winners have gotten their books. We go over the press release sheets that have to be prepared. I handle publicity for my son's books; he writes paranormal and horror under the name Michael Phillip Cash, and self-help under the name Michael Samuels. My younger son is now starting his writing career with a series called Cave Kiddos, for ages 1-4. We have been ironing out the kinks in his books, helping him with plot and illustrations. I have been preparing for his release. I then start checking reviews on all forty-five of our assorted book, I check to see what people are writing about them on blogs.   

Next, I usually do research on the new series I am developing. It's a spin-off of my cultural series and is for older children. It explores civilizations through the eyes of a student the same age. It's called If You Were Me and Lived in ... Ancient Greece. I began this series with a bang, knocking out four manuscripts and now am working with four different illustrators. One is doing Elizabethan England, another Renaissance Italy, and lastly Colonial America. They are all over the world, so I am writing them all day. Illustrator Bonnie Lamaire just finished the latest Captain No Beard; Being a Captain is Hard Work. And illustrator Kelsea Wierenga is working on If You Were Me and Lived In ... Egypt. Two weeks ago I prepared on Brazil, Egypt, Poland, and Israel. I have to find time to find someone from Brazil to go over the manuscript. That is my project for next week. I have no set schedule and can write anywhere, anytime.   

I see my youngest grandson once a week, my youngest granddaughter and I do lunch once a week. I make sure to see my daughters-in-law for an hour each week. I do yoga twice a week, prepare dinner, and spend time reading over the phone to my two oldest grandchildren. We are reading partners in the early evening. Lastly, do all my evening calls to my kids and brothers and watch the Housewives on Bravo—my guilty pleasure.   Now you know my deepest and darkest secret. I usually check emails before falling asleep sometime before eleven and if I can't sleep, I will pick another topic to write about. That's how I ended up with four books in one week!   

What is the hardest part of writing for you?   

There's a hardest part?   

What’s the best thing about being an author?   

Where do I start? Is it the thrill of watching your story develop? Watching it come to life under the capable hands of an illustrator. Maybe it's when you get that proof or see it on Amazon for the first time. Is it the knuckle-biting anticipation of the first review or the second or the fiftieth? The pride when you win an award and the satisfaction that you are onto something and it might be special. Hmmm…   I have it! Sitting one night and having my grandson read the story inspired by him to me! He is seven now and did that for the first time. I saw my first book in a new light coming from his lips. He laughed at all the right time, his eyes danced. That was the best.  

What are you working on now?   

The usual. This week juggling the newest cultural release If You Were Me and Lived In...Italy and Being a Captain is Hard Work; plus my son's release, The History Major.   

What advice would you give aspiring writers?   

If you are going to do this, commit to doing it the right way. Learn social media and publicize your book. Don't go in thinking all you have to do is write it. There is a whole level of time-consuming work that needs to be done if this is to be a business or just a vanity project. 
What question have you always wanted to be asked in an interview? How would you answer that question? 

My favorite question is the one you asked about the best part of being an author. This part of my life has been a thrill! A non-stop thrill.
More About the Book:
If You were Me and Lived in Italy

Join Carole P. Roman as she visits the Republic of Italy. Learn what it is like to live in Rome, see the famous architecture, celebrate a favorite holiday and discover popular names for both boys and girls. Be fascinated with it's diverse and rich history and colorful traditions. On the way, you might learn a word or two in Italian! The If You Were Me and Lived In ... Series is available on Amazon

If You Were Me and Lived In Italy Interior 2 
Ages 4-8 | CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform | 2015 | 978-1519241412
About Carole P. Roman
Carole P. Roman 
Carole P. Roman’s is the award winning author of the nonfiction If You Were Me and Lived in… series of children’s books. The first title in the collection, If You Were Me and Lived in…Mexico, won the Pinnacle Award for Best in Children’s Nonfiction in 2012. If You Were Me and Lived in…Russia and If You Were Me and Lived in...France were finalists in the Indie Fab Foreword Review Book of the Year. Norway and South Korea have also been named as Book of the Year with Rebecca's Reads and Children's Reader's View Book of the Year. Roman has also found success with her Captain No Beard children’s books. Her debut, Captain No Beard: An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate’s Life, was named a Kirkus Best of 2012, received a Star of Exceptional Merit, and won the Pinnacle Award in 2012. Roman lives on Long Island with her husband and very near her children. | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Pinterest

If You Were Me Series Tour Giveaway

If You Were Me and Lived In ... Italy, by Carole P. Roman | Series Giveaway 

Enter to win a complete autographed set of the If You Were Me series, written by award-winning author Carole P. Roman and illustrated by Kelsea Wierenga; including If You Were Me and Lived in … Italy: A Child's Introduction to Culture Around the World! Plus, the grand prize winner will also receive the Educational Insights Geosafari Jr Talking Globe. Giveaway begins January 10, 2016, at 12:01 A.M. PST and ends February 16, 2016, at 11:59 P.M. PST.

If You Were Me and Lived In ... Italy Tour Dates:

Sunday January 10 2016 The Children's Book Review If You Were Me and Lived In ... Series Giveaway 
Sunday January 10 2016 It's Fundamental Author Interview with Carole P. Roman Wednesday January 13 2016 Teacher Dance Book Review of If You Were Me and Lived In ... Italy 
Monday January 18 2016 The Fairview Review Guest Post with Carole P. Roman 
Thursday January 21 2016 The Children's Book Review Book Review of If You Were Me and Lived In ... Italy 
Monday January 25 2016 5 Girls Book Reviews Author Interview with Carole P. Roman 
Tuesday January 26 2016 Icefairy's Treasure Chest Book Review of If You Were Me and Lived In ... Italy 
Wednesday February 3 2016 Little Miss History Book Review of If You Were Me and Lived In ... Italy 
Sunday February 7 2016 Inspired by Savannah Author Interview with Carole P. Roman 
Tuesday February 9 2016 Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers Book Review of If You Were Me and Lived In ... Italy


  1. I immerse my children in different cultures by taking them to thigns that invovle different cultuers. We attend festivals and things like that.

  2. We teach the kids about other cultures through books and dvds.
    heather [email protected]
