Friday, May 29, 2015

Now Your Kids Can Become a Celebrity DJ Thanks to the Cool and Unique New Crayola DJ App by Legacy Games (Review)

Disclosure: Thank you to Legacy Games for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions are my own.

Legacy Games

My daughter, Savannah, along with my 8 and 10 yr. old nephew and niece have changed their minds on what they want to be when they grow up.  Instead of a veterinarian, fire fighter and teacher, now they want to be DJs.  Oh boy...Let's see how long this lasts. :-)

So, what got them all excited about being a DJ and scratching music?  Well, there is a new music creation app available for both Android phones and tablets, which released yesterday from Legacy Games and Crayola.  Right now you can purchase it for only $4.99 through the Google Play, which is a steal as I have spent more on other apps the girls just had to have and that they don't play with any more.  

Since downloading the Crayola DJ app the other day, both my girls and my niece and nephew can't get enough of it.  They are not only having fun, but learning about mixing music of different genres and the real tools used by DJS to create their music, including crossfaders, sound effects, a tempo slider and much more.

After trying their hand at solo and 2-player competitions showing off their mixing and scratching skills to earn points and show a cool color and lights show, my nephew sat me down to school me on the different DJ tools and how each makes the music sound better.  

Crayola DJ - screenshot thumbnail

Never did I think I would be getting a DJ lesson from my 8 year old nephew. :-)  He even made a point to show me a few of the music creations he made and stored on the phone, just to give me an idea of what a rad (again his words) music performance should sound like. :-)

The kids loved creating sounds and loops and showing of the mixes they created with the addition of fun sound effects.  And, the animation of the crowd jamming along to the mixes they created got my nephew and made him want to spin more and more. :-)

Crayola DJ - screenshot

Don't think you are musically inclined?  No worries when using this app, as it comes with around 100 exclusive loops that were created by professional DJs -- so, you will always sound amazing! :-)  When I took a turn at the fun new Crayola DJ app this is what I loved most, as I didn't want to look silly in front of the kids trying to fumble and figure it out.  It seemed like the kids got the knack of the app with the first few minutes of playing.  And, from then on, they were switching up the different music genres (dance, hip hop, pop, fusion and holiday) and instruments including drum sticks.  

Crayola DJ - screenshot

I think one reason why the kids loved this app besides it always making you sound like a pro is that there are endless mixes that you can create, so each and every time they play with the app they are bound to create a fun mix that is new and rockin' (my nephew's words). :-)

While Crayola DJ is geared towards kids ages 6-10 year old, I found myself pulling the app up on my phone to play around with.  And, my 14 year old niece also got in on the fun after hearing her brother and sister constantly talk about it.  Like I said above, this app is continually being played with the kids and I don't see them getting bored with it any time soon.  With all the kids talking, I am hearing from them that more and more friends are downloading the app and honing their DJ skills so that they can come together and have dueling mix contests next week.  Can't wait to see this! :-)

If your kids love music or have shown an interest in mixing music or creating their own musical pieces with other apps, why not check out the cool new Crayola DJ app.  They, and you (once you give it a try and see how much fun it is) will love becoming a celebrity DJ, spinning tracks and making amazing musical creations, with no technical skill needed.  So, who is up for a DJ Battle?  :-)

Don't forget to follow Legacy Games on their social media channels to stay up-to-date on fun new apps they release, just like this new and unique music creation app...


The new Crayola® DJ app is available now for $4.99 on Google Play for Android phones and tablets. In June, it will also be sold in the iTunes Store for iOS devices, for the same price.

Disclosure: Thank you to Legacy Games for sponsoring this post. As always, all opinions are my own.

1 comment :

  1. I am always amazed that the wonderful apps they come up with. This one really promotes creativity and I love that thanks for sharing.
