
Sunday, November 29, 2015

Share a Magical Holiday Movie Night with Your Family with "Angels Sing: A Christmas Movie," Starring Harry Connick Jr. #AngelsSing

Disclosure:  I was sent a screener copy and promotional items in exchange an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

Angels Sing

This past weekend could have been dubbed the "C" weekend.  After enjoying the company of family and friends (15 in total) around the dining room table for Thanksgiving dinner, it was nice to house quiet again and enjoy time with my parents, who had stayed for the long holiday weekend.  Why would I dub this the "C" weekend?  Well it was filled with Cookies, Cuddling, Christmas Carols, Christmas Movies and Harry Connick Jr.  Well, the last one doesn't start with "C," but it includes it. :-)

My girls had been looking for Thanksgiving weekend since we turned the calendar to November, as they knew it would mean they would have my parents staying with us the entire week of Thanksgiving.  And, just like years past, this meant holiday cookie baking, making a gingerbread house at the Publick House after Breakfast with Santa, singing Christmas carols and binge watching some of our family's favorite Christmas movies, while cuddling up on the couch.  And, this week did not disappoint.  

Not only did the house smell amazing from all the Italian cookies my mom whipped up with the girls, but it was nice to share a new holiday film, which was an instant hit, with everyone.  Have you seen or heard about "Angels Sing: A Christmas Movie," which stars Harry Connick Jr., Kris Kristofferson, Fionnula Flanagon,  Connie Britto and even Willie Nelson.  If not, here is the movie trailer to give you an idea of what you are in store for when you pick up a copy of this movie to add to your family's growing holiday DVD collection, or rent it today...

Going with my "C" themed weekend, this movie was perfect is capturing the true meaning of the holidays and the importance of celebrating and making memories with family and friends.  This was truly a charming story, which if you are prone to crying at heartfelt movies, pulled at your heartstrings.  Both my mother and I found ourselves reaching for the tissue box to wipe our eyes throughout the movie.

The movie itself, which is filled with an amazing cast, does an amazing job at capturing the essence of the Christmas spirit.  It shows us that life is precious and not to take things for granted.  I, for one, don't take life for granted, after battling cancer back in 2008, after getting a diagnosis on Christmas Eve in 2007.  Now 8 years in remission, Christmas no longer is a sad reminder of what I went through, but a celebration of life and love I have for my family as we gather to celebrate the holidays.

Each year when Christmas rolls around, people find themselves trying to make amends or reconnect with loved ones they have lost touch with throughout the year.  It is something about the joy and magic of the holidays and brings families together, even those who have gone through personal and difficult tragedies.  This movie touches on this and shows how we can all move past the difficult times and celebrate the season and what is important most -- cherishing time with family and friends and not dwell on the past or what could have been.

Christmas has always been a favorite holiday of mine, not because of the gifts, but because of how it brings families together and creates memories that last a lifetime.  I was so glad to be able to share this wonderful family-friendly movie with my family this past weekend and know it will be one we watched again and again when the holidays roll around.  This movie will also get you excited about piling the family in the car to check out the holiday lights.  Just like in years past, after we finished watching this movie, we went to a few neighborhoods and homes in the area that go crazy with Christmas lights.  And, just like in years past, Savannah is always quick to ask if we can add more lights to our house, in hopes that the neighbors will join in and light up the street with beautiful Christmas lights. :-)

If you and your family love to gather and enjoy each others company as you watch wholesome family movies (or like me you are a Harry Connick Jr. fan and have to watch all his movies), then you will definitely want to pick up "Angels Sing: A Christmas Movie," available now on DVD from Lionsgate Home Entertainment.  Why not host your own family movie night to share this great holiday movie with those you love dear.  Here are so tips to help plan your upcoming #AngelsSing movie night...

Disclosure:  I was sent a screener copy and promotional items in exchange an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to see this one I love Harry Connick Jr.
    heather [email protected]
