"No longer do you need to sustain a life of less. We know that feeling unsatisfied drives you to cheat on your diet, and cheating makes you feel guilty!"
Instead with Green Giant®, you can eat lots more vegetables and feel good about the GIANT difference it makes in managing your weight. Because for the same amount of calories, Green Giant® gives you more.
• More flavor: from steamed, crunchy, fresh veggies that are seasoned with delicious low fat sauces and spices
• More portion size: A Size that is actually bigger than you think
• 27 variety's under 100 calories
• More flavor: from steamed, crunchy, fresh veggies that are seasoned with delicious low fat sauces and spices
• More portion size: A Size that is actually bigger than you think
• 27 variety's under 100 calories
I have been sharing over the course of this year how one of my New Year's resolutions was to finally shed the excess baby weight I have been carrying around since both of my girls were born back in 2010 and 2011. You would think that with all the running around that I do, chasing after these toddlers, that I would be able to lose weight easily. But, being over 30 years old, my metabolism is not what it used to be, and if I indulge in say breads or other sweets, I will pay for it in the waistline. Oh, and don't get me started on trying to eliminate coffee from my diet. If I don't have my coffee in the AM, even if it is cold by the time I drink it, I can't function right. Also, if I skip coffee in the AM, I find myself falling off the diet wagon and picking on junk food or unhealthy snacks throughout the day, looking for a sugar boost.
If you are trying to lose weight, have you hit a wall when it comes to shedding the weight? For me, the first 20 pounds were easy to lose. It was like they melted off in the first few months, but since then, the remaining 15 pounds have been a struggle. One day I lose a pound, and then the next few days I sit at the same weight. Then, frustration sets in, and I snack on something I shouldn't, thus in turn putting that 1 pound back on. Ugg. I know they say dieting is not fun, and hard work -- but, come on, the year is almost up, and I was hoping to have reached my goal. I guess I need to enlist the help of workout coaches like the celebrities use to take out the baby weight pounds. They always seem to be back in their form fitting clothes within mere months of giving birth. But, I don't have the money they have to hire someone to work me to the bone hours a day, or go under the knife to tone the tummy area. So, I have to rely on exercise and eating healthy to achieve my weight loss goals.
On a recent trip to the market, I stumbled across Green Giant frozen vegetables in the freezer case. I knew they offered a selection of frozen vegetables, but I had no idea that they had 27 varieties under 100 calories. "Where have you been Green Giant these past few month?" I have found that by cutting out rice and potato side dishes from my diet and substituting fresh or frozen veggies, that I feel great and my diet plan is not comprised. And, as a plus, my girls are also getting to try different vegetables, and liking them! I love the convenience of the frozen vegetables, as they cook up quicker than most fresh vegetables, and are great for when you are running late and need to put a meal on the table. I don't have the luxury each week to go food shopping on a set date, so on those rare occasions when my shopping day hasn't come, I need to rely on foods in the pantry and freezer and a little creativity to come up with a wholesome and satisfying dinner the whole family will enjoy.
Just look at some of the varieties of Green Giant vegetables available in your local grocery store freezer case:
Only 40 calories per serving -- And, yes the carrots and sugar snap peas actually have a nice crunch to them.
To learn more about these and other Green Giant products, click here --
"You don’t have to cheat on your diet to enjoy a
hot, delicious, heaping bowl of vegetables. Let them catch you in the
act – without any of the guilt."

These are my favorite. :-)
I love how they add the Weight Watchers points on the front of box.
A Family Favorite -- Just enough butter to add a rich flavor the crisp corn kernels. Mmm!
Only 40 calories per serving -- And, yes the carrots and sugar snap peas actually have a nice crunch to them.
I love serving this as a side dish to a roasted chicken breast.
To learn more about these and other Green Giant products, click here --
Live the Giant
Difference – without the guilt

Start by downloading the LoseIt! app today, here -- http://loseit.com/, and earn a special Green Giant badge.

And, don't forget to check out SparkPeople to "find great tips and tricks for managing your weight." I bookmarked this page and continue to check it out, as they offer some great tips, and help me on my diet. With Thanksgiving around the corner, I will need all the support and tips and tricks available to help me from packing on the pounds with just one meal.
I am so excited because the folks at MyBlogSpark are letting me give away the same Green Giant prize pack I was sent to review, which includes the following:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by Green Giant® through MyBlogSpark.
- 5 Coupons for a FREE Box of Green Giant Frozen Boxed Vegetables (up to $2.25 each)
- 1 $10 Target Gift Card
- 1 Duffel Bag
- 1 Water Diffuser Bottle
- 1 Health & Fitness Journal
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: The information and prize pack have been provided by Green Giant® through MyBlogSpark.
I like the nibblet corn with butter