
Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Spotlight on Mom: Whitney Hardesty of Monster Defense Brave Spray w/ Review and #Giveaway

Disclosure:  I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

I love being able to introduce you to new mom entrepreneurs, especially when they recently launch their companies.  This week, it is my pleasure to introduce you to Whitney Hardesty, owner of Monster Defense.  Her company currently offers "Monster Defense Brave Spray," that not only provides security to children, but makes parents job of getting rid of monsters in the room and under beds easier, with more products to be added in the new year (so stay tuned!) 


"It's all of the things that monsters fear most......smells just like oranges and Daddy's French toast." 

Currently Whitney is selling the 4oz Monster Defense Brave Spray ($9.99) on her site, and come the start of the new year, she will have a fun storybook "Monsters, Beware!", which will be available for purchase separately, or as a combo set, with the 8 oz. Monster Defense Brave Spray.

Teaser illustration from the soon to be released book

I only recently had to start dealing with monsters and things being "scary" thanks in part to Halloween.  This was the first year that the girls got dressed up and when trick-or-treating.  Before that, they were too young, and only dressed in costumes for cute pictures.  But, this year, once we hit the streets to ask for candy, the girls saw more than just princesses and cartoon characters.  Instead, they came across devils, masked villains, etc. that were "SCARY."  Savannah was not a fan of anyone wearing a mask, even if they took it off to show her it was a costume.  On the few occasions we went to community trick-or-treating events, they would have to be cut short when Savannah came face to face with a scary monster or masked villain.  And, come bedtime, these fears stayed with her.  

For about a week after Halloween, Savannah didn't want to sleep in her own bed.  She thought that monsters were in her room and under her beds.  And, watching Monsters Inc. didn't help either -- thanks, Daddy! So, we ended up having a crowded bed, as "monkey see, monkey do"...Bella joined in and was scared because she saw sister scared.  Being new to the whole "monsters under the bed" and bedtime fears, my husband and I reached out to family and friends for advice.  Some said they slept with their kids on the floor in their room, just to let them know it was safe.  Others, let the kids keep their lights on until they fell asleep.  A few said they just had to let it run its course, and hope the children would grow out of it -- not something that I would do.  

We tried the whole sleeping on the girls' floor bit for a few days, but ended up with a sore back, and the girls somehow making their way to our bedroom and crawling into bed, while we stayed in their bedroom.  My husband had the crazy idea to walk into the room and spray air freshener into it, as he proclaimed, "Get away monsters." He would then leave the room and let the girls know it was safe to go in.  They would go in, coughing with the fumes and exit, only to return to our bed to sleep.  Running out of ideas, I was told about Whitney and her "Monster Defense Bravery Space."  Not only did I think she was a good fit for my "Spotlight on Mom" feature, but I couldn't wait to try out her brave spray and see if it would solve our scary monster problems.  

Within a few days of reaching out to Whitney, she not only responded to my "Spotlight on Mom" questions, but had a sample in the mail to me.  Upon receiving, I couldn't wait to try it out.  I have to say that I loved the cute label on the bottle, as it really grabbed the girls attention.  I told them that the spray would get rid of the monsters in their room once and for all.  They asked how, and I said because it contained a special "french toast" scent, which monsters don't like at all.  I went on to say that they could smell this scent for miles and miles, and that once sprayed it lasts forever.  You should have saw Savannah's eye light up in wonderment.  "Really," she said, before asking if we would use it that night.  She really liked her big girl room and wanted to return to it.  But, the monsters had to be gone first! :-)

That night, before starting the bedtime routine, we took the girls upstairs to their rooms, and let them spritz a few sprays from the Monster Defense Brave Spray into their rooms.  As we stood at the door, I told them that the magic was working.  Not only could they smell the oranges and french toast (maple) scent, Savannah said that room felt safer.  This is what we wanted, and were so glad that she was starting to let go of her fears.  But, the true test would be at bedtime when we took them back to their rooms to sleep.

After their bath, we brought the girls to their rooms to read a bedtime book.  Savannah looked all around -- in the closets, under the bed, and even under the sheets.  "No monster!" she said with a smile.  And, for the first time a couple of weeks, the girls slept in their beds through the night.  And, come the morning, everyone, including Mommy and Daddy, were in better moods from a good night's sleep. :-)

So, if you have little ones who are scared of monsters, afraid of the dark, or have other fears, that you are looking to help them overcome, why not pick up a bottle of Monster Defense Brave Spray try with them?  This spray would also make for a great stocking stuffer idea, too!  

