
Monday, November 9, 2015

My Go-To Chemical-Free Baby Wipes, WaterWipes, Now Available at Stop & Stop Stores #WaterWipes #IC #ad

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by WaterWipes as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.

Even though my girls are no longer in diapers, I still make a point to pick up baby wipes for them, as well as to have on hand for friends and family who come over and have little ones.  So, with all the different brands of baby wipes available, which one is the best?  For me, I always reach for WaterWipes, the only chemical-free baby wipes on the market.  

Unlike other baby wipes claiming to be all-natural or chemical free, these wipes actually are.  You will not be surprised when you flip over the package and see the ingredients -- These Award-winning, chemical-free WaterWipes contain only 2 ingredients: 99.9% purified water and 0.1% grapefruit seed extract, proving non-irritating to even the most sensitive of skin. Try saying that for other baby wipes claiming to be chemical free. 

"Unlike some other wipe brands, WaterWipes are not interfolded. This allows for the sterile environment within the package to be maintained. For the same reason, we recommend that you do not relocate the wipes in an alternate container. "

I have lost count of how many friends and family I have raved about these baby wipes with and who have made the switch to these amazing wipes.  One of the main reasons I first made the switch to WaterWipes was because both of my girls have sensitive skin.  Back when they were in diapers, I kept dealing with diaper rashes and not knowing what was causing them.  I would dry the girls, apply ointments and still find a rash the next time I went to change their diaper.  Then, the pediatrician asked about the types of baby wipes I was using with the girls.  I showed the doctor the package of the baby wipes, noting that they were for sensitive skin.  She was quick to point out the ingredients, which weren't all natural or good to use with children with sensitive skin, like my girls.  I never had thought to look at the ingredients label as I was going on the front of the package and their claim that it was for sensitive skin and/or all-natural.  I was so thankful for my pediatrician to point this out, as this made me make the switch to WaterWipes.  With only two ingredients, which I knew and didn't have to look up the meaning for, these baby wipes were just what my girls' needed.

WaterWipes can be used by anyone with sensitive skin: babies, toddlers, teens, or adults!

And, for the past few years, whenever I am doing my weekly food shopping, I make a point to pick up a package or two of WaterWipes baby wipes.  I always make sure I have these chemical free baby wipes in our bathrooms for the girls to use when wiping, as toilet paper seems to irritate their bottoms, as well as have a package in my handbag, and a couple in the car.  I have become known as the baby wipes mom, and when I am out and about and a friend runs out of wipes or forgets to pack some, they know I am there to save the day with my supply of WaterWipes. :-)

These baby wipes are not just for use when changing diapers.  Because they are chemical free, they are perfect to use with young children who suffer with eczema and other skin diseases and can't tolerate chemical or perfume products.  Whenever I need to wipe sticky fingers or faces, I reach for WaterWipes baby wipes.  They are gentle on my girls' skin and work wonders in cleaning without having to scrub.  

"The package will keep for up to 15 months before it is opened. Once you open your WaterWipes package, we recommend that you use the pack within 1 month."

I have even found around the house uses for these baby wipes, including wiping down the countertops when trying to multi-task while cooking and cleaning up.  They also work great on cleaning up spills on floors and tables, cleaning bathroom mirrors, wiping down fixtures throughout the house and can even be used to take off your makeup at the end of the day.  Each and every day I am finding more and more uses for WaterWipes, making these the best baby wipes around for all your baby and family needs. :-)  Just this afternoon my girls grabbed a few WaterWipes baby wipes to clean up a glue spill during crafting, and to wipe the dining room table clean as they awaited lunch. I guess my love for these amazing award-winning wipes is rubbing off on my girls. :-)

Do you have a little one who has sensitive skin, or are not happy with your current baby wipes? If so, you will definitely want to check out WaterWipes, which you can find at many popular chain stores, including Stop & Shop, Meijer and Giant food stores.  

As a new mom or mom to a little one with delicate skin, you will love knowing that WaterWipes baby wipes are both durable and effective.  But, the real peace of mind is knowing that these baby wipes contain no harmful chemicals (free of preservatives), that are found in other baby wipes.  You, too, will find yourself raving about and recommending WaterWipes as a safer, natural option for parents with little ones.  They will also become in a staple in baby shower gifts you give, or on your baby registry.


WaterWipes are now available at grocery stores nationwide, including Meijer, Stop N Shop, and Giant Food stores.  In addition, you can also find WaterWipes at online retailers including  

Can't seem to find WaterWipes in a store near you?  Use their online store locator to find a retailer near you who carries these chemical-free wipes -

Stay up-to-date on all things WaterWipes by following their social media pages below:

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by WaterWipes as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.

1 comment:

  1. I have got to try these I am all about chemical free products.
    heather [email protected]
