Mom Corps, a national award-winning professional talent acquisition and career development firm, has launched Mom Corps YOU, an online community to help professionals better integrate their professional and personal lives.
I am so excited to be able to continue supporting Mom Corps YOU and sharing more about this helpful career, financial and work-life website especially for moms. In my previous two posts, I shared about planning a return to the workplace as well as the importance of meeting with a financial advisor and how you can be financially savvy thanks to a webinar I attended through Mom Corps You with Jean Chatkzy.
While nothing has topped what I learned in Jean Chatkzy "Become a Savvy Saver" webinar. Jean shared crucial tools for saving, and have made a point to apply to my family's financial situation to improve it, I still look forward to the many work-life webinars and resources made avaiable to Mom Corps YOU members. And, since my last post, I have continued to use the Mom Corps You website on a weekly basic, either by attending live webinars or watching archived ones I have missed due to scheduling conflicts, as well as utilizing the abundance of resources available through their active forums, resource section which you can read through and print out, or learn about great books worth checking out.
Whether looking to re-enter the work force or increase your hours from part-time to full-time, any form of career re-entry requires time and effort and can cause stress and uncertainty. But, thanks to the folks at Mom Corp YOU, they make these transitions easier and less stressful. While I am still a year or two away from job searching, I know that I can take advantage of the Mom Corps YOU live chat feature, which allows me to talk with career experts, who can answer my different questions, or put me in touch with those that can. In the past I would seek the help from career counselors to help with cover letter and resume writing and editing, only to dish out hundreds of dollars. I never really saw the benefit, as I always seemed to have reword the cover letters for each job and frequently update my resume to keep it current and one that would stand out to recruiters or human resource departments. Mom Corps YOU live chat feature offers members the opportunity to chat about all things relating to their job search, including how to start a job search, structuring your resume so that it stands our and is actually read and considered, and following up on interviews, etc. This information is so beneficial, especially for those who are in the midst of a job search, or have been struggling to find a job and need help, but can't afford high cost career counselors.
In addition to the live chat, members of Mom Corps YOU can also take advantage of tools to help you revamp your resume, build a personal brand, answer questions about time out of the workforce, find a position that will work with your flexibility needs, and reignite your career. Now, where can you find all this useful information in one place? Before becoming a member of Mom Corps YOU, I would have to visit over a dozen sites just to scratch the surface with work-life resources, of which most sites were outdated or not very active.
This month, Mom Corps YOU has a lot to offer with their great speakers and range of resources to help you prepare for future career re-entry. Recently, on April 8th, Mom Corps YOU hosted ‘How to Build Your Personal Brand’ webinar about why building a personal brand is critical to your job search and learn a simple approach for creating your brand.
While I was not able to attend the live webinar, I plan to watch the archived video this week. I never thought about personal branding when it came to standing out when job searching.
Other recent webinars from Mom Corps YOU that I attended or watched an archive video of included the ‘Your Network is Your Net Worth’ webinar that talked about how to build and leverage your network for job opportunities, career growth; ‘Ready, Set, Go: A Game Plan for Career Re-Entry’ webinar offering an abundance of tools and checklists to create and keep in mind for a successful game plan for re-launching into a career that fits with your personal life demands.
And, look at what webinars will be available this week and in the next few weeks from Mom Corps YOU --
Tuesday Apr 15, 2014 1:00 PM EST
Recruiters are strategic partners in your career search. Learn more about the recruiter relationship and how to effectively work with them as well as inside knowledge and advice to apply during your job search, interview process and selection decision.
Tuesday Apr 22, 2014 1:00 PM EST
Are you taking some gap years and considering a return to work at some point? Does the thought of re-launching your career make you feel excited, overwhelmed or lost? Don't miss this session where we cover the latest information on career prelaunch, creative strategies for keeping a toe in the water and how to address those tough questions.
Tuesday May 06, 2014 1:00 PM EST
Flexible work is gaining momentum and will be a powerful trend shaping the future of the workforce. In this session we cover: The latest facts and trends about flexible work How to create your ideal flexible work arrangement Reasons why flexible work is good for business Tips and best practices for requesting flexible work
Tuesday May 13, 2014 1:00 PM EST
At any given moment, 2 million women are in the "career re-launch" pool - trying to figure out their next career move or how to re-enter the workforce. In this session, we'll give you the tools and checklists to create a successful game plan for re-launching into a career that fits with your personal life demands.
And, I will be tuning into this webinar...
Thursday Apr 24, 2014 1:00 PM EST
"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." - Michael Altshuler Positively change your relationship with Time Management and your lengthy list of "to-do's" in this class lead by Internationally known coach and author Jamee Tenzer, PCC. Jamee is excited about sharing tangible strategies that will help you begin to change the way you approach Time Management in your day to day life. In just one hour, you will walk away with three actions, designed just for you, that will change the way you approach your schedule and reduce the level of time-related stress you experience each day. Jamee's knowledge comes from her experience as a "do-er." To-do list firmly in hand by the age of 12, she organized, categorized and checked off her list daily with the level of satisfaction normally reserved for a mother finding her children are finally asleep after 3 stories, 2 lullabies and numerous requests for water. But something changed when she began to work her way up the career ladder, got married and had 3 children. All of a sudden, time was not expanding to accommodate her new responsibilities and goals. There had to be a paradigm shift in her thinking or else she was going to begin short changing her work, her children and herself. Twenty years later and she is now helping women just like you, make that paradigm shift in their own lives.
To get started or to learn more about Mom Corps YOU, visit the www.MomCorpsYOU.com site today. Mom Corps YOU is available via an online subscription for an introductory annual price of $99.99 (regularly $149.99) or $19.99 a month. Once you sign up and take advantage of the various resources -- webinars, live chat with experts and resources, you will find that the membership pays for itself quickly. I love having all this useful information at my fingertips in one location. Mom Corps YOU really know what moms like us want to know about as it relates to our family, as well as helping us to prepare to the workforce, if that is in your future.
Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Mom Corps YOU. I received a free trial to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
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