I LOVE LOVE LOVE Wonder Forge games! Ever since stumbling across them a few years back at the store, I can't help but pick up the new games for the girls, especially the holiday themed matching games. You should have saw our Christmas tree last year after the girls were all done unwrapping their gifts, as there were stacks of Wonder Forge games from Santa. From simple matching games to board games for kids of all ages and even adults, Wonder Forge offers an amazing selection of licensed character games, that any child would go crazy for. I know as every time I am sent games from them to review, the girls can't stop smiling, and can't wait to play.
In anticipation of my holiday gift guide, I visited the Wonder Forge website, and was happy to see some great games added to their current offering. And, after sending over my girls' wish list to the vendor, the kind folks at Wonder Forge sent along the following games for us all to play:
Disney Sofia the First Magical Tea Party Game
Disney Sofia the First Surprise Slides! Game
Disney Eye Found It! Game
Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Surprise Slides Game
Disney Planes Matching Game
These games sure came in handy last month, as the girls (and then I) were laid up with the nasty head cold and lingering cough that went with it. Being cooped up in the house made the girls stir crazy. But, once we received the sampling of Wonder Forge games to review, being stuck indoors wasn't that bad. While each of these games have set game instructions to follow, Savannah loves to use the matching games as a way to practice her "pairs" skills as she calls it. She will line up all the cards face side up, and then sorts them by character, then by likeness, before shuffling them all up and starting again. Bella has caught on and loves to help her big sister find the matches. And, when they are not sorting and finding pairs, the girls and I love sitting at their kids table and playing the matching games like they were intended. We can spend hours playing the different Wonder Forge matching games, which include holiday themed games with Mickey and other Disney characters to some of the girls' favorite characters like Disney's Doc McStuffins, Curious George, Disney Cars, Disney Princesses, Chuggington, Angelina Ballerina and so many more.
Did your family catch new Disney Planes movie when it released in theaters? My husband ended up taking Savannah, as she thought it was just like Disney's Cars (one of her favorite movies nowadays). She came home pretending to be a plane, and flying around the house. And, since then, loves playing with Disney's Planes toys, and now the new matching game from Wonder Forge.

Similar to other Wonder Forge matching games, the Disney Planes game, which is geared towards children ages 3+, comes with 72 cardboard picture tiles featuring popular Disney Planes characters. Game play is simple, turn over all cards to show the Disney Planes logo, and then take turns flipping over two tiles to find a match. If you find a match, you take those two cards. The winner is determined by the person who makes the most matches. What I like about this game is that it can be played solo or with 2 or more players. This is a great independent play game for Savannah to enjoy, when I am tending to her sister. Not only does Savannah have fun playing this matching game by herself, while building her memory and matching skills, but when she and Bella play together, they work on taking turns and playing together, something that is hard right now as they are going through the terrible 2's and 3's stage, and like to fight.
This review experience let us try out Wonder Forge's lines of "Slides" games, which we had never played before. As part of the game samples sent, we were sent the Disney's Sofia the First Surprise Slides! Game, as well as the Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Surprise Slides Game - both of which got the girls excited, as they love Mickey and Princess Sofia.

Ages: 3+
Number of Players: 2 to 4
Number of Players: 2 to 4
"Join Sofia and her friends on a magical race where new slides
can appear at any time. Turn over the big slide tiles and reveal new
slides—sometimes they move you forward, sometimes back—it’s always a fun
surprise. A different game every time you play!"
- Ideal first game for preschoolers
- Encourages counting
- Turn-taking and playing together
Product Contents
- 1 Game Board
- 4 Double-Sided Slide Tiles
- 4 Movers
- 4 Mover Bases
- 1 Spinner
- 1 Game Rules Manual
The game itself can be played with either 2 or 4 players, and lasts about 30-40 minutes, enough time to keep the girls engaged and having fun, without getting bored. Each player takes turns spinning the spinner, and can perform the following moves based on what color or image they land on...
The first person to get to the finish line is the winner.While I have to help Bella with her turns when she plays with Savannah, the girls love these "Slides" game. I grew up loving Chutes and Ladders, and this is similar to it, in that if they land on a room with a slide, they slide to the bottom. Savannah loves to add sound effects to the sliding action, by saying "ahhh, or swoosh!" before giving a giggle and smile.
The Disney Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Surprise Slides game is similar to the Disney Sofia the First Surprise Slides game, just different characters. Daddy loves to play this game with Savannah after work during their one-on-one time. He lets Savannah choose from the four players pieces --- Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy or Donald Duck, which he will be. He usually ends up being Goofy. :-) And, before the game is put away for the night, they always seem to have a rematch...even though my husband let's her win each time. Savannah feels bad and wants her Daddy to have a chance to win. Isn't she nice? :-)

