If you have young children in your house, then you are probably familiar and watch Nickelodeon, Nick Jr., TeenNick and Nicktoons shows with them. Whenever my girls get television time in our house, they are quick to ask for one of these channels or a show we have recorded from them. Right now, Savannah is all about Paw Patrol, which airs daily on Nick Jr. And, like so many other Paw Patrol fans out there, she was so excited when they added a new pup and the Paw Patrol van. I can't tell you how many times we have watched this recent episode which introduced fans to Everest. And, now, Savannah is hoping that Santa and his elves are working hard on making new Paw Patrol toys that feature this new pup. :-)
If you have a Paw Patrol in your life, then you know how hard it is to find these toys and the clothing for the show in stores. It seems like as soon as they hit store shelves, they are being snatched off and sold. When you see this, you know it is a must have toy -- just makes it more difficult for Santa to fulfill all the little boys and girls' wish lists for these toys.
So, what are fans of Paw Patrol asking for this holiday season? Here are just some of the must have Paw Patrol items from this hit Nick. Jr. animated series popping up on childrens' wish lists...

Available at Walmart - Toddler Boys Sportswear Set

Available at Walmart -- Boys Basic Long-Sleeve Tee

Marshall Cuddle Pillow -- Available at Toys 'R US

Chase Cuddle Pillow -- Also, found at Toys 'R Us

4-Puzzle Pack -- I found this at Toys 'R Us

Tapered Storage Bin -- Still on the lookout for this, but many have said they found at their local Toys 'R Us

Only $4.99 + includes over 30 stickers
Keep an eye out for a handful of upcoming book releases in Jan. 2015. You can pre-order them all now from Amazon.com and other online bookstores. My girls just love these books, and flip through them on their own, or ask to have them read to them at bedtime. And, the stickers are a bonus! :-)

Only $7.99
Fans of the show will have a blast painting the coloring and activity pages of this book, which is filled with fun shots and scenes featuring all their favorite pups.
And, what Paw Patrol fan wouldn't want a room decked out in all things Paw Patrol? Here are just some of the home decor/bedding available now, in stores and online....

In addition to the above bedding, you can also find Paw Patrol throw blankets and more -- so, keep your eyes peeled while out shopping. I just found fleece in the craft section at Walmart and will be using this to make one of those no-sew blankets for Savannah. :-)

LED light up canvas -- yes, it really lights up. This is on Savannah's wish list.

Even though it was only mid afternoon, she was quick to peel off her clothes just so she could try on her new Paw Patrol pajamas. Once on, she was ready to pose for the camera with and without her Paw Patrol plush collection, including her favorite Rocky.
Can you believe that these pajamas are only $6.44 at Walmart. If you can find them, they are steal. Shh, don't tell anyone, but right now I have been finding these and other Paw Patrol pajamas -- the footed ones and fleece top and bottoms through Walmart.com and having them shipped to me.

Also, only $6.44 at Walmart.com
Instead of stopping by my local Walmart to see if the shelves have been stocked with new Paw Patrol inventory, I am finding I have better luck ordering online and having the items for under the tree shipped to me. No long lines or disappoint coming home empty handed.
In addition to being sent the pajamas, I was also sent this cute Paw Patrol coloring and activity book with jumbo crayons, which Savannah ended up coloring and completing the activities from cover to cover in one day's time.
Now her bedroom walls and our refrigerator are covered with her works of art she colored and ripped out from this book, which is only $3.99 and found at Walmart, as well as through Amazon.com.
I know that on Christmas morning, my little Paw Patrol fan is going to go crazy for all the Paw Patrol toys and clothes Santa left for her. I am just hoping that they start coming out with more clothes geared towards girls. I keep picking up shirts from the boys section, and most don't have Skye, the girl pup. Maybe with the new addition of Everest, we will be seeing more girl-oriented Paw Patrol toys.

Found at the Nick Shop online
In addition to Walmart.com, you can also find an assortment of Paw Patrol toys, DVDs and books over at the online Nickelodeon store, http://shop.nick.com/. Right now you will find
I wish you luck in finding one of the hot toys for the 2014 holiday season. :-)
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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