
Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thanks to Best Buy & Shine, I Have A Sleek New Way to Keep Track of My Daily Activity and Reach Goals

Disclosure:  The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

Best Buy Logo

During the course of this year, I have been sharing how one of my new year's resolutions was to lose weight.  And, as the year is starting to wind down, I can't help but put a little more pressure on myself to try and reach my weight loss goal of losing 35 pounds -- the excess weight I put on when I had the girls back to back in 2010 and 2011.  It seemed like in the beginning I was on a roll and was able to lost 25 pounds in under 6 months.  But, then the weight loss slowed, and it seemed like I was only losing a pound here and there.  I oftentimes wondered if I would be successful for once in sticking with and achieving this new year's resolution.  Was there something more I could be doing to make the weight come off?  I had cut out breads, pastas and other foods that seemed to add to increased weight gain, and was eating more fruits and vegetables.  While I knew my age played a part in a decreased metabolism, I also knew there were ways that I could increase my metabolism, too.

Over the past few months, I have been finding myself go-go-going with the girls.  As a result, I had to cut back going to the gym at night time, which I had been doing 2-3 times a week for a hour or so, to walk on the treadmill or take a cardio class.  Was this making my metabolism sluggish, and preventing me from not losing the extra weight that seemed to just want to stay around?  I needed a way to track my daily activity to see how active I truly was.  Yes, I chase the girls around, and lug them up and down stairs -- but, how much walking or steps was I taking daily?  I used to have those cheap plastic pedometers you get a community health events or store openings, but I found that they were never accurate.  You could jump in place and the number would also jump like crazy.  So, when I decided to start tracking my steps, I knew that I would need a device of some sort that would track my activity.  This is when I learned about the Shine.  Shine by Misfit, is a gorgeous device that will empower people to be more proactive about their personal health.  It was designed to inspire people to become more active, and encourage people to set goals for how much they want to move in a day and complete them. This device can be worn with different accessories available (clasp, sport band, leather band, necklace) for different wearing locations and to different occasions (formal, business, casual, sleeping, swimming).

 Activity tracker

  • The world's most elegant activity monitor
  • 4 stunning colors
  • No charging required
  • Water resistant to 50m

Product Specs:
Width 27.5mm x Depth 3.3mm x Height 27.5mm with a weight of 9.4g.

Shine Features: 

•Activity Tracking --
  • "Activity tags mark the beginning of an activity- you only need to tag once, because Shine automatically detects the end of the activity. Also, there's no need to sync after changing your activity tag; in fact you can switch between different activity tags"
 •Activities: Swimming, Biking, Tennis, etc.
 •Shine is water-resistant for swimming
 •Extra Accessories includes Magnet clip, Leather Bands, a Sport band and even a Necklace
 •The device runs on a coin cell battery which lasts about 4 months.  So, unlike other fitness tracking devices you need to plug into your computer to charge, Shine’s long-lasting battery and automatic wireless syncing mean you’ll spend less time plugging in and more time moving. 

Here is quick video showing how you can check your progress throughout the day by simply double tapping the Shine, and having the device light up (to first show the clock, and then your current progress as it relates to goals you set, like 1000 steps per day).


While there are so many different types of fitness trackers on the market, I am loving the simplicity of the Shine by Misfit, which I can sink to my iPad and track my progress daily, weekly or even monthly, and see results through graphs.  I don't know about you, but I am a visual person. And, when I can see progress through graphs, charts, etc. I feel like I am accomplishing something. 

Here are key feature of the Shine by Misfit app that you can download FREE of charge from Apple iTunes stores for your iPhone or iPad and use along with the Shine to keep track of your goals and daily progress, along with screenshots:

Use the Shine app to access these features:

- My Shine: Create a goal and set Shine to work for running, cycling, swimming and more
- Activity Meter: Check your activity progress and see stats like steps, calories and distance
- Intensity Graph: See your activity level over time and watch yourself improve
- Highlights: See highlights of your days and weeks including activities, sleep, milestones and more
- Sleep: Find out how much deep sleep you’re getting, visualized in a graph

iPhone Screenshot 2

Besides being easy to use, I love how sleep this fitness tracking device is, and how I can switch up the way I wear it by buying different wrist bands, or even a cute necklace.  Many people have stopped me in the market to ask what was on my bracelet.  And, I couldn't stop raving about the Shine tracker, and how if they were looking for fitness tracking device that was not only affordable, but provided accurate results the Shine was for them. 

iPhone Screenshot 1

Even though I have only had the Shine by Misfit for a few short weeks, I am amazed at how well it is tracking my physical activity, and even knows when I am sleeping, and if I had a good nights sleep, without a lot of tossing and turning.  And, while I am still working hard at trying to lose the final pounds before we say goodbye to 2013 and ring in the new year, I can't help but feel proud for how I was able to set attainable goals when it comes to adding more steps into my daily physical activity.  

I can't wait until next summer when I can try out this device in the water.  I am always amazed at how tech gadgets like these are waterproof, and stay accurate even under water.  But, in the meantime, I will continue to wear my Shine by Misfit to track my daily physical activity, and can't wait to see more features added to this cool device, which I oftentimes forget I am wearing as it is so lightweight and comfortable to wear.

---BUY NOW---
Larger Front

Shine is exclusively available in additional colors at Best Buy including Silver, Black, Champagne and Topaz.  The retail price for the Shine Elegant Wearable Tracker is only $99.00, with the option to purchase additional accessories to change up how you wear the tracker. Click here to learn more about Shine, or to purchase this device for yourself, or to give as a gift this holiday season --

Disclosure:  The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

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