
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Spotlight on Dad Tuesday: Dr. Christian Hahn, Founder of Frogglez® Goggles

What better way to kick off 2016 than with a Spotlight on Dad post. :-)  It has been a few months since I shared a mom/dad entrepreneur story and product with you due to the craziness of the holidays.  But, I am excited to share our first Spotlight Dad of 2016, Dr. Christian Hahn and his Frogglez® Goggles with you. 

As with other Spotlight posts in the past, I will share my interview with the entrepreneur first and then follow up next week with a review of their product.  Savannah is especially excited to help me review these goggles in her swim class on Wednesday and I can't wait to hear what she thinks of them.  Maybe she will even give Bella a chance to try them out...we will see! :-)

Without further ado, please enjoy my Spotlight on Dad interview with Christian Hahn, founder of Frogglez® Goggles...

Name: Dr. Christian Hahn
Company Name/Product/Service: Made By My Dad, LLC/Frogglez Goggles
Company Location: Prospect, KY
Company Website:
Twitter Handle: @frogglez
Age of Company: 3 yrs.
Favorite Inspirational Quotes: "Those Who Say It Cannot Be Done Should Not Interrupt Those Doing It"
Favorite Book4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss 
Tell us a little bit about yourself. How many children do you have? What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.
My name is Christian W. Hahn and I am a dual citizen - German/American. Since 1986 (an awesome year) I have lived in the USA and love it here! I found my soul mate, my wife, 15 years ago and now we have 3 awesome kids: Olivia (12), Adler(10) and Sawyer(7).  
My passion is solving problems, new problems, by creating neat solutions - inventions. This began when I was around 8 years old and has never ended. Besides inventing products I love to be outside, ideally in the water, warm water :)  I ride horses (play Polo), love to explore nature and take care of my mini farm. 
Briefly explain your business. How did it come about? 
Made By My Dad was created because I love to "make things" that make my life easier. Every time I encounter a frustration I solve the problem - I love that. I created this business so that I can build and create cool things. Frogglez is the first brand I launched! 
What is a typical work day like? 
I manage both Made By My Dad and my dental practice, Ideal Dentistry. This is a juggling act! I get into the office at 7:30AM and meet with Joni, my MBMD manager. We discuss action steps for the day. I check urgent emails, basecamp (through which I communicate to the rest of my MBMD staff) and we get the ball rolling. Then at 8:45AM I have a meeting with my dental staff and we plan our patient day! Then I treat patients and manage MBMD at the same time until 4PM at which point I am done with Dentistry and go back to MBMD. Crazy for now... I get home before 5 and spend some quality time with my family and once the kids are sleeping I go back to working on MBMD. Thank goodness I only work as a dentist 3 days a week and the other 2 days I focus on MBMD exclusively. 
What has been a struggle while starting up your company? 
Time management, cash flow, staff. First, how do you dedicate the required time to "commit 100%" to a business that at first is not cash flow positive? Second, how do you hire people to help you manage the business if you cannot pay them? Third, how do you find awesome people that are as dedicated as you are? Starting a business is full of surprises! I love the process. 
What did you do in your past work life? 
I was/am a dentist. I speak on cosmetic dentistry internationally and manage a high end, awesome dental practice. More and more I am transitioning to finding a partner that can carry on the legacy under my guidance so I can move forward with MBMD. 
What have been some of your major successes? 
Frogglez are loved by everyone! What a contrast to dentistry :) I was invited to a product launch competition through The Grommet and we won 2nd place! Frogglez was featured on the Today Show, in Parents Magazine, and this year has been in many large retailers such as Walmart, Kroger, Bed Bath & Beyond, One Step Ahead and more! In July Frogglez Goggles were the #1 selling swim goggle on Amazon. That is not bad for a company that literally is in their second year of business. 
What have been some of your major challenges? 
One major challenge was understanding all the logistics involved with selling in big retail - such as EDI, insurance, shipping, warehousing, etc. Frogglez did it right to begin with and focused on being a 100% compliant (tested) product so we did not have to worry about that. 
Secondly, how do you order large inventory without any sales? I had to finance this myself :) 
On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going? 
I look at the future and where I want to go. If I do not have a passion for my goal then this would be futile, but I do. Bringing this awesome product to every swimmer will not only help kids everywhere, it will give me the freedom to create more amazing products and do what I was created to do. That is my passion and that is what drives me. 
What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family? 
Always put your family first. No questions asked. Without family what do you have? I had to (and still have to) remind myself to put the phone away around family and weekends. Keep work and family separate.  
What is next for your business? 
Growth! More products and brand recognition. Every kid needs to have a pair of Frogglez. We need more employees - hint hint, and a new office. 2016 will see MBMD break 7 figures and become a household name for swim goggles. 
Do you have any advice for other mom/dad entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business? 
Find your passion and pursue it. Life flies by so make decisions quickly. Being your own boss is not only rewarding financially it is freedom. And yes, there are may of us out there willing to help you start your journey! 

Stay tuned next Friday when I will share my personal of Frogglez® Goggles, created by Spotlight Dad this week, Dr.  Christian Hahn.

1 comment:

  1. I love the way these goggles fit around the childs head and I love the colors.
    heather [email protected]
