
Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Must Read Book -- Dark Hope: Book One of the Archangel Prophecies by Monica McGurk -- Book Review and #Giveaway #DarkHopeBook #CleverGirls

If you are looking for a real page turner and liked the popular Twilight books, then you will love the new book by Monica McGurk called Dark Hope: Book One of the Archangel Prophecies.  I was recently sent a review copy from the publisher to read, and have to say that this is one book I found myself not being able to put down.  I would stay up late into the night after the house was quiet, just to get a few chapters in.  And, when I finally reached the end, I found myself wishing Monica McGurk would release the next book in this series ASAP, so that I could find out what happens.

Don't you hate when you get into a good book and you get to the end of the book and there is a cliffhanger.  Then, you find yourself thinking of endings as you wait for the author to release the next book.  This book, i addition to being a page turner, is one you will want to pass around to your friends and family to read, so that you can talk about.  Although written for young adults in mind, I, along with my mom, who recently finished the book, found it to be very enjoyable.  Usually we don't go for this genre of book, but after reading Dark Hope: Book One of the Archangel Prophecies, have found ourselves looking online to similar style books to read.

Here is a quick video featuring the author, Monica McGurk, as she shares her personal journey in writing "Dark Hope."

And, here is more about the book, taken from her official website, as well as more of my personal thoughts on this wonderful book that I hope you all get a chance to read.

About the Book:

"A new young adult saga in the Twilight tradition about the love between a human and an archangel.
For years, Hope Carmichael, survivor of a shocking child abduction, has lived a sheltered existence under the protection of her fanatically religious father. Now, liberated by her mother, Hope prepares to start life over as a normal kid in an Atlanta, Georgia, high school.
Normal, that is, until Hope meets Michael, a gorgeous emancipated teen with a mysterious past and a strong interest in Hope. And soon, Hope’s life is filled with questions. What’s behind the angry looks Hope gets from Lucas, leader of a gang of students? Who’s responsible for sending Hope a strange valentine inscribed with Bible quotations? How does this relate to the sinister business of human trafficking that operates on the periphery of Hope’s suburban world? And is Michael really a protector, or something more sinister—and just why does he seem so familiar?
In an epic narrative that takes readers from the back streets of Atlanta to the height of Vegas penthouses and beyond, Dark Hope introduces readers to The Archangel Prophecies, a new young adult saga that blends the feeling of Twilight with a vast mythological scope and moral urgency, as well as to Hope Carmichael—a young woman instantly memorable for her endurance, heart, and determination—and Michael, Hope’s dangerous companion who’s fated either to save Hope—or to kill her.
A portion of proceeds from this book will be donated to organizations that fight human trafficking."


My Thoughts:

As I shared above, Dark Hope is the first in the archangel Prophecies from Monica McGurk, that was written with young adult readers in mind. But, just like the Twilight book (and movies) series, this book will peak the interest of readers of all ages, including adults like myself.  

The main character in the book is Hope Carmichael.  Abducted as a small child, she was found in the home of the assumed abductor, along with a mark on the back of her neck, that was not removable. Her parents Don and Mona Carmichael split up when Hope was young and her father ( a religious man) gained custody and raised her while her mother worked and supported them.  Her father was so obsessed with protecting her that he became reclusive and eccentric. He raised her on religion, which proved to help her later in the story.  Eventually, Mona, gained custody when Hope was 15 years old, and moves her to Atlanta, Georgia to start a new life. 

Hope's mother continues to work and travel a lot for her job, oftentimes leaving her for days on end by herself in the house.  The neighbor, Mrs. Bibeau would come calling to check in on Hope and keep her company.  When at school, Hope had to deal with two boys -- Lucas and Michael.  Lucas was sort of a bully, always harassing her, while Michael was her ally. He seemed like her Prince Charming, always there to protect her.  

As you read the book, you are introduced to Henri, who is Hope's sub conscious, who would show up from time to time to keep her focused.  Both Lucas and Michael were angels, in the sense that Michael was the good one, acting as her protector, while Lucas, the leader of a gang, was the bad one, and the one looking to harm her. 

Another character we meet in the book is Tabitha, who is paired with Hope in one of her classes for an assignment.  Tabitha thinks that doing a project of sex trafficking would be a good one to tackle. Gone from the picture for a short time was Michael.  But, when he returned to school, he asks to join Hope and Tabitha's group, to help out -- but, mainly to protect her.  

Is this book sounding like the Twilight books, and the Bella/Edward relationship?  That is what I thought, and what kept me engaged in the book.  Like I said, I couldn't put it down, and wanted to find out what would happen next, and what would ultimately happen to the Hope/Michael relationship.

As the girls delve into their school project and visit the Street Grace shelter, the story really takes off.  There, they meet Maria, a young girl whose uncle brought her and her younger sister, Jimena to Atlanta for slavery purposes.   Maria asks Hope to help her find her sister who has become separated from her.  Hope becomes obsessed with helping Maria find her sister..  She explains to Michael her wishes who helps her because he is her protector.  As time goes on she sees that Michael is some sort of angel.  He can change his features and is in great turmoil because he protects people.  He loves Hope and does not want to leave her because he feels bad things are looming.  Michael takes Hope to Las Vegas where there is a lot of slavery and sex trafficking going on. Michael changes his appearance to look like Hope's father ,when they travel out and about.

For Hope's 16th birthday, Michael surprises her with a dinner and cake in their room.  Similar to the Bella and Edward love/lust plot, Hope asks Michael to prove to her his feelings and intentions.  She asks him to kiss her, but as he tries to control his emotions, he loses himself in his emotions.  He doesn't want to hurt her, but when he lets his guard down, his body transforms and burns Hope.  She ends up with first and second degree burns wherever Michael 's body touched hers. 

Still destined to helping Maria find her sister, Hope and Michael travel to a High Stakes Casino, to get closer to the traffickers. This was my favorite part of the book, as you are really pulled in and find yourself hoping that Hope is able to find Maria and her sister, and that no harm it brought to any of them.  With so many twists and turns, you are left wondering, and finding yourself turning the pages to find out what happens next.

As the search for Maria's search goes on, the reader and Hope begin to realize that the longer Michael goes without helping others who need help, that his powers diminish.  This adds to the thickening plot of the story.  What will happen if and when Michael gets too weak?  Will he leave Hope just to protect her?  Or, will his leaving open her up to being abducted or having something worse happen to her? 

So what really is the meaning behind the mark on Hope's neck?  Can Enoch help answer some of Hope's unaswered questioned? Will Hope eventually find Maria's sister, Jimena, and safely return them to their father?  And, what will happen to Michael and his relationship with Hope? While some of questions will be answered at the end of the book, there are still many more unanswered questions that will you have hoping for the second book in this trilogy to be published, so you don't have to wait to continue to this story.  

I am so happy to have had a chance to read this book and be introduced to Monica McGurk, whom I was not familiar with prior to reading this book.  But, she is now on my radar, as is her The Archangel Prophecies Trilogy! I hope that my review of this book peaks your itself to want to pick up a copy of Dark Hope.  And, if you do, I can't wait to hear what you think of it.  So, be sure to head back here and leave your thoughts in the comments section. :-)


Looking for a new book to read, or want to check out this book for yourself.  Then, complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win a hard copy of Dark Hope: Book One of the Archangel Prophecies (ARV $13.99).

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


About the Author, Monica McGurk:


"Monica McGurk loves nothing better than to craft thought-provoking stories where strong women overcome big challenges.
Already a fan favorite, she received the 2013 Twific Fandom “Undiscovered Gem” award for Morning Star, her alternate ending to the Twilight series, written before the release ofBreaking DawnDark Hope is her first novel."

Don't forget to follow the author, Monica McGurk, so that you stay up-to-date on new book series in this trilogy, as well as share your thoughts along with others about Dark Hope (first book in the Archangel Prophecies Trilogy), as well as the other upcoming book releases.

I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.

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