Your Gift Makes a WonderFull Difference!
CaringBridge, launched in 1997, is a place where people create a personal website free of charge, to stay connected with family and friends. They can leave updates, request meals or travel to and from appointments, as well as read supportive messages from their support system, as a way to stay positive and strong.
If you are looking for a great organization or cause to give to this holiday season, why not consider donating to CaringBridge. They are kicking off their WonderFull themed year-end giving campaign, in hopes to raise $1.2 million. Why do they need the money you ask. Simple. Being a non-profit organization, CaringBridge relies on donations, to continue to offer people the ability to create a free website, to track their health journeys, and seek support from family and friends. "Nearly 95 percent of all funding comes from people who use CaringBridge. In addition, the WonderFull themed year-end giving campaign features match contributions from three generous donors ranging from 10K to 25K.
Humankind excels at human kindness when it’s needed most. Please consider making a tax-deductible donation so that families like mine can always get the support they need. For more information, visit https://www.caringbridge.org/give. And, thank you in advance for your time and support of this wonderful organization, which helped me out during my cancer journey, and one that I wholehearted promote and support.
Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for CaringBridge. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
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