
Friday, October 31, 2014

My Girls Remind Me Every Day That Love is A Gift - And, MassMutual is Donating to Easter Seals When You Share About Those You Love

Tracking Pixel Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the MassMutual. Even though I will be compensated for my time, all views shared are mine and mine alone.

Each year, I get to celebrate two birthdays.  Why two?  Well, the first I celebrate on June 30th, as this is my cancer remission date.  Then, my birthday, birthday is November 2nd (this Sunday).  While I wish I didn't get to celebrate two birthdays, and hope others don't have to either, once you join the cancer survivor's club (again, a club no one asks to join), you cherish every little thing in life.  I no longer take things for granted, and make a point to slow down and truly appreciate everything I have and those that I have around me, as you never know when they will be taken away.

When my remission birthday rolls around (which is usually paired up with my annual follow-up oncology appointment, where I am given a clean bill of health for another year), I make a point to spend this day with my parents (who took care of me and brought me to my radiation and chemo appointments each day in Boston), and my girls (who the doctors said I would never be able to have -- ha, I proved them wrong, and have two healthy, beautiful girls) :-)  For this birthday, I am celebrating life and the second chance of sorts to stay on this Earth longer.  I have lost so many close family and friends to cancer, and also take time on this remission day to celebrate their strength and courage and pray they are in peace and no longer suffer, as they look down on me and my family.  There is no cake or gifts -- instead just a lot of hugs and kisses, and thank you's.  I sure do love the warm hugs, especially from my girls, as I always dreamed of being a mom, and never dreamt after hearing my stage 2 cancer diagnosis that this would have been possible. Well, now that I think about it, I guess I do get gifts -- in the form of love! :-)  You can't put a price on this gift or buy it in stores. Instead, you can only embrace and cherish this love -- and, I do each and every day.

Even though my girls are too young to understand what cancer is and that mommy had it, I know I will have to sit down with them one day and tell them about my cancer journey, and also tell them not to worry about me, as they are the ones who give me strength each and every day and fill me with love.  They are what matters, and I continue to stay healthy so that I can see them grow and conquer the world. :-)

And, come this Sunday, when I celebrate the day I was born, I am even more grateful and my heart is filled with love I never knew I would feel...thanks to my girls.  :-)



Do you feel that love is a gift?  Well, if you share your heartfelt and inspiring stories of love through a shared picture, $1.00 will be donated to the "Love is a Gift" Campaign, which benefits Easter Seals.  Watch this short video to learn more about this wonderful campaign --

Having trouble seeing this video?  Visit to watch now.

I love when companies like MassMutual step up to the plate to help worthwhile causes and non-profits like Easter Seals.  This video showcased how MassMutual believes that love is unique and valuable and is shared by everyone - no matter your race, sex, creed, etc.  We all need to be and feel love, and our loves for those around us is something to be cherished.  I loved seeing real families in this video, and how they also believe that love is a gift.  To learn more about MassMatual and their social initiative and philanthropy, visit:

Want to participate and share the love?  All you have to do is find or take a photo of you and the people you love.  Then, upload it to your personal Instagram account making sure to tag it with the campaign hashtag LoveIsAGift or upload it to  You will also want to add a few words to describe your loved ones and why they matter most - kind of like bragging to the world about how they fill your heart with love! So, go ahead and feel good bragging -- I will be! 





Come on, look at these cute smiles and big brown eyes.  Don't they make your smile?  :-) Savannah and Bella truly light up my life and I am so happy to be a cancer survivor and mom to them. 

Once your photo is uploaded, you can share this photo and details of the initiative with family and friends on Facebook and/or Twitter, so that they can also participate.  For every uploaded #LoveIsAGift photo, $1 will be donated from MassMutual to Easter Seals, up to $50,000.  So, what are you waiting for?  Check out all the stored photos on your mobile phone or computer and get to uploading.  And, be sure to tell family and friends about this amazing campaign of giving, so that the Easter Seals can receive all $50,000 from MassMutual. :-)

NOTE: Only submissions on Instagram using #LoveIsAGift will be uploaded to In other words, the hashtag, #LoveIsAGift, is valid on Twitter, but it will not trigger automatic inclusion in the social initiative. Only Instagram or uploads directly to will count towards the Easter Seals donation.

-- Join Me at the MassMutual #LoveIsAGift Twitter Party -- 
November 5th, 

And,if you are a fan of Twitter Parties like I am and will be free this upcoming Wednesday, November 5th between 8AM-9AM PST/11AM-12PM EST, be sure to join me and others at the #LoveIsAGift Twitter party.

NOTE: The #LoveIsAGift Twitter party is separate from the Easter Seals social initiative. You cannot upload a story to for a chance to win a Twitter Party prize

Disclosure: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of the MassMutual.

1 comment:

  1. I love Easter Seals and this is a great campaign. Your girls are super cute.
    heather [email protected]
