Partner to bring your a worry-free and clog-free toilet this upcoming holiday season!
Woohoo! We don't have any diaper wearing children in our house anymore! Bella, our youngest who turned 3 years old last month finally decided it was time to potty train, as she really wants to go to preschool with her big sister Savannah. But, during our potty training process, I have also become toilet savvy. I now make a point to have a plunger next to each toilet in our home, after finding myself running around like crazy trying to find out as I watch the toilet overflow and my two girls standing there laughing.
I am also on a first name basis with the local plumber, who has come to unplug our toilets from the girls stuffing too toilet paper down it, as well as some of their toys they dropped in to see if they could float. After the second visit from the plumber, he suggested that I try Charmin toilet paper. At first I didn't know why he was suggesting this? Had he used my bathroom and found my other toilet paper to be sub par or rough. I for one love soft toilet, and make a point to buy what I thought was the best on the market for durability and comfort. But, after hearing from an expert, I learned that Charmin toilet paper is recommended by many plumbers, including mine, as this brand ensures that your plumbing with stay clog-free, or they will give you your money back.
We have septic at our house and I am always trying to make sure that we prevent clogs, as I don't want to deal with headaches and high costs to fix septic problems. And, with the holidays fast approaching, more and more people with be coming to visit and using our bathrooms. Now that I know about Charmin and their clog-free and septic-safe guarantee, I am making a point to stock all the bathrooms in our house with this toilet paper. I don't know about you , but the last thing I want to have to worry about at a holiday dinner or gathering is trying to find a plunger or mopping up an overflowing toilet.
My Roto-Rooter plumber in addition to recommending Charmin, also shared how Charmin is teaming up with Roto-Rooter, America's largest provider of plumbing and draining services, to remind consumers about Charmin's guarantees, as you don't get this with other toilet paper brands on the market. And, seeing that Charmin has been around for over 70 years, they know what they are doing, and have millions of loyal customers who stock their bathrooms with this toilet paper.
Not only is Roto-Rooter putting their stamp of approval on Charmin, but I can say that after having tried Charmin's Ultra Soft toilet paper recently, I am now a fan of this trusted brand, and will be purchasing and recommending this toilet paper for now on, especially to other moms of little ones, who have found themselves calling their Roto-Rooter plumber who is on speed dial to help unclog a drain or toilet.
In addition to the Ultra Soft toilet paper, Charmin offers a variety of other toilet paper including their popular Ultra Strong, which I found my parents and neighbor uses.
I also ended up picking up Charmin's Freshmates for the girls, to make sure they clean up well after going potty.

Are a Charmin fan? If you are not happy with your current toilet paper or have found yourself calling the local plumber more than you should due to clogged toilets, why not give either Charmin Ultra Strong or Ultra Soft toilet paper a try? You will be glad you made the switch. I sure am -- even though I will miss seeing John, our Roto-Rooter man -- just kidding! :-) Now, he can help spread the word to other moms about how great Charmin is and how Roto-Rooter and local plumbers recommend this trusted brand over others.
When it comes to upcoming holiday gatherings at your house, rest assured that when you offer up guests Charmin, you are guaranteeing yourself a clog-free and septic-safe time. And be sure to head on over to Facebook and like Charmin's Fan page at https://www.facebook.com/charmin. Then, leave a message on their wall, sharing the love for this trusted brand, and how you will not be worrying about clogged toilets this holiday season, thanks to their toilet paper and clog-free and septic-safe guarantees. You can also find Charmin over on Twitter at https://twitter.com/charmin.
Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Charmin. I received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
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