"Paula Patton leads a hilarious cast in this first-class comedy that’ll keep you laughing and make your heart soar! Flight attendant Montana Moore (Patton) is smart, sexy and sick of being single. She’s determined to get engaged before her younger sister’s wedding, leaving just 30 days to make her connection. Fortunately, her co-worker crew has cooked up a high-flying scheme for Montana to “accidentally” bump into all her ex-boyfriends, leading to hilarious encounters as she attempts to land the perfect guy!"
Blu-Ray & DVD Special Features
- Behind the scenes with the Director with optional commentary by David E. Talbert
- Promotional Featurettes: Fly Girl, Wing Men, The Story, Interview with the cast
- Audio Commentary with David E. Talbert
- Theatrical Trailer
Sites/Social Pages
Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Twitter
And, to help out those single men and women this Valentine's Day, I thought I would share some Surprising Compliments That Grab His/ Her Attention, from LaDawn Black. LaDawn Black is a relationship expert, media personality and the author of Let's Get It On: 15 Hot Tips and Tricks to Spice Up Your Sex Life www.ladawnblack.com
Typical date talk and flirtatious comments can get old. Complimenting the obvious (a great smile, nice car or a fit body) can come off as more of the same. If you want to really catch the attention of a new acquaintance, make your compliments original. Try these eight unexpected ways to compliment and leave a lasting impression:
Notice a Small or Non-flashy Piece of Jewelry
One quick way to impress someone new is to pick an item in their clothing or jewelry that is not screaming for attention. A quirky pair of cuff links, a simple necklace, any antique looking pieces or a well-traveled work bag are all possible great story starters. People choose these small items often more for sentimental reasons and not flash. These items are more about who they are and less about what they have. Noticing the small things shows that you are taking the person in and really interested in getting to know them.
Thing That They Love
Listen closely to what the person loves. Often within the first thirty minutes of talking with someone you can pretty much gain a clear picture of what is absolutely their life fuel – their love. It may turn out that a pet, family, a hobby or even work may come up a bit in the getting to know you conversation. Acknowledge this love and let this new person know in a subtle way that you see what matters most to them and you are okay with it.
Least Obvious Beauty Trait
This one is easy! We all have aspects of our looks that are obvious pulls: height, a great head of hair, a curvy shape, a beautiful smile. Instead of complimenting the obvious take a few minutes and try to find something hot about your date that is not what they lead with. She has a beautiful smile? Don't tell her that first. Maybe you compliment her on the way her eyes light up when she laughs. He is incredibly tall and fit. Don't give him what every woman gives him. Instead, compliment him on his beautiful skin that obviously comes from him living a healthy lifestyle. The trick here is to be genuine and make sure your compliment makes sense and is linked in an unexpected way to a strength that your date already knows he/she has.
Little Known Fact about Company or Alma Mater
In this age of the search engine you should always know a bit about your date before you get there. You wouldn't go on a job interview without researching the company. So, why would you go on a date without knowing a few of the basics on your date? Look up the company, hometown or school of your date and find a little known fact to add to the conversation. Knowing that his hometown is the birthplace of the Snuggie is funny and will definitely stay on his mind long after the kiss good night.
Unique Aspect of Date Location
Go beyond just complimenting the date planners choice. Take the time while out to find something interesting about the place and mention it. Maybe the fact that the first date took place at the aquarium isn't incredibly memorable, but the fact that the aquarium also offers a weekend wine and dine with the dolphins and you would love too check it out one day reinforces the planners good choice and lets them know that you are open to date two.
Unique Point of View
In talking about controversial issues or current events compliment your date on their point of view. There are two universal things in dating we all want to know that you think we are attractive and that you believe we are smart. There is nothing like really taking in a person's view and letting them know that their opinion makes perfect sense to you.
Point Out Grace, Class, Manners & Chivalry
Who doesn't want to feel that they are extremely classy or chivalrous? As much as we talk about the sexes being equal, there is still a strong draw to those that are able to be incredibly modern and still be on their old school manner game. Point out little fine points that will make your date feel like they are the ultimate lady or gentlemen. Good manners still go a long way.
Eclectic Taste in Entertainment
Listen for what is different or off the beaten path in your date and point it out in positive ways. A love for eclectic/ independent music, films, artists or travel destinations are cues as to what a person wants you to know about them and how they live their lives. We all want to be special and unique and often how we reflect our uniqueness is through our choices in entertainment. By listening and complimenting these choices, you are letting your date know that their quirks are fine with you.
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