Mom Corps, a national award-winning professional talent acquisition and career development firm, has launched Mom Corps YOU, an online community to help professionals better integrate their professional and personal lives.
Last month I shared a post introducing you to Mom Corps YOU. If you missed it, click here to read it now -- http://www.inspiredbysavannah.com/2014/02/planning-return-to-workplace-soon-let.html. In my post, I shared about how some of my friends are returning back to the workplace, now that their children are in school, and how I plan to return back to work, either in a part-time or full-time capacity once my girls are both enrolled in school full time. Savannah will be starting kindergarten next year, while Bella still has a couple of years. So, while I still have time until my job searching begins, I know that the sooner you start the better. And, with all the people out of work and looking for work or to make a job change, there will be a lot of competition when the time comes, as the job market will be limited.
I was excited when I was given the opportunity to continue with Mom Corps YOU, to share more about the resources, including webinars, book lists, etc. that Mom Corps YOU has to offer members. Since signing up for a membership back in January, I have been taking full advantage of the online webinars, which you can watch live, or watch at a later date through the archived section. I have been impressed with the speakers and content covered through all the webinars, and can't stop referencing points I heard when talking with friends about job hunting, our family's finances, etc.
In addition to the great webinars, Mom Corps YOU also has an amazing resources section, that you can spend hours going through and reading up on all the valuable information available. And, this month, Mom Corps YOU shared must read information as it relates to planning financially for your family's future and looking at your current financial situation.

The resources meshed well with the various speakers that were also discussing finances. One speaker that stood out, and that I seemed to take a lot from her talk was Jean Chatkzy, who conducted a webinar on March 11th called "Become a Savvy Saver". Jean shared crucial tools for saving success. Now, I am one to cut coupons to save at the grocery store, but Jean shared that being a savvy saver goes way beyond coupon cutting.
In addition to Chatzky’s webinar, Mom Corps YOU shared with members exclusive advice from Chatzky on things like how to cut fixed expenses, the need to hire a financial adviser, and choosing the right credit card. I loved how Jean shared two important things to remember when choosing a credit card --
"First, always read the fine print. The advertisements and offers in your mailbox rarely paint the full picture, so it’s up to you to do a little research. Second, it’s important to consider whether a card brand meets your needs. Discover isn’t widely accepted outside of North America, and inside, some retailers don’t take American Express. It’s fine to have both of these cards in your wallet, but make sure you have other payment options, too."
After attending Jean Chatzky's webinar, I couldn't help but ask my husband to sit down one night after the girls went to bed, so that we could plan out some financial goals for this year. We knew we would be getting a tax refund back and were planning to use some of this money to pay down credit cards, but hadn't thought what do with the other half. Maybe a vacation? Maybe work around the house? Adding it to our nest egg? There were so many places where this extra money could go. But, after watching Jean's webinar and reading through her resourceful information, I knew that we had to have a better game plan,or we would spend frivolously and the money would be gone in a blink of an eye.
I had made a point to print out some of the resources available to members at Mom Corps YOU, and had taken notes while watches the financial webinars this month. So, I came to the table with ideas on how to spend our tax money and ways in which we can save and cut costs, to be more financially stable in 2014. My husband was amazed at all the information I shared with him, and loved the super savvy tips that I had taken away from Jean Chatzy's talk. I can't remember the last time we really sat down to talk about our finances and make a game plan we would stick to. It felt good to know that we were both on the same page. In the end, we decided to put the extra tax money into repairs needed for the house, which will include reinsulating the attic, to prevent ice dams like we have experienced this past winter and a few winters ago. This home improvement would also cut heating and cooling costs, which will save us in the long run when it comes to filling the oil tank each winter, or running the AC's nonstop on those hot summer days.
Another thing my husband and I both agreed that we needed to do is hire a financial advisor, and meet with them at least once a year. We used to meet with our accountant at tax time to go over our finances, but we were not really benefiting or improving our financial state, as she was too busy trying to turn out tax returns for us and the 100's of other customers she saw each year. So, after doing some research and calling around, we have an upcoming appointment with a local financial advisor to go over our finances and help plan for the future and be proactive when it comes to spending and what we do with our savings.
I can't wait to attend more online webinars offered through Mom Corps YOU, and love the ability to re-watch them for up to 30 days after they air. This comes in handy with my busy schedule, as sometimes I miss one due to the girls needing my attention, or an appointment I can't reschedule.
While I am still a year or two away from job searching, I know that I can take advantage of the Mom Corps YOU live chat feature, which allows me to talk with career experts, who can answer my different questions, or put me in touch with those that can. In the past I would seek the help from career counselors to help with cover letter and resume writing and editing, only to dish out hundreds of dollars. I never really saw the benefit, as I always seemed to have reword the cover letters for each job and frequently update my resume to keep it current and one that would stand out to recruiters or human resource departments. Mom Corps YOU live chat feature offers members the opportunity to chat about all things relating to their job search, including how to start a job search, structuring your resume so that it stands our and is actually read and considered, and following up on interviews, etc. This information is so beneficial, especially for those who are in the midst of a job search, or have been struggling to find a job and need help, but can't afford high cost career counselors.
We are only 3 months into the new year. You still have time to create resolutions or set new goals for the new year. Why not make one our family's goals to be more financial savvy. Learn better ways to save or cut costs, etc. Let Mom Corps YOU and their webinars and online resources be your starting point to make a positive change to your family's financial game plan for 2014.
To get started or to learn more about Mom Corps YOU, visit the www.MomCorpsYOU.com site today. Mom Corps YOU is available via an online subscription for an introductory annual price of $99.99 (regularly $149.99) or $19.99 a month. Once you sign up and take advantage of the various resources -- webinars, live chat with experts and resources, you will find that the membership pays for itself quickly. I love having all this useful information at my fingertips in one location. Mom Corps YOU really know what moms like us want to know about as it relates to our family, as well as helping us to prepare to the workforce, if that is in your future.
Disclosure: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting (#MC) for Mom Corps YOU. I received a free trial to facilitate my review and a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
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