When you are done entering my "Monster Spray" giveaway below and/or purchasing a few bottles for stocking stuffer or fun holiday gift ideas, be sure to enjoy my "Spotlight on Mom" interview with Whitney Hardesty of Monster Defense below. :-)


Click here now to purchase a 4 oz. bottle of Monster Defense Brave Spray today for only $9.99 --  And, make sure you use coupon code "Savannah" at checkout to save 20% off your total purchase.  Act fast as this coupon code is only valid for a limited time!


Thanks to Whitney, one lucky reader will win a bottle of Monster Defense Brave Spray to use with their child(ren).  To enter, please complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below.  Good luck!


Spotlight on Mom Interview w/ Whitney Hardesty of Monster Defense

Name:  Whitney Hardesty
Company Name/Product/Service: Monster Defense. Monster Defense Brave Spray. Monster Defense is a line of products providing security to children as well as providing parents an easy and fun solution for getting rid of monsters.
Company Location: Lincoln, NE
Company Website:
Twitter Handle: @ MonsterDefense
Age of Company:  October 23rd, 2013 first day of launch
Favorite Inspirational Quotes: I have a lot!
“A negative mind will never give you a positive life.”
“If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”
“If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, and half as much money.”
“I smile to hide how completely overwhelmed I am.” – my favorite!
Favorite Book:
I know this is a mommy-friendly blog, but I love Chelsea Handler’s books. She cracks me up and when I’m reading something just for fun, I enjoy mindless reading!

Tell us a little bit about yourself.  How many children do you have?  What are their ages? Your hobbies? Etc.

I married my best friend’s brother, for starters! We have a little boy who turned two in July and we have a girl on the way – due Christmas Day (my birthday is Christmas Eve, so December will be nuts). I like to do the typical things; spend time with family and friends. I love to be outside doing anything – exercising, playing with our son, anything! Before our son came along, I was really into triathlons. I have completed 18 and hope to get back into them after baby #2 comes along. I’ve always been into sports and hope I can pass that along to our children. I’m always on the go and can’t wait to truly relax someday! We love to travel and hope to do more of it someday.

Briefly explain your business.  How did it come about?

Monster Defense all started when our nephew told us about the monsters in his room that kept him up at night. From that day on, I couldn't stop thinking of what a fun concept this could be.  My husband then got involved and helped me bring it all together.  My husband has since written the book, "Monsters, Beware!" which will be available in Jan. 2014. We hope to expand the brand with more products someday.

What is a typical work day like? 

Our son has been our alarm clock lately around 5:45a. Unfortunately, he must be taking after me and may be a morning person. We all get ready, have breakfast together, take him to daycare and my husband and I work our full-time day jobs (which can consist of me traveling, so my husband is on single-daddy-duty a lot). After work, we pick our son up from daycare, play with him, have dinner and play again before it’s time to read and put him to bed. My husband and I then dig into Monster Defense. Since I’m pregnant, I don’t stay up as late as he does working on it! I really couldn’t have made this business happen without him!

What has been a struggle while starting up your company?  

Realizing that not everything will go perfectly or as planned. Every step along the way has taken more time than I had anticipated (naming our company and filing for a trademark, deciding on a logo, finding the right bottles, labels, finding the right illustrator for the book, I could go on!).

What did you do in your past work life?

I still have a current work life. I have worked in sales since 2004 with two wonderful companies! I have moved a few times for work; Dallas, Chicago, San Francisco, Newport Beach and finally back to Nebraska. My husband worked in construction management for 12 years and has been in real estate since 2010.

What have been some of your major successes?

I have a successful marriage which has allowed me to continue to grow as a person, wife and mother. Everything else in my life has just been an added bonus.

What have been some of your major challenges?

Balancing everything! I had always put my career first until I got married, then my priorities shifted. Once I became a mother, they shifted even more. I’m balancing more than I imagined I ever would, but somehow manage to do as much as I possibly can in any single day.  I’m a wife, mother, an employee, a business owner and a guardian to my father. My major challenge is realizing that I am only one person and there are only 24 hours in a day, so use them wisely!

On those impossible days, what motivates you to keep going?

My family! Knowing that every day (unless I’m traveling for work), I get to come home to my husband and son (and soon to be daughter).

What is your balancing secret in managing a business and family?

Is there a secret?!? If so, tell me!

What is next for your business?

Growing our customer base and launching more products.

Do you have any advice for other mom entrepreneurs that are starting out and struggling, or are on the fence about starting a business? 

If it’s something you really want to do, do it. Don’t look back. If you don’t do it, you may always wonder… “what if…?”

Disclosure:  I was sent a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. All views shared are mine and mine alone.

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