Every once in a while I will let Savannah sit with my and browse books, for consideration of a review on my blog. Last month, during the holidays, I did just this, and one book she kept pointing to and asking for was this one ---The Story of the Little Mole Boxed Book and Toy Set. I think what caught her eye was the plush toy that came with the book. Or, maybe she knew what the book was about.
"The outrageous bestseller is back, now in a boxed set of minibook and stuffed toy, with packaging that becomes a board gameA terrible catastrophe befalls the little mole one bright, sunny morning. It looks a little like a sausage, and the worst thing is that it lands right on his head. Our plucky little hero sets out to find who has left their business on his head. Join the intrepid mole as he sets out to find the culprit and exact his revenge in his own little way. His highly entertaining and informative search reveals an important but often neglected side of animal life. The box that this small edition of the book and stuffed toy come in has a board game on the back, and dice and game pieces on the bottom for children to put together with an adult's help.
Have you seen or heard about this book? I hadn't until I saw the book on the IPG website. But, I have to admit, I didn't read much into the synopsis, as I had so many other tabs open with potential books. I saw that the book came with a plush and thought it would make for a cute gift set. So, I sent off a request for the book, and couple of weeks later, Savannah was all smiles when the The Story of the Little Mole Boxed Book and Toy Set arrived at our doorstep. It wasn't until I sat down to read the book with the girls that I realized what it was about -- a mole that the misfortune of having been pooped on while he was sleeping. And, on the top of his head was a pile of poop.
The book follows along as the mole tries to find out who did this to him. As he meets different animals and asks if they did this, they all respond "No," followed up by showing the mole how they poop.
Are you smirking or chuckling yet? Well, each and every time we have read this book -- which I have to say I have lost count of since receiving early last week, the girls can't control their laughter. Savannah feels bad for the mole, while Bella keeps telling me the mole needs wipes and a bath as he is PU. :-)
If you were to ask Savannah what her favorite book of the moment is, she will most definitely say this one. Go figure! And, when we are not reading this book, or the girls are pulling it off the shelf to flip through and say "Eww" to the different poop droppings, I can find Savannah carrying around her new mole friend wherever she goes. She is snuggling up next to the mole right now as she sleeps. On the few occasions we have gone out and she has taken the mole with her, people will quickly glance at the plush toy and say how cute it is -- until Savannah points out the pile of poop on its head, and then laughs. :-)
While I am not sure that this would make for a great gift idea -- depends on the child and parent's sense of humor, I will say that the story itself is easy to understand and short in length, which is perfect for little ones. And, with the inclusion of the mole as part of the book and plus gift set, it adds a fun bonus feel to the overall reading experience. Like I said, my girls can't stop laughing whenever we read this book, and Savannah brings her mole friend with her everyone. Want a cute book to share with your child about being pooped on? Or, just looking for a laugh out loud book you can read to your child and get silly for a short time with? Then, this is the book for you. I will make a point next time to pay more attention to the books Savannah's points out -- but, I have to say that I can't help but laugh when I read this book, as I would never have guessed it was about a mole being pooped on, when you glance at the cover. I seriously thought he was wearing a funny looking hat. My bad! :-)
FYI...this best-selling book is available in different forms including one with sound (so you can hear the plops) and even in pop-up form. Which book style will you choose? :-)
Disclosure: I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.
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