
Thursday, September 11, 2014

Old Spice Product Combinations Show "SOME THINGS ARE JUST BETTER TOGETHER!" #Combos4Success #Giveaway #DDDivas #Sponsored

Disclosure: This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Old Spice. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.

"The Manliest Men’s Grooming Brand on the Planet"

If you were to ask your man what which of the following scents he likes, what you do think he would say?

- Swagger
- Pure Sport
- Wolfthorn
- Fiji

As soon as I asked my husband this question, he let out a laugh and then smirked as he said, "Swagger."  Typical guy thing, right?  Then, he asked why I was asking this.  I told him that he would be helping me with a review of the new Old Spice scent called "Swagger."  He quickly followed up by saying, "No thanks...Old Spice is for old men, hence the "old" in the name."  I quickly replied that it wasn't and what "old" person wanted to smell like "swagger" anyway. :-)

I was also quick to show a couple of the Old Spice videos that were made to promote the new scents and product line.  The videos didn't show old men, but instead a robot who really brought the swagger either on the dance floor, dining out, and at the beach.  This was my husband and my favorite of the three Old Spice videos...

"Experience the freedom of smelling like a real human man at the beach, at parties or wherever your extension cord will allow you to go, with Old Spice."

Even though these goofy videos were made to spread the word about using Old Spice Anti-persiprant and deodorant, body wash + 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner together to smell like a manly man,  I could tell that it caught my husband's attention, and he was eager to try out the "swagger" line and be as cool as the robot man in the "soccer" video above. :-)

Like most things I tell my husband about and ask for his help in reviewing, he is always guarded and will so "no thanks."  But, after trying it out, he ends up liking it and has me buy more.  I knew this would be the case with the Old Spice sampler pack I was being sent in the "swagger" scent.  And, a few days after putting in my request, this showed up at my door:

Included in the above Old Spice "Swagger" sampler package was:

- Antipersiprant/Deodorant
- Deodorant
- Body Wash
- Bar Soap
- 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner
- Body Spray

All of the above are things that my husband uses on a daily and weekly basis, including the body spray, which he opts for over men's cologne.  When my husband arrived home from work, I showed him goodies to try out.  I got a quick eye roll, but knew my husband was itching to try them out, as I caught him sneaking a whiff of the scent and nodding his head as if to say it smelled good.  

The next morning he got up and tried out everything expect for the bar soap and deodorant, which he opted to throw in his gym bag and use after working out.  I have to say, I was eager to see what "swagger" smelled like, so was quick to lean in and take a sniff or two as he was pouring his morning coffee.  Before I could tell him that he smelled really good, he turned and say, "Yes, you were right again...this stuff is good, and I like the scent."  If I was paid a dollar for every time I heard "You were right," I would be rich. :-)  

That night when he returned from work, he commented on how much he liked the bar soap and deodorant in combination with the Old Spice "Swagger" 2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner he was sent to try out, which he used after his workout earlier that day. The scent is not strong and his words, not mine -- "doesn't smell like an old man's scent."  I will have to see what an old man's scent smells like...but, right now, I have to agree with him that the "swagger" scent from Old Spice is great.

Speaking of combinations...

Does your man have a favorite combination?  The reason I ask is that Old Spice recently conducted a poll of 18-35 year old men to determine their favorite, manly combinations. They wanted to show that men know what combinations work for them, including how pairing Old Spice Anti-persiprant and deodorant, body wash +2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner will result in a more "manly, amazing, irresistible freshness from head to toes." 

Just look at a couple of the manly combinations the survey results showed:

I shared the survey results with my husband after he used his new Old Spice "Swagger" products in combination and he couldn't help but agree with these, especially the pizza and beer one.  Come on, what guy doesn't like beer and pizza?  It is a perfect combination.

He also got a good laugh and couldn't agree more with this one...

My husband is no handyman, but whenever there needs to be something fixed in the house, he always appears with a hammer and nails, like this will fix anything and everything.  I guess all guys, no matter their age, think alike. :-)

The new Old Spice scents are not just for adult men.  Do you have a son who is a teenager or college student?  They would definitely love this new line made especially with guys who want to smell amazing from "head to toes."  And, if your guy/son is like my husband, they like to pamper and take care of themselves, while making a point to smell good.  But, they also don't like to spend a long time on their primping in the AM or after working out.  So, being able to  use Old Spice anti-perspirant and deodorant, body wash + 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner together, will result in a manly, amazing, irresistible freshness from head to toes, each and every time.  

--Save $$$ On Your Next Old Spice Purchase--

Want to save $1.00 and $2.00 on each the popular new Old Spice scents like Swagger, Fiji, Pure Sport and Wolfthorn?  Then,head on over to and print out coupons to use on your next purchase of Old Spice anti-perspirant and deodorant, body wash, bar soap, 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner and body spray.  Act fast, as these money saving coupons expire on September 30th, 2014.

Don't forget to follow Old Spice on their social media pages to stay up-to-date on special offers, giveaways and new product additions:


Thanks to the folks at Old Spice, one lucky reader will win an Old Spice Swagger Head to Toes Prize Pack to share with your guy/son.  

The Old Spice Swagger Head to Toes Prize Pack includes:
·         $50 Ticketmaster Gift Card
·         Anti-persiprant/Deodorant (1 stick)
·          Deodorant (1 stick)
·         Body Wash (1 bottle)
·         Bar Soap (1 pack)
·         2-in-1 Shampoo and Conditioner (1 bottle)
·         Body Spray (1 can)

"Some things are just better together! The manliest men’s grooming brand on the planet is back to inform guys that when they use Old Spice antiperspirant/deodorant, body wash and shampoo together, the result is a manly, amazing, irresistible freshness from head to toes. And awesome dance moves. See for yourself here: Old Spice Nightclub

With this great combinations prize pack featuring Old Spice Swagger scent line-up, your man will be dancing the robot at the concert of his choice, while being the freshest smelling guy in the crowd!"

To enter this giveaway, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway Disclosure: This review and giveaway was made possible by Double Duty Divas and Old Spice. I was compensated for my participation in this campaign, but all opinions are 100% mine.


  1. It would be for my son who uses the old spice anti-perspirant/deodorant.
    MCantu1019 at aol dot com

  2. I would like to win this Old Spice pack for my husband
    marypopmom (at) yahoo (dot) com

  3. I would like to win this for myself.

  4. would love to win this for my son, he loves using Old Spice.

  5. 9/14 Picket Fence vote:

  6. oops made an error in the Rafflecopter form!
    The other giveaway I entered was Krusteaz.

  7. 9/16 PF vote:

  8. 9/17 PF:

  9. I would love to win this prize for my only grandson.

  10. I follow on Pinterest as birdiebee52.

  11. 9/20 PF Vote:

  12. 9/21 PF Vote:

  13. I follow on Instagram

  14. I follow on Pinterest
    Laura J / ilovemybeagle2

  15. I would give it to my husband

  16. 9/23 PF vote:

  17. I'd like it for my husband. Thanks. Charlotte
    [email protected]

  18. PF vote:

  19. PF vote:
