Do you love Twitter parties? If you do and are free tomorrow at 3 PM EST, why not head on over to Twitter and join me for the @BalanceBar Twitter Chat, to chat about healthy eating and working out this summer. No need to RSVP. Just make sure you are following #BalanceShapeUp and @BalanceBar, so that you don't miss out on all the fun.
In addition to chatting about healthy eating and the Balance Bar Summer Shape Up Challenge, personal trainer, Holly Del Rosso, will be on hand to answer your summer fitness and nutrition questions.

Holly Del Rosso is the leading Personal Trainer and fitness expert in New York City and Los Angeles. Visit for more info.
I have a few questions I can't wait to ask her about. If you have a question you want to ask Holly, make sure during the @BalanceBar Twitter Chat that you use #BalanceShapeUp and @BalanceBar to ask your questions.
** Stay tuned later this week when I will share more about the #BalanceShapeUp Challenge and my favorite Balance Bar flavors, as well as offer one lucky reader a chance to win a $10 Walmart gift card and a variety pack of Balance Bars to try out and enjoy.**
Disclosure: I received a Walmart gift card to purchase product to review, as part of a sponsored collaboration with Balance Bar. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
I would love to try Balance Bar