I never thought the day would come when the top item on a child's holiday list was a mobile phone? Just the other day, we took the girls, along with my niece and nephew on the Polar Express train ride. When Santa stopped by their seat to take photos and ask the kids what they wanted for Christmas, they each asked for a mobile phone. Not only was I surprised, but I think Santa was surprised at their request. He followed up asking if the kids wanted anything else like a video game, doll, bike, etc.? Leave it to Savannah to say, "Yes, all of that, please." :-)
Have your children put a cell phone at the top of this wish lists? And, if so, do you plan to buy one for them, or add them to your family plan? I know many parents in my area are considering getting their children cell phones, so that they can be in contact with them at all times. With everything going on in schools nowadays, just knowing you can pick up the phone and call your child, or knowing they have access to get in touch with you in dangerous situations, helps puts parents especially at ease. But, with a cell phone also comes concerns over mobile usage and accessing inappropriate content.
Parental Controls with Zact from Zact Mobile on Vimeo.
So, how can you fulfill your child's wish list gift, but also set limits and have parental control over their phone. Simple...Zact. This no-contract nationwide mobile service, not only allows parents to set text and date usage limits, but also allows parents to set curfews. Recently awarded the seal of approval from the National Parenting Center, many parents are turning to Zact when it comes to giving their children a smartphone, while also providing peace of mind knowing all about the safety features and how the average bill is only $22.

So, if a smartphone is top on your child's wish list, make a point to check out Zact Mobile, and see if this nationwide mobile service is right for your family, as it is for so many others. Learn more here: http://www.zact.com/child-phone. You can also read a featured article about Zact, which recently ran in USA today here -- http://usat.ly/1bW6X7Y, which I found to be very informative.
Disclosure: I participated in a campaign for Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Zact. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.
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