Ages: 3+
Number of Players: 2 to 4
Number of Players: 2 to 4
"Join Mickey, Minnie, Donald and friends on a wacky race where
new slides can appear at any time. Turn over the big slide tiles and
reveal new slides — sometimes they move you forward, sometimes back —
it’s always a fun surprise. A different game every time you play!"
Do you own a game that has a six-foot game board? Well, we didn't until we were sent the Disney Eye Found It! Hidden Picture Game, that is filled with some of your family's favorite beloved Disney characters. Even though this game is for children ages 5+, Savannah loves helping me, when I play it with her 6 and 8 year old cousins.

Ages: 5+
Number of Players: 2 to 6
Number of Players: 2 to 6
"The jumbo game board is rich with whimsical artwork and favorite Disney
characters, making this game a family favorite. Join Mickey Mouse and
friends on an exciting race through 12 exquisitely illustrated Disney
realms, from Radiator Springs and Alice’s Wonderland to Peter Pan’s
Never Land and Pooh’s Hundred Acre Wood. Throughout the race, everyone
searches for iconic Disney objects...and gets a chance to say, “I found it!”"
- Cooperation and teamwork
- Observation skills and attention to detail
- Reinforces object identification and matching skills
Product Contents
- 1 Six-foot Game Board in three sections
- 6 Movers
- 6 Mover Bases
- 1 Spinner
- 12 Mickey Mouse Ear Tokens
- 30 Search Cards
- 1 Sand Timer
- 1 Game Rules Manual
Out of all the games sent to review, I have to say that one that is my daughters' favorite is the new Disney Sofia the First Magical Tea Party Game, which has a fun magical tea pot that makes the colors in each player's tea cup change when pretending to pour.

Ages: 3+
Number of Players: 2 to 4
Number of Players: 2 to 4
"It’s time for tea with Princess Sofia! As the magical teapot
blows on your tea, the color in your teacup changes! There are so many
pretty treats for tea time. When the color in your teacup changes, you
earn the treats on the plate of the matching color! Along the way, Sofia
and the Good Fairies reward you for your proper tea time manners!"
- Ideal first game for preschoolers
- Encourages imaginative play
Product Contents
- 1 Game Board
- 4 Place Settings
- 3 Fairy Headmistresses Plates
- 36 Treat Tiles
- 1 Puffer Teapot
- 4 Teacups
- 1 Game Rules Manual
At the start of the game, each player is given a place setting that consists of a cardboard place setting card and magic teacup. The assortment of tasty looking treats are piled into the center of the board game. Players take turns choosing a treat from the center pile. Based on what is on the bottom of the treat card, determines how a turn is taken.
When it comes time to use the teapot, simply give it a squeeze as you pretend to pour the tea. The air burst will make the piece on the top of the teacup spin. Kids will love seeing this "magic" teapot in action. :-)Through role playing, little ones will have fun pretending to be Princess Sofia and her friends, as they take turns trying to collect the most treat pieces. The one with the most treat cards is the winner.
I am so excited about this giveaway, as two readers will have a chance to win either the new Disney Doc McStuffins or Disney Jake and the Never Land Pirates games from Wonder Forge, to surprise their children/grandchildren with. Here is more about the two games up for grabs, thanks to the folks at Wonder Forge:
ACTIVE Indoor Fun For Preschool Pirates – Captain Hook has buried pirate booty all over Shipwreck Beach. Flip over the gold doubloons and use Jake’s spyglass to decode the secret clues. When you get a match, get up and go! Snag the correct treasure with the foam sword and hurry back to score! Great indoor active fun to take you through winter.
· Ages 3+
· $24.99
· Available exclusively at Walmart
Friendship is the Best Medicine – Make the boo boos go away! Each slap bracelet bandage is a different mystery ouchie. Take turns trying to figure out which doctor tool will make things all better in this fun game of pretending and playful problem-solving!
· Ages 3+
· $24.99
· Available exclusively at Walmart
So, how do you win one of these games? Simple...just complete the entries on the Rafflecopter form below to enter. The mandatory entry is -- which game would you choose if you won this giveaway -- either Jake or Doc. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I was sent samples from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine alone.
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