
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Cosmos Creations -- A Premium Puffed Corn Snack the Whole Family Will Enjoy! (Review)

Disclosure:  I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

Cosmos Creations

Has your house been hit with the cold or stomach bug yet?  It seems like clockwork, Savannah started school and days later she brought home a head cold and then everything else after that.  It is only mid October and we have already dealt with two head colds, a stomach, and a virus.  And, now, our youngest, is sick again with a barking cough.  No fun at all. :-(  

The only upside to being sick is getting to lounge around on the couch, eat a lot of Popsicles and snacks and watch lots and lots of movies.  And, we have been doing just that lately. :-) When you are feeling lousy, do you have a go to snack you like to reach for and enjoy, to help make yourself feel better?  For me, it is popcorn...the saltier and buttery the better.  But, if you are trying to lose weight like I am, as well as keep healthy snack options in the cupboards for the whole family to enjoy, salty, buttery popcorn is not top on the list to stock up on.  Boo hoo.  Thanks to a recent find online, however, I can now get my salty, buttery snack fix, without worrying about adding inches to my waistline, or going down a slippery slope of junk food binging.

Have you heard of Cosmos Creations?  I only recently stumbled upon it, but wished I had known about it sooner, as I have been missing popcorn to munch on, especially during our recent movie marathons.  While the girls were snacking on Goldfish, I was grabbing nuts or fruit to eat -- not really movie theater snacks.

So, what is Cosmos Creations and how is it different from other snacks?  Well, for starters it isn't popcorn, even though it looks a little like it.  Instead, it is an oven-baked puffed corn snack, that is kernel-less and hull-less - so you don't have to worry about chipping a tooth on a kernel or getting pieces of popcorn stuck between your teeth.  

In addition to be kernel-less and hull-less this premium puffed corn snack is also gluten free, trans fat free, non GMO, has no high fructose corn syrup, and is made with all natural ingredients that you can pronounce. :-)  I love when I stumble upon snacks that even people with food allergies can enjoy.  We host a lot of gatherings at my house, and I hate not having snacks on hand when someone with a food allergy comes.  Now, they can also enjoy Cosmos Creations, like we have been. 

And, while Cosmos Creations is not popcorn, I found the this premium oven-baked puffed corn to be better than your average bag of popcorn in texture and flavor.  By baking in the oven, each of the puffed corn pieces have a  kind of air-like appearance.  I was amazed at how big each piece was, after opening the first bag.

The kind folks at Cosmos Creations sent me a sampling of their flavors, which include Caramel, Salted Caramel, Cinnamon Crunch, Sea Salt & Butter, Coconut Crunch, Aged Cheddar & Cracked Pepper, Sea Salt & Vinegar and the new SPICY SRIRACHA variety.  We received all but the Cinnamon Crunch and SPICY SRIRACHA ones  to try out.


My family is always willing to help with taste testing with me, and giving their options on how good or bad a product tastes, and what their favorite of the bunch is.  As soon as the girls saw me taking the Cosmos Creations samples out of the box last week, they mustered up enough energy to get off the couch and walk to the kitchen to get a closer look.  Then, Savannah asked when the taste testing would happen?  :-)  I told her that once we were all feeling better and had our taste buds in working order, that we could do some sampling.  

The week went by and we were still sick.  But, the girls remembered and kept asking about trying the Cosmos Creations samples.  So, last night after dinner, we put on a movie and I brought out bowls of Cosmos Creations Premium Puffed Corn for everyone to try.  We took turns trying each and every flavor, to help us determine which was our favorite.  Which was my favorite?  The Sea Salt & Butter one, of course!

My husband, on the other hand was a fan of the Cosmos Caramel Corn, which reminded him of Cracker Jacks, but a healthier, more flavorful version.  As for my girls, they loved the sweetness and crunch of the Cosmos Creation Coconut Crunch.  

The other flavors were also tasty, but of the six sent, I have to say that we found ourselves reaching for the bowls filled with Caramel Corn, Coconut Crunch and Sea Salt & Butter.

My family agreed that when it comes to movie night snacks in our house, for now on, I will be stocking up on Cosmos Creations.  We all loved the fluffy corn, and how each and every piece was full of flavor.  I am so glad I had the opportunity to try out Cosmos Creations, as I can finally enjoy salty and sweet snacks again, without worrying about it not being good for me. 

If you have been searching for a healthy snack alternative to things like chips and popcorn, but can't seem to find a snack that satisfies your taste buds, why not give Cosmos Creations a try?  You, too, will be surprised at how great this premium puffed corn snack tastes, compared to other junk food snacks you have found yourself eating.

Visit Cosmos Creations to learn more about this healthy snack option, as well as having the option to buy online or finding a store near you who carries this brand --  I can't wait to hear which flavor is your family's favorite. So, don't forget to come back and share! :-)

Disclosure:  I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

1 comment:

  1. I would really like to try the sea salt and butter sounds yummy.
    heather [email protected]
