Did you know that this month is National Financial Literacy Month? If it wasn't for a poster at my tax accountant's office last month I would never have known about it. :-) And, in recognition of National Financial Literacy Month, TCF Bank, a Minnesota-based, national bank, wants you to consider your financial habits and has created a fun quiz that lets you find your “financial animal.” Don't worry they are not going to ask you painstaking math questions or ask you to sign over your life :-) Instead, you simply answer 6 multiple choice questions about your spending habits and how you view your finances, and in return they will tell which you "financial animal" you are. Fun, huh? I thought so, and just took the quiz over at TCF Bank's Facebook Fan page.
Whether you live to splurge or love to save, our Financial Animal quiz will help you find your animal match.

I just to the quick and painless TCF Bank Financial Animal Quiz, which is only 6 multiple choice questions, and found out that I am a coyote!!

"I’m a Coyote. I’m a crafty scavenger, always on the hunt for a bargain. My ideal day is spent digging in the couch cushions for spare change, clipping coupons and scouring the web for promo codes. It can be a lot of work, but it’s totally worth it for the sense of accomplishment I feel after scoring a killer deal. To learn more about how you can take control of your financial IQ, visit the TCF Bank Financial Learning Center at tcfbank.com/learning and register to take our interactive financial literacy program."
I recently participated in an online webinar which dealt with being financially savvy, and talked about the need to sit down with a financial planner, as well as your significant other and really look at and talk about your finances. When it comes to my family, I am the one who pays the bills. My husband has been content with this, as he knows that I am on the ball and paying the bills on time each month. But, he never really took time to sit down and go over credit card debt and talk about ways to pay it off or lower our APR on other cards we have paid off. In addition to having school savings plans for the girls, along with retirement funds set up for the both of us, we really aren't looking for other ways to save money, or grow our nest egg.
But, thanks to a recent visit with a financial advisor, we had our eyes opened to different ways to be more financially savvy, and have started to make changes in order to save more and have our money work for us. Like I have shared in the past, I was diagnosed and treated for stage 2 cancer back in 2008. Can you believe that five years later I am still paying off bills for treatment. So much for get health care coverage, as I always seem to be paying more than what my husband's top tiered insurance plan covers. After talking to our financial advisor, which we can call on anytime, as well as plan to sit down and go over our finances every 6 months, he pointed me in the direction of a handful of co-pay assistance programs out there, which will ultimately help lower my out-of-pocket medical expenses through grants and other assistant programs for cancer patients and survivors. I had never thought to look into these programs, but am so glad that I did, as I will not have to worry when another bill comes in and wonder how long it will take for us to pay of.
My husband and I learned so much about planning the right way for the future, and have homework to do, as our financial advisor sent us home with a list of books that will help invest better and answer any financial questions we may have. I am so happy that I made a point to contact a financial advisor and got my husband to go with me, as we are finally sitting down each week to go over the bills I will be paying and seeing where the money is actually going.
Have you sat down recently with your significant other to talk about your finances? Why not make a point to pencil in some time this month during Financial Literacy Month and really take a look at your finances, and see how you can improve in areas, become a savvy saver, or even reach out to a skilled financial advisor and have them walk you through your finances and help you create a financial plan that will work for you?
Click here to learn more about TCF Bank
and their services and programs -- https://www.tcfbank.com/.
Disclosure: I participated in an Influencer Program on behalf of Mom Central Consulting #MC for TCF Bank. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.
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