I always promised myself that there would be no eating or snacking in the car once the girls started to eat on their own. I had been in family and friends' cars before having kids and hated to see all the Cheerios, Goldfish and other snack foods on the floor. You really never knew how long they had been there. And, the last thing you wanted to see is a little one get down from their car seat and pick up a puff or other snack they found on the floor and pop it in their mouths. Gross -- but, a reality when you have children, especially little ones. I know as I gave in to my "no food in the car" rule and find myself picking up dropped snacks every time I take the girls out for an errand or to one of their classes or meetups. It is a reality that most parents face -- we find ourselves in the car most of the day with our kids, and this is where snacking and even lunch/dinner happens.
If you find yourself letting your kids snack in the car, but want a way to keep the snacks in one place and not wind up on the floor, do I have the product from you. Recently, I was sent the Nûby™ Flower Child™ Snack Keeper™ cup for my girls to try out.
I am loving the Nûby™ Flower Child™ style and have matching plates and plastic silverware in this cute design for my girls to eat with.

As soon as my girls saw the snack, they fought to see who would get it. Knowing that they would fight over the snack cup, I made a point to order a second cup from Amazon.com for only $5.99, and packed it away until I received my Nuby samples to review. I quickly made the piece and gave both my girls their snack cups.
They really wanted to put these snack containers to the test. First, they had me fill it with Cheerios, which always seem to fall out of their other snack containers and onto the floor. Both the girls and I were surprised at how they stay put, as did the silicone lid.
With other snack containers, I found the lids to not sit tight enough on the tops, and each and every time the girls would reach in for a snack, they would pull the lid off, and this is when their snacks would land on the floor. But, we didn't have this problem with the Nûby™ Flower Child™ Snack Keeper™ cup.
" The Nûby™ Flower Child™ Snack Keeper™ cup keeps kid-sized snacks inside the container instead of on the floor or car seat. The soft silicone flaps make it easy to grab snacks without spilling. Nûby™ feeding accessories are made to withstand the challenges of daily use and retain their bright color."
After trying the snack keeper with the cereal, we moved onto yogurt drops and Goldfish -- both of which were easy to retrieve from the cup and stayed put in the cup.
I am so loving the Nûby™ Flower Child™ Snack Keeper™ cup, and my girls are, too! Now, whenever I know we will be snacking in the car, I make a point to fill the girls' Nûby™ Flower Child™ Snack Keeper™ cup. Once I hand them their snack keepers, I don't have to worry about spills I have to clean up, once I go to take them out of their car seats. And, when it comes to walking around the house snacking, these snack keepers come in handy yet again, in helping to keep the girls' snacks in the cup and not on my floor. :-)
If you are a family who finds themselves snacking on the go, and you tend to find your child's snacks on the backseat floor, why not pick up the Nûby™ Flower Child™ Snack Keeper™ cup to serve them their snacks in. You will love this easy to hold and snack from container, as well as being able to say goodbye once and for all to backseat snack spills. :-)
---BUY NOW---

You can find the Nûby™ Flower Child™ Snack Keeper™ cup at the following online retailers...
Baby Depot at Burlington
buybuy Baby
TJ Maxx
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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