Disclosure: As a thank you for sharing about this pilot episode, the folks at the Jim Henson Company are providing me and one lucky reader a copy of Lily the Unicorn in print. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
There are so many new pilots available from Amazon Studios. One pilot that caught my girls eye recently and that we have watched over and over again is "Lily the Unicorn." Lily is no ordinary unicorn. Not only is she bright and colorful and spunky, but when she hums or sings a simple song, it goes viral, and she becomes a worldwide phenomenon -- yes, a unicorn being well-known.
In the pilot episode, Lily visits two of her friends who have started a new business, a falafel waffles food truck. Try saying falafel waffles five times fast! Instead of just enjoying a falafel waffles and being on her way, Lily the unicorn hums a tune, which I have to say is corny, but catchy. Here is the tune she sings about the amazing falafel waffles...
"Falafel Waffle, I love you!
Falafel Waffle, you're a dream come true!
Falafel Waffle, and you’re so fun to chew!
Fala-fala-fala-fala-fel Waffle!
Falafel Waffle, it seems so wrong
You're a yummy gooey coney taco right in my palm
All I want to do is nom nom nom nom nom
Fala-fala-fala-fala-fel Waffle!
Falafel Waffle, I love you!
Falafel Waffle, Makes your mouth say WOO!
Falafel Waffle, I always get two
Fala-fala-fala-fala-fel Waffle!
We love you!"
Catchy right? My girls and I couldn't help but catch ourselves singing this little ditty, just like the people in this pilot episode. And, just like the others, we wished we could get our hands on a tasty falafel waffle. But, instead, we will just keep watching the pilot episode of Lily the Unicorn from Jim Henson Company, as we wait for more episodes to become available from Amazon Studios.
Interested in checking out Lily the Unicorn, which has become an instant favorite show in our house? Read on to learn more about this Jim Henson Company pilot episode, which includes a free viewing link...
The Jim Henson Company has been
busy creating a new television project, Lily the Unicorn, based on the hit
children’s book from acclaimed author/illustrator Dallas Clayton and featuring…
an adventurous unicorn! And now you can
watch the pilot episode for FREE!
Dallas Clayton is the writer of
the acclaimed and beloved The Awesome Book series, who began his writing
and illustrating career by creating a book for his son about dreaming big that resonated
with millions worldwide. He has been
compared to Dr. Seuss in the simplicity yet power of the messages in his books.
Lily is our heroine! She is a remarkable, colorful and comical gal
and she’s truly one-in-a-million!
Literally! She’s the only
unicorn that she knows of in the world besides her dad! She is lively, creative, thoughtful and confident—and
a bright pink beacon of hope for her
friends—and even her foes (although they never would admit it)!
An outside-the-box thinker,
Lily’s goal is to show people how easy it is to be themselves! Lily’s unique perspective and independent
spirit can brighten up any situation and often leads her and her loyal friends
into unexpected shenanigans. In Lily’s world, anything is possible. A simple
song she hums can go viral and top the charts. A quiet surprise picnic for her
best buddy Roger can lead to a city-wide adventure featuring falafel waffles
(yum) and a wise guru (of course). Lily
the Unicorn puts a hilarious spin on everyday situations as Lily transforms
even the most typical day into something extraordinary.
pilot episode for Lily the
Unicorn is now available for viewing for FREE via
Amazon’s pilot program where Amazon customers can watch, rate and review this
unique series.
can view Lily the Unicorn HERE via the Amazon
Instant Video app for TV’s, connected devices and mobile devices, or online at
Enjoy the show, and follow the lyrics below to sing-along to the
“falafel waffle” song!
Waffle, I love you!
Waffle, you're a dream come true!
Waffle, and you’re so fun to chew!
Waffle, it seems so wrong
a yummy gooey coney taco right in my palm
All I
want to do is nom nom nom nom nom
Waffle, I love you!
Waffle, Makes your mouth say WOO!
Waffle, I always get two
We love
Show your support for #LilyTheUnicorn – Watch.
Rate. Review here on #AmazonPrime: http://amzn.to/1BI0sZW
And please don’t forget to share the link on all your social media
sites encouraging your friends to do the same!
Plus, you can tweet this:
the new #LilytheUnicorn pilot by @DallasClayton. Watch.
Rate. Review on #AmazonPrime: http://amzn.to/1BI0sZW

Thanks to the kind folks at the Jim Henson Company, one lucky reader will win a Lily the Unicorn book to enjoy with their family. To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below. Good luck!
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