"Creation Source brings life to your everyday accessories and tools. Begin expressing yourself like never before possible!"
This has been a very memorable year thus far. Not only have the girls experiences new firsts like Arabella talking in full sentences at 15 months old, and Savannah getting ready for pre-school, but it also marks a personal milestone for me -- 5 years out of cancer treatment. Back in May, my oncologists finally said I was cancer free and in remission. With my rare form of cancer, they had to wait five years of having clean scans to say I was in remission. Five years is a long time coming, but as I look back on my cancer journey, one thing stands out...miracles do happen. Like the saying goes, "Everything happens for a reason." Maybe my cancer diagnosis was a wake up call to slow down and enjoy life more, instead of overworking myself. Maybe the Man upstairs needed someone in my family to go through cancer, and chose me because of my strength and determination. Who knows? But, what I do know is that when someone tells you that something isn't in your cards...don't give up. My doctors all told me that with the chemo and radiation treatments I would have to go through to battle my stage 2 cancer, that children would not be possible. I could have spent tens of thousands of dollars storing eggs for someone else care later on, which would not be possible financially. Also, because they weren't sure if the cancer spread, they had to start treatments right away, and there was no time for storing eggs, etc.
While I knew that my health and beating this cancer was my number one priority, I always thought about children, and hoped and prayed that the doctors were wrong. Come on, it took seven doctors and countless scans, test and then surgery to find my cancer...so, they could be wrong on this. After a year of ups and downs, hospitalizations, and tough treatments, I was finally able to return home from staying at my parents house during the entire treatment. It was so nice to be back in my own bed. As I slowly moved around the house days later, I stumbled across a box in the corner of the living room. I opened it to find a baby onesie. I sat there crying, remembering why this onesie was there in the first place. My husband had given it to me just days before I got the dreaded call telling me I had cancer. After 10 years of being together and me asking him countless times when he would be ready to start trying for a family, he finally was ready. This was his way of saying, let's make 2008 a great year. That night, we stayed up late talking about kids and how our lives would change for the better. We even started playing the baby name game. If we had a boy, we would call him Sebastian Alexander, and a girl would be Savannah Rose. Everything seemed perfect...until cancer turned my world and my family's upside down.
It took a full year out of treatment to finally start being normal again. At the end of 2008, I had the feeding tube in my stomach and port a cath in my shoulder area taken out. As I started to think about what was next -- look for a job (as I had to leave my past job to undergo daily treatments) or do something new. As I sat in our big empty house, I always found myself picking up this onesie. When my husband arrived home that night, we talked about trying in 6 months, and seeing what happened. We weren't expecting miracles, but two miracles are what we received...one in 2010 and another in 2011. Savannah Rose was born July 2010, and Arabella Sofia followed 15 months later. We were over the moon, and have been loving the journey of parenthood. I am now a stay-at-home mom, who gets to see her girls grow up. Everyday is a gift, and I don't take one minute for granted. And, when I can't be with my girls for a medical appointment or blogger work commitment, I always have the girls close to me, thanks to a custom right from Creation Source.
What is Creation Source you ask?

"Creation Source allows you to bring your dreams to reality. Now you can
use your own photos to personalize your life. Creation Source brings
life to your everyday accessories and tools. Begin expressing yourself
like never before possible!"
I hadn't heard about them, until I was contacted to review one of their customized picture rings. In order to have a picture ring made, I had to send along 8-10 photos of the girl over email. And, two weeks later, my customized ring arrived at my door. I couldn't help but tear up as I looked at the photos. Not only did it remind of the two miracles who have made my life complete, but also how fast they are growing up. I chose photos from different stages of their life so far...from welcoming them home from the hospital, to their first steps and more. Now, whenever I need a reminder of what is important in life, when I am feeling down or stressed, I can glance down at my finger and see my beautiful girls smiling back at me...and, everything is better. :-)
With the holidays right around the corner, why not surprise that special someone in your life with a custom ring from Creation Source. You can add photos of your pets, your grandchildren, favorite vacation spots, etc. Whatever memories you cherish and have photos of can be transformed into a unique custom ring for both men and women. And, whoever is given this unique gift will definitely treasure it for years to come. I love my Creation Source custom ring, and continue to get compliments from family, friends and even strangers, who see me wearing it. They all think it is a great idea, and start talking about the photos they would add to make their ring a treasured keepsake. What photos would you choose to include if you were able to make a photo ring for yourself. Or, who would you love to give this unique gift idea to? To learn more about Creation Source and the products available for customization, including Custom Apple computer Logos, click here now --
nothing like an item customized especially for you. Creation Source
allows you to carry the pictures you love with you all the time!"
Don't forget to follow Creation Source on Twitter for news and special offers.
Disclosure: This was a sponsored post by - http://TheBloggerConnection.com. I received a sample from the vendor in order to write up an honest review. The views shared are mine and mine alone.
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