"Do you ever suffer from the Queasy, Uneasy, Refluxy Feeling® associated with common digestive discomforts? There may be an easy solution—Gutsy Chewy. These supplements were invented by gastroenterologist and dentist, Dr. Doug Haghighi, and contain the perfect balance of apple cider vinegar, licorice extract, papaya extract and xylitol to help support your gut and oral health along with calcium and magnesium. Gutsy Chewy supplements are all-natural, free of gluten and lactose, vegan friendly and made in the U.S.A., making them a safe choice. Go from GutBurn and GutBloat to GutGood with Gutsy™, Gutsy Chewy is the way to go."
I don't know if I should my mom for my tummy troubles that oftentimes hit when I am dining out. Have you ever been enjoying a delicious meal, when uh-oh, your belly started to begurgle, and then you start getting an queasy, uneasy feeling in your stomach. For me, spicy foods and foods with tomato sauce and milk do it to me every time. I end up having to make a pit stop to the ladies room before making it home, only to deal with the tummy troubles through the night.
After consulting doctors in past about my uneasy stomach issues, they suggested both OTC and prescription medicine, that supposedly would help with my trouble woes, as well as the acid reflux I experience alongside it. But, I am not one to take medicine unless I absolutely have to, as I never like the side effects, including potentially harmful ones. So, it is either skip going out to enjoy a meal, or suck it up and deal with a queasy, uneasy stomach all night -- both, not fun options.
But, thanks to a new all-natural, made in the USA supplement I was able to try out thanks to the folks at Moms Meet, I can get quick relief when the begurgling begins, just by chewing a Gutsy Chewy.
• Gutsy Chewy products are available in two delicious flavors: Citrus and Wildberry.
• Gutsy Chewy supplements are safe, gluten-free, vegan friendly and lactose-free.
• Gutsy Chewy products are all-natural and made in the U.S.A.
• All Gutsy Chewy supplements contain a proprietary blend of apple cider vinegar, licorice extract and papaya extract (GiGs®). GiGs® has been shown to be effective in treating GutBurn™ and GutBloat™.
• Xylitol is used in Gutsy Chewy to aid oral health, while calcium and magnesium are included to fortify the bodies stores of these important minerals.
I personally love the little tubes that these chews come in, as they fit perfectly in my handbag and can be pulled out when the need arises. After having sampled Gutsy Chewy products and shared with family and friends, I have to say that I am loving the natural and oh so quick relief for all my digestive problems. From acid relux to IBS, Gutsy Chewy is here to help, and works wonders.
Even though I was sent this product to review, I wasn't expected to have to use them so soon, or find myself handing them out to family and friends seeking relief from their tummy troubles, too. But, thanks to a recent Easter Brunch at a restaurant, everyone at the table found themselves experiencing queasy stomaches. Luckily, I had a few tubes of this product on hand, and started to pass them around. When it came to flavor preferences, the group of 10 was split down the middle between the citrus and wildberry flavors. But, everyone was in agreeance at how good these chewy supplements tasted. Unlike other reflux and stomach relief medinces, these chews weren't chalky tasting.
And, within a matter of minutes from taking a Gutsy Chewy, everyone started to feel better. For those who experience tummy troubles on a more frequent basis, they were happy to finally find an all-natural product that actually worked. I for one was excited to know that I could finally get relief from queasy, uneasy belly feelings when dining out, without needing a prescription medicine.
So, if you experience tummy troubles from dining out, and find yourself shying away from this wondering experience as you don't want to deal with the digestion irriations that follow, why not give Gutsy Chewy a try? You have nothing to lose, yet so much to gain, including the freedom to finally dine out without worrying about your stomach acting up.

Gutsy Chewy comes in a handy 8-pack tube that’s easy to travel with. The retail price for Gutsy Chewy ranges from $15.99 to $79.99 (2 - 12 tubes), depending on volume purchased. Each order also has a cost of $4.99 to cover shipping and handling.
To learn more about Gutsy Chewy products, including purchasing online, visit gutsyproducts.com today.
Learn more online by connecting with Gutsy Chewy online to see their latest products and get exclusive access to discounts and special offers!
- gutsyproducts.com
- facebook.com/gutsyproducts
- twitter.com/gutsyproducts
- youtube.com/user/GutsyProducts
About Gutsy Products:

Gutsy Products is an American company founded by Harvard trained dentist and Cleveland clinic trained gastroenterologist, Dr. Doug Haghighi. The company offers scientifically proven natural products designed to enhance digestive health and maintain oral health. They can be used for that after eating Queasy, Uneasy, Refluxy Feeling® associated with common digestive discomforts. Each of their products is all-natural and contains a safe and effective dose designed to deliver results.
Disclaimer: I received this product for free from the sponsor of the Moms Meet™ program, May Media Group LLC, who received it directly from the manufacturer. As a Moms Meets™ blogger, I agreed to use this product and post my opinion on my blog. My opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of May Media Group LLC or the manufacturer of the product. Always check with your physician before starting any supplement product and specifically Gutsy Products. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Consult your healthcare professional prior to use if you are pregnant, nursing, taking any medication or have a medical condition. This product contains papaya and should not be used by people with a latex allergy. Keep out of reach of children.
Now this is one product that I must try. I have a lot of trouble with my stomach and always have tums in my purse but I really don't like that chalk taste and would really like to try this product thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteheather [email protected]