I cherish the moments when my girls will play together and not fight. If you were to walk into our house right now you would find almost two of everything as the girls at age/stage where they don't want to share and we need to buy two of everything so they don't fight. Knowing this, I wasn't sure how the girls would act when I put together the Play and Learn Shopping Cart of The Learning Journey International for them to help me review.

But, to my surprise, they played along nicely and loved the shopping cart. :-)
The girls have been playing non-stop with this shopping cart since we received it a few days ago.
They love pretending they are at a supermarket and use the food that comes with the shopping cart, as well as simply go around the house and pick up toys and pretend to be a toy store and make their purchases with real money. As a homeschooling mom, I love not only seeing the girls use their imaginations, but also want to play with real money and come up with pricing for each item for each other to pay. I even caught the girls scribbling on a piece of paper when they ran out of money as an IOU for bank. :-) Very creative.
We have had plastic shopping carts in the past, but they were never made well. After a few rams into the wall, pushes down the stairs when the girls were fighting, or simply loading it too much with toys to the point it broke, their old shopping carts never made it past a few weeks (if that long). But, when I took the Play and Learn Shopping Cart from The Learning Journey International, I found myself being happily surprised at how well this toy was made and how easy it was to put together.
Within a few minutes I had this shopping cart snapped together and ready for the girls (ages 3+) to use. Both of my girls, having had previous experience with plastic shopping carts, also mentioned how well this was made and how they liked this one much better than the others. They also loved how this shopping cart came with all the plastic and cardboard foods to use and play with, which had made for more creative play.

As a parent, I love how well this shopping cart is made and how it had kept my girls' attention, as they continue to play each and every day with it. And, with the addition of the play food and not needing to buy extra, it makes for the perfect gift for that special little girl in your life. The colors are bright and vibrant and make this a stand out shopping cart. If your child is asking for a shopping cart for Christmas or has a birthday coming up and you are wondering what to get, why not consider purchasing the Play and Learn Shopping Cart from The Learning Journey International, for only $24.99 --- a steal, if you ask me (and my girls). :-)

Head on over to The Learning Journey International to purchase this lightweight plastic shopping cart for only $24.99 today.
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