
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Vote For My Southwestern Stuffed Burger...and You Could Win a $150 Stuffed Burger Prize Pack (10 winners) #Giveaway

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The other day, I shared my stuffed burger creation/recipe that I came up with using the Good Cook Stuffed Burger Kit I was sent to review and use as part of their Stuffed Burger Challenge (contest begins today, and runs for the next 2 weeks). 

Image for Southwestern Stuffed Burger w/ Black Beans and Pico de Gallo

I would love your support and vote for my Southern Stuffed Burgers for the Good Cook Stuffed Burger Challenge.  Each day you can vote for my recipe/stuffed burger up to 3 times.  And, each vote enters you into a fun giveaway, where you can win the same Stuffed Burger Kit I was sent to help with my burger creation.  This kit is valued at around $125.  

Just visit the this link and look for the "Southwestern Stuffed Burger" and cast your 3 votes daily.  And, please share with friends who love to cook, as this is truly a great prize pack.  I just used the cast iron grill to make grilled cheeses last night and they came out great.

Thank you for your support, and I hope you win!  You will love this Good Cook Stuffed Burger Kit